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Many people are searching to find ways to quit smoking cigarettes, but they aren’t sure how to go about doing it successfully. There are many different things to try to help you quit smoking. If you are looking for a way to quit smoking successfully, read this article for advice to help you. When you decide to quit smoking, make sure to add plenty of fresh fruit to your diet. Your body will likely undergo some chemical changes when you stop smoking, often including a lowered blood glucose level. Healthy fruits can help to raise your blood glucose level to normal levels, keeping you healthy while you’re working toward quitting.

drawthrough BLOG - DRAWTHROUGH: the personal and professional work of Scott Robertso Welcome DVDs Bio Thumb War - Design Iteration Combat Simulation THUMB WAR : Design Iteration Combat Simulation by Paul Richards Updated 07/04/09 Ten-hut, fellow concept grunts! The following text is a condensed adaptation of some recent workshops I've spoken at on the theory/practice of thumbnailing, and is not a verbatim transcript. Kemp Remillard Concept Art and d-sign Skip to Content Scroll Down!! CGW class Star Citizen PSG Art tutorial Foreword I believe there is logic behind why a picture works or not. I also believe that humans are meat machines, and that one day computers will be able to emulate humans and what we do.

george Hull - Krop Creative Database Congrats NB and the folks at Image Engine VFX- & Thanks for asking me to contribute! Take 1 sketches for the deportation hanger on Elysium based on NB notes. I roughed out a quick set and explored compositions. All deportation sketches were done in just one pass then given to VFX to evolve. Wish I'd had time to design +paint properly!

Paul Robertson -Artificial neural network- Remember to check my patreon for sketches and works in progress 🌟Celestial Core🌟 As usual you can see the sketches and works in progress of this on my patreon backer’s blog. Here’s something cool. Art of Francis Tsai » environment design space opera: Galactic Imperium Orbital Station N-128 A finalized design, finally. Well, probably still time for some tweakage. Wanted to get some of that 70s era, Joe Johnston/Nilo Rodis-Jamero practical model feel for some of these ships and outer space locations. The earlier concept sketch is at the bottom. "Light into the Dark" Contest by ^kuschelirmel on deviantART

Vision Afar - Illustration Illustration 2D 3D Low poly / High poly Jeudi 22 mai 4 22 /05 /Mai 01:04 Dimanche 27 avril 7 27 /04 /Avr 04:43 more quickies.... Mardi 22 avril 2 22 /04 /Avr 06:20
