- 13000+ FREE worksheets
English Language Centre Study Zone: Welcome!
About the Study Zone The Study Zone is for students of the English Language Centre (ELC) at the University of Victoria. ELC teachers create the English language lessons and practice exercises. The site is designed for our adult English language learners, but all are welcome to read the lessons and use the exercises. News and Feedback We occasionally post news on the Study Zone blog and we're happy to receive comments on the blog's Feedback Page.
Pinstamatic, create a Pinterest board
Places Add a map to your Pinterest board, and when someone clicks it they will be taken to the location in Google Maps. What a great way to show people where you are or where an event is taking place. This is an example of a HTML caption with a link. Stickies
Free Printable Math Worksheets
Math Games on-line, timed Basic Facts addition, subtraction and multiplication quizzes (Good for any grade - improve basic skills) Math Brain Teaser (Grade 3 and up) Mathematical Magic Trick (practice your 2 times tables and 5 times tables) Mathematical Magic Trick - Calculator (practice using a calculator)
New Teachers
So, new teachers, you've just graduated. You’ve spent years working, weeks anticipating and hours studying. You’re thrilled. You’re ready to take on the world. You’re prepared.
Twenty Tips for Managing Project-Based Learning
In honor of Edutopia's 20th anniversary, we're producing a series of Top 20 lists, from the practical to the sublime. 20 Tips for Managing Project-Based Learning 1. Use Social Media One of the best ways to document collaboration and engage students with technology is use social media platforms like Edmodo. Students can use it to share ideas, you as the teacher can use it to formatively assess where students are in terms of products and content knowledge, and it is a great way to have real evidence of collaboration.
Journaling Education blogger Vicki Davis writes 20 things she is thankful for in a joy journal, citing research studies indicating that this practice produces greater long-term happiness than winning the lottery—serious happy. Some of my students volunteered to write joy journals before each class this semester. After five minutes, I ask if anyone in the class wishes to share good news.
Open-mesh - WikiStart - Open Mesh
This page serves as development platform for a collection of tools to build free and open mesh networks. B.A.T.M.A.N. (better approach to mobile ad-hoc networking) is a routing protocol for multi-hop ad-hoc mesh networks. This is the main development website, we have source code, binary packages, documentation and further information available:
Elkonin Boxes: Phonics Worksheets
Though not originially intended for teaching spelling, Elkonin boxes can be used to practice spelling from a synthetic phonics point of view. The Elkonin boxes available here are modified somewhat to give children more room to write when they encounter a digraph such as /ee/ or /sh/. Moats (PDF File) recommends this technique for spelling:
Research based, yet fun and engaging, Headsprout's online software adapts to the needs of each learner. Headsprout offers Headsprout Early Reading for ages 4-7 and Reading Comprehension for ages 7+. Price: $99.95 Takes a non-reader to up a mid-2nd grade reading level in 80 episodes.
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Tech&Learning Magazine
March 31,2014 An independent study, published in theInternational Journal of Evaluation andResearch in Education and sponsored by theSchool Improvement Network, shows a directlink between professional development andgains in student achievement. More »