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English Club English - English Immersion TV Why Yabla? Authentic English Our videos are 100% native speakers, speaking in real English. Subtitles All videos are subtitled and translated. Slow Play Click the slow button at any time to slow down the audio. Dictionaries Click any word to see a definition, and save to your flashcard list. Listening Game Test your skills with a fill in the blank listening game. Entertaining Content We have a wide variety of programming to keep you coming back for more. Control the Playback Navigate the video phrase by phrase. Flashcards The words that you don't know are automatically saved to a personalized word list so you can study them later. “My favorite thing about Yabla is the ability to pause, go back, go forward... — D.

SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides 70 useful sentences for academic writing Back in the late 90s, in the process of reading for my MA dissertation, I put together a collection of hundreds of sentence frames that I felt could help me with my academic writing later on. And they did. Immensely. After the course was over, I stacked my sentences away, but kept wondering if I could ever put them to good use and perhaps help other MA / PhD students. So here are 70 sentences extracted and adapted for from the original compilation, which ran for almost 10 pages. This list is organized around keywords. Before you start:1. Arguea. Claima. Data a. Debate a. Discussion a. Evidence a. Grounda. Issue a. Premisea. Researcha.This study draws on research conducted by ___.b. If you found this list useful, check out The Only Academic Phrasebook You’ll Ever Need, which contains 600 sentences, as well as grammar and vocabulary tips. untitled Microgrids: Coming or No? Microgrids: Coming or No? Elisa Wood May 09, 2013 | 4 Comments Print You know that experience, when you buy a new car, and suddenly you see the model everywhere? Policymakers and thought leaders in the U.S. These small, electricity islands have been around for a long time, but mostly confined to colleges and military bases. Microgrids are smaller versions of the larger grid, but the power plants are closer to the customer. I recently asked three respected smart grid experts for their views on a potential microgrid boom, and they gave me three different slants. “Truthfully, I think microgrid is a very good concept — it has certain applications — but not in general,” said GE’s John McDonald, director of technical strategy and policy development for GE Energy Management’s Digital Energy. He sees microgrid as successful in rural areas on military bases and at universities. Bradley Williams, vice president for industry strategy at Oracle Utilities, has a different view. 4 Comments Elisa Wood

Quotes and Famous Sayings - The Quotations Page Poetry 180: A Poem a Day for American High Schools (Poetry and Literature Center, Library of Congress) Welcome to Poetry 180. Poetry can and should be an important part of our daily lives. Poems can inspire and make us think about what it means to be a member of the human race. By just spending a few minutes reading a poem each day, new worlds can be revealed. Poetry 180 is designed to make it easy for students to hear or read a poem on each of the 180 days of the school year. Listening to poetry can encourage students and other learners to become members of the circle of readers for whom poetry is a vital source of pleasure. Billy Collins Former Poet Laureate of the United States Learn more about Billy Collins More Poet Laureate projects

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Thank you Felix for this link! by laurajoyce Dec 19
