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PSG Art tutorial

PSG Art tutorial

tutorial-2 : walk cycle | angry animator So, you want to follow along some of my Flash lessons?Get 7 days of free unlimited access to Follow that link and get 1 week of access, see how you like it. Most sane people have a fear of animating walk cycles. A walk cycle can be described by four distinct poses: CONTACT, RECOIL, PASSING and HIGH-POINT. These four poses and a handful of inbetween drawings constitute a walk cycle. Here is the contact pose in front and side view. Look at the pose carefully. Some animators think that the recoil and high points are the most important poses because the head is at its highest and lowest positions. When the right foot is forward, the right arm is back, and vice versa. I have drawn in imaginary cylinders to illustrate the orientation of the shoulders and hips. Another name for this is “Torque”. The body is very rarely symmetrical: indeed, symmetry can be your enemy. Now look at the recoil pose, the second main pose in the cycle. This is the frame where the character impacts the ground.

Understanding Lights in Maya - Part 3 - Area and Volume Light Understanding Lights in Maya - Part 3by Aziz Khan, Afghanistan Hi Guys and welcome to part 3 of (Understanding Lights In Maya), in this tutorial we will understand the Area Light and Volume Light. In previous parts we already covered Ambient, Directional, Spot and Point Light. Please read the Part 1 here and Part 2 Here. Ok let's started by creating a Area light in the scene. 1 - Select the Light, open Attributes editor, now activated Ray Trace Shadows 2 - Hit render and you should have something like in the image below, as you can see the shadows are too grainy and we will fix this issue next by increasing (Shadow Ray) and the (Ray Depth Limit)3 - Now in the light attributes increase (Shadow Ray) and the (Ray Depth Limit) according to your need, and then open (Render Settings) by going to (Window>>Rendering Editors>>Render Settings), Expand Raytracing tab and crank up the values as you see in the image Now you should see couple of different option like (Use Light Shape) and (Emit Photons)

Art Tutorials at Epilogue Muscle Tutorial thinger This came about after talking to a friend who said he wanted to improve at art but didn't know how to break out of his rut and try something different. I started drawing this as a "this is the easiest way to draw a relatively satisfactory cartoon head" thing and it just ballooned out from there. It doesn't cover proportions and stuff like that because there are a billion billion tutorials and anatomy books that can tell you "a person is so many heads tall, a head is so many eyes wide, ect". This has been up in my DA gallery for a while, but people have been asking for a printer-friendly version so I'm uploading the individual pages here.

Planet Tutorial by `dinyctis on deviantART How to Start as an Illustrator June 8th, 2010 How to Start as an Illustrator (originally published in 2005) So many people have written me asking for advice I decided to put this short list together. Some of these things may be stating the obvious but I wanted to start simply so that you don’t get too overwhelmed with an enormous load of things to do. Be gentle with yourself. 1. 2. 3. -read designer Bruce Mau’s Incomplete Manifesto I particularly like, “Don’t enter competitions, Just don’t do it, it’s not good for you.”

..., Palette/Color tutorial by neonnoodle How to make a videogame (with no experience) Everything you need is available to you, whether you have money to spend on your dream or not. So the rest is entirely up to you. Nobody else is going to make your game for you, so take a look through the links below and make a start. Like I say, I wanted to do it, so I did it. I won't say it isn't hard (sometimes it's horrible), but nothing can beat hearing someone say they bought a game you made and loved it. Just imagine that. Want to get started? GameMaker: Studio: Professional-grade 2D gamingUnity: 3D and 2D gaming with advanced capabilities.GameSalad: The program I use so I can personally vouch for it. Quest: Great little text adventure-making program that we used to make our Modern video games as text adventures version of Heavy Rain.Scrolling Game Development Kit: Basic platforming game template. Hope that helps get you started.

Gurney Journey SKIN: a tutorial - Part 1 by *navate on deviantART
