Eatweeds Wild Food Forager’s Guide
Wild Sea Beet Salad May 7, 2013 Since Beltane (30th April-1st May) the plants have gone bonkers. I’m harvesting wild edible plants to pickle, ferment, cordial and some-such before they go over and past their prime. You gotta reap while Mama Gaia is giving forth her abundance. For this wild salad recipe, I kidnapped a young local girl and encouraged her to [...]
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The Health Benefits of Rose Hips
A Rose hip is the fruit of a rose. The wild dog rose is the type of rose most often cultivated for their hips. This plant grows up to ten feet tall and bears a white, very fragrant flower. Once the flower has bloomed, and all the petals have fallen off, the hip is picked and used in a wide variety of preparations.
How To Eat Wild Foods & Not Get Poisoned (How-To)
Let's play pretend for a moment. Are you with me? Let's pretend you can't go down to the supermarket for food to eat.
Edible and Medicinal Plants
The information on this page is presented in an older format. We have vastly expanded our edible plants information with far more information, and far more plants. You can find this information at our new site Abal Calligonum comosum Description: The abal is one of the few shrubby plants that exists in the shady deserts. This plant grows to about 1.2 meters, and its branches look like wisps from a broom.
Harvesting Herbs & Plants
This came from a talk by Gwen a little while ago. When the idea was raised to do a talk on herbs it seemed like a simple thing to cover but when I sat down to compile information it felt like sitting at the bottom of a very large mountain looking up into the mists. Herbalism is very in-depth and involved subject which takes years and years of study – people like Culpeper and Beyeri dedicated their lives to this wonderful and endless subject. It is my aim to do a basic introduction to the ways in which common cultivated and commonly found local wild herbs and plants can be used for healing, magical purposes and sometimes for a free tasty meal. I personally try to work with as many local plants as I can, ones grown in my own garden or gardens of friends and family or ones in the wonderful local countryside.
5 Invasive Plants You Can Eat
The logic of eating wild plants is obvious; the logic of eating invasive wild plants is even more so. Culling aggressive species that have a negative impact on native plants, while avoiding the environmental pitfalls of agriculture? And free, local and abundant? Yes, please. Invasive plants are non-native species that can thrive in areas beyond their natural range of dispersal. These plants are characteristically adaptable, aggressive, and have a high reproductive capacity.
Edible Plants and Flowers in Europe
Flowers Edible flowers are typically the most encountered type of edible plant in Europe. It is common knowledge that certain flowers, such as nasturtiums, sunflowers, jasmine flowers and honeysuckles are all edible. However, Europe is home to many other types of edible flowers. A wild example is the taraxacum flower, which is native to the continent and used for its edible seeds. The rose, also native to Europe, produces edible rose hips that are high in vitamin C.
15-Point Checklist: Create A Kick-Ass Google Plus Business Page
Sponsors When people talk about Google Plus, they always mean social SEO. Whether your business is small or big, you must not ignore the benefits of having Google Plus business page.
Non-Edible Poisonous Flowers Chart
Non-edible Poisonous Flowers This chart is a list of the most commonly-known poisonous plants and flowers to avoid while selecting edible flowers. It is not complete, so just because you do not see it listed here, do not assume it is safe to eat.
25 Tools Content Marketers Can’t Live Without
There’s no doubt that content marketing has grown in popularity over the last few years to become one of the web’s most important promotional strategies. And while I’ve always been a major proponent of this technique, it’s thrilling to see interest in this subject grow universally, as this surge in interest has led to the development of great new content marketing tools. When it comes to these tools, the following are 25 of my favorites. This list certainly isn’t comprehensive, but I hope it gives you the resources needed to take your content campaigns to the next level! Content Curation