Handy YouTube Tools for Teachers
Many districts are realizing the potential that YouTube learning can have in the classroom. There are lots of great videos and channels out there on 1000's of topics. I have put together a list of some of my favorite tools to use with YouTube. Some are for the creation end, while some are for the consumption end. Reaching out and asking questions are great ways to learn about the teaching... The qualities every connected educator in the teaching profession is likely to...
ALSong is a music player that provides real-time synchronized lyrics of the music playing. ALSong provides plenty of convenient additional features from playing music files in compressed archives to managing playlists, providing web radios and managing tags. Basic Functions
Iconion : Free Icon Maker
Animation Maker: How to Make Animated Cartoon - Freemake
How to Make a Cartoon Yourself: Top 7 Animated Video Makers Compared Video production is not an easy and cheap matter. A short video for your YouTube channel or website may cost several thousand dollars if you address to professional video studios. No doubt, there are free and low-cost alternatives which can be easily mastered by any web user. A self-made cartoon or an animated video is one of the options. Animated Video Makers: Pros & Cons
7 Great Tools for Creating Flipped Lessons from Existing Videos
When they are used in the right context flipped lessons can be a good complement to classroom instruction. Not everyone has the time or skill to make effective instructional videos for their students. In those cases you can take advantage of the millions of hours of instructional videos found on YouTube and other video sharing sites. But don't just have your students watch the videos then come back to your classroom. Have them answer some specific questions that you build into the instructional videos that you find online then share with your students. Seven great tools for creating flipped lessons from existing videos:
Downloading , Cutting or Editing Audio : Everything you need is here!
Blog de Cristina is also on Facebook. Follow me! It is the beginning of the school year and there are some tools that I need to make sure are working properly. You know how everything works on the Internet. Some sites close down, others that promised to be free are now charging you and some others are still there but they don’t seem to work anymore.
101 Amazing PC / Internet Tricks no one told you before
Below is a list of one of the best hidden 101 Computer tips and tricks to impress your friends which you have been unaware of so far in life. Here you go. You can search Google timer in Google for a timer with alarm
How to use ‘Green Screen’ / ‘Chroma Key’ tech to look inside the human body!
Our new class topic is called ‘iDoctor’ – in a nutshell: human biology with a STEAM focus. I decided to ask the children to use ‘Green Screen’ / ‘Chroma Key’ technology to look inside the human body! How do you do it? First, get to grips with using ‘Green Screen’ / ‘Chroma Key’ – it’s really easy. …the only difference is that, in this lesson, the background isn’t the ‘Green Screen’ – the t-shirt is. Next, download these images:
Ten of the best music apps for kids
From hammering saucepans to bellowing Justin Bieber in the bath, many children love to make a musical racket. Inevitably, there are apps for that too. A range of developers have been finding inventive ways for children to explore creative music-making – or the world of music more generally – on tablets and smartphones. Ten of the best examples for Android and iOS are below. Prices are correct at the time of writing, and if you tap or click on the platform names, you’ll be taken directly to their app store listings. Toca DanceiOS (£2.49)
elearn Magazine: The Move is On! From the Passive Multimedia Learner to the Engaged Co-creator
Despite the promise of great things, the actual integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education has led to dashed hopes and myth-making with regard to their potential for improving learner motivation and achievement [1, 2]. The integration of ICT in education has also led to a polarization among educators, creating "techno-enthusiasts" who boldly support the integration of educational technologies by default [3], and "technophobes" who oppose their integration on a variety of grounds, be they pedagogical, technological or resource-based [4]. Such a polarization usually stems from an overly techno-centric vision [5] that expects technology will automatically produce pedagogical benefits without taking into consideration all of the components in a given learning situation [6, 7] or learning activity [8].
How to Use Green Screen Effects on iPads
Making Movies Magical These days, very little comes out of Hollywood without special effects that have been added in post-production. Our favorite superhero movies, science fiction thrillers and fast-paced action movies just wouldn't be the same without them. However, these captivating video effects are no longer the preserve of video professionals. Technology has advanced quickly, and you can now replicate the very same effects to make photos and videos come to life on your iPad. Don't believe me?