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Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery

Demilitarized zone (computing) In computer security, a DMZ or Demilitarized Zone (sometimes referred to as a perimeter network) is a physical or logical subnetwork that contains and exposes an organization's external-facing services to a larger and untrusted network, usually the Internet. The purpose of a DMZ is to add an additional layer of security to an organization's local area network (LAN); an external attacker only has direct access to equipment in the DMZ, rather than any other part of the network. The name is derived from the term "demilitarized zone", an area between nation states in which military operation is not permitted. In the military sense, a DMZ is not seen as belonging to either party bordering it.

Run 32-bit applications on x64 Windows servers The x64 version of Windows is not capable of natively running 32-bit code. Because most applications are 32-bit, the x64 version of Windows makes use of an emulator known as WOW64 to allow 32-bit applications to run. One of the problems with running 32-bit code on a 64-bit operating system is that the OS must maintain complete code separation. Microsoft has created a new folder named \Windows\SysWOW64 that is used to store the 32-bit DLLs. In the 32-bit version of Windows, DLL files are normally stored in the \windows\system32 folder. Crack Windows Passwords · Geek With Laptop Have you ever tried to log into a Windows computer for a few minutes and you finally realize that you forgot the password? There’s a way to crack the password and it doesn’t involve reformatting and reinstalling Windows. The solution is called @stake LC4 (formerly L0phtCrack), however since Symantec stopped development of L0phtcrack, I’m going to let you in on a program called LC5. Just like L0phtCrack, LC5 attacks your Windows machine with a combination of dictionary and brute force attacks.

spam faq Jamie, in a kind inimitable way, has informed me that some of the scumware sites are showing this page in popups. If you see this alt.spam FAQ in a popup please be assured that spyware / adware sites are doing this to try to discredit anti-spam / anti-spyware sites. See: Please see my section on removing spyware. Thanks, Ken Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2008 and 2003 Upgrading Microsoft Assessment and Planning ToolkitAssess your current IT infrastructure and determine the right Microsoft technologies for your IT needs. Guide for upgrading to Windows Server 2008This document contains information about upgrading to the Windows Server 2008 operating system including how to upgrade, supported scenarios, frequently asked questions, and known issues about the upgrade process. Guide for upgrading to Windows Server 2008 R2This document outlines supported and unsupported upgrade paths for Windows Server 2008 R2 SKUs.

XP Run Commands / Short Cuts :1 - The New Tech First to purchase will own this one of a kind asset 2,171 Customers shopping on HugeDomains right now! 73% of all domains registered on the Web are .coms. The reason is simple: .com is the where most of Web traffic happens. Securing Your Web Server Improving Web Application Security: Threats and Countermeasures J.D. Meier, Alex Mackman, Michael Dunner, Srinath Vasireddy, Ray Escamilla and Anandha Murukan Microsoft Corporation Published: June 2003 Last Revised: January 2006 How to obtain the latest service pack for Windows Server 2003 This article describes how to obtain Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Windows Server 2003 updates are distributed in service packs. Service packs help keep Windows Server 2003 current. Additionally, service packs extend and update the functionality of your computer. Service packs include updates, system administration tools, drivers, and additional components.

99 ways to make your computer blazingly fast Over the last several years working in IT for various companies as a Systems Administrator, a Network Administrator, and a Help Desk professional, I’ve written and learned about many ways to increase the performance of not only my PC, but also of the many PCs on my networks ranging from Windows 98 to Windows 10. In this article, I hope to compile a huge list of all the different methods and tricks that I’ve used to get the last bit of juice out of a slow PC. Whether you are using an old PC or the latest and greatest in hardware, you can still use some of these tips to make your PC run faster. Note that since I write two blogs, Help Desk Geek and Online Tech Tips, I have previously written about many performance tips already which I will link back to throughout. If I have not written about it, I’ve throw in a link to a relevant article from some of my other favorite sites.

Best Practices for Sysvol Maintenance The System Volume (Sysvol) is a shared directory that stores the server copy of the domain's public files that must be shared for common access and replication throughout a domain. The Sysvol folder on a domain controller contains the following items: Net Logon shares. These typically host logon scripts and policy objects for network client computers. User logon scripts for domains where the administrator uses Active Directory Users and Computers.Windows Group Policy. Symantec update killed biz PCs in three-way software prang - windows update error number 0x80190194 - any words - order by pertinence - page 8 - help Early adopters struggle with Windows 8.1 update < Microsoft's Windows 8.1 is upon us, launched at midday UK time today and boasting a raft of improvements, including something ... Message posted on the October 17th, 2013 - 12:58 pm ET

How to turn on automatic logon in Windows This article describes how to configure Windows to automate the logon process by storing your password and other pertinent information in the registry database. By using this feature, other users can start your computer and use the account that you establish to automatically log on. Important The autologon feature is provided as a convenience. Home Network Security This section provides a basic introduction to the technologies that underlie the Internet. It was written with the novice end-user in mind and is not intended to be a comprehensive survey of all Internet-based technologies. Subsections provide a short overview of each topic. This section is a basic primer on the relevant technologies. For those who desire a deeper understanding of the concepts covered here, we include links to additional information.

Updates to the Windows Server 2003 Support Tools are included in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 This article describes updates to the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Support Tools that are included in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). If you are a support person or a network administrator, you can use these support tools to manage networks and to troubleshoot network problems that you may experience. Windows Server 2003 SP2 includes updates for the following support tools: Acldiag.exeAdsiedit.mscBitsadmin.exeDcdiag.exeDfsutil.exeDnslint.exeDsacls.exeIadstools.dllKtpass.exeLdp.exeNetdiag.exeNetdom.exeNtfrsutl.exePortqry.exeRepadmin.exeReplmon.exeSetspn.exeThese support tools are not automatically installed when you install Windows Server 2003 SP2.
