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Bougies Eternelles

Bougies Eternelles

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DIY Idea: Make Your Own Portable Outdoor Kitchen You may have seen all those beautiful outdoor kitchens with a fancy counter top and powerful grills and ovens. Well, everyone would want such a thing for their home, but usually they come at a price; a high price that is. Fortunately the DIY community doesn’t let you down and provides with a lot of projects to build an outdoor kitchen by yourself. Not all will be thrilled to build a structure of stone and bricks, and some might even say the cost to such an endeavor isn’t worth the trouble. For all these people, we have the perfect solution: DIY portable kitchen made out of wood. Much easier to build and as you can see from the photos, it has all of the options of a regular outdoor kitchen. More Pallet Board & Nursery Pot Planters Tree pots from a nursery are cheap. Pallet boards are FREE. Put them together to make pretty planters for your garden this season! Ugly black planter pot from our local nursery. Needs some help!

suspension pour plantes Nowadays most of the people recycle. It’s true that we need to correct our disposable culture and our Eco-nomically. Recycling is the most popular solution to our plastic pollution problem. Reuse plastic bottles and transform them into different solutions for your home. Before & After: A Cool Twist Beautiful, aren’t they? These wall-mounted succulent gardens exist because a.) I have an unquenchable desire to collect rusted industrial elements and b.) a friend named Vickie Perez. It’s because of the former that our deck is loaded with rusty ol’ bits and bobs from machines that stopped running ages ago … some so antiquated we’re not sure what function they served. And it’s through knowing Vickie that I was able to imagine these vintage rotary fan covers as planters. I first posted about Vickie’s amazing work turning old toys and other items into planters here, and reviewing that post inspired me to create the project.

DIY Paper Pyramid Gift Boxes How to Create a Family Heritage Christmas Tree Transformation of the old material – handmade bottle DIY Dog Food Station with Storage Diamond Fold Book Tutorial « Stamping and Stuff By Emily, on December 20th, 2006 Okay here it goes! I learned to make thesethis summer. I was helping out at a scrapbooking convention and got to sit in on a class that made them.

DIY Branch Shelf - The Home Depot Blog A truly great gift is one that makes the recipient’s life easier and is used on a daily basis. This DIY branch shelf can do both of those things, and look good while doing them. Follow along with our step-by-step tutorial to learn how to make this woodsy, minimalist coat rack for you OR someone on your Christmas gift list. Materials Needed Step 1: Measure, Mark & Cut Wood Measure, mark and cut 1-in. x 4-in. select pine using a circular saw. Organizér Organizadores - Blog Pitacos e Achados - Acesse: – – pitacose Organizér Organizadores – Blog Pitacos e Achados – Acesse: – – pitacoseachados is creative inspiration for us. Get more photo about diy home decor related with by looking at photos gallery at the bottom of this page.We are want to say thanks if you like to share this post to another people via your facebook, pinterest, google plus or twitter account. Right Click to save picture or tap and hold for seven second if you are using iphone or ipad.Full size is 736X552 (Link to full-size image) pixels.Source:

alisaburke: sun print tote Sun prints are typically created with special paper or fabric treated with cyanotype (a solution of potassium ferricyanide and ferric ammonium citrate that can be exposed to a UV light source to create a print). Kinda sounds complicated right? While you can buy paper or fabric treated with cyanotype, or even light sensitive paints and dyes, there is a much easier and cheaper way to create the same effect on fabric. If you have spent time playing around with surface design techniques, resists or using leaves on fabric, it is likely that you may have discovered that you can place objects onto a wet painted surface. Natural Dyes - All Natural Ways To Dye Fabric It’s January. Cold, windy, snowy and just plain miserable in many parts of the country. During the winter break from school, when I’m cooped up in the house for days on end, I like to have projects to work on.

Shibori Dyeing Tutorial (Photo Guide) - CLARA NARTEY UPDATED (Download links working now) I love hand dyeing fabrics and shibori dyeing is one of my favorites. As I watch the season changing, I realize that I haven’t taken advantage of the nice summer weather and very soon I may not be able to dye outdoors this year. And also my interview with Surface Design Artist, Carol Eaton, last week was so inspiring that I wanted to go dye. How To Upholster a Drop-In Seat From Scratch One day I’m sure I’ll attempt a proper BIG upholstery project. Ya know…an armchair, a settee, a sofa. I mean, really, with a piece of cheap second-hand furniture and some bargain fabric there’s really not too much to lose (possibly bar my sanity) though for now I find the idea kinda definitely daunting. Proper BIG upholstery projects require certain traits and skills; patience, sewing, the proficient use of scissors and possibly even some mathematics (gulp – none of my strong suits).

DIY Wood Burning: How To Tips & Project Patterns Plaid has this really cool craft tool ... called 2-n-1 Craft Tool! It's both a wood burning tool as well as a stencil burner all wrapped in one handy dandy package! When you say the words, "wood burning" or "pyrography" what often comes to mind is "man crafting" and burned wildlife such as eagles, bears, and wolves, or cabins, and landscapes on a log slice or simple board.

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