Can You Really Improve Your Emotional Intelligence? - Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Who wouldn’t want a higher level of emotional intelligence? Studies have shown that a high emotional quotient (or EQ) boosts career success, entrepreneurial potential, leadership talent, health, relationship satisfaction, humor, and happiness. It is also the best antidote to work stress and it matters in every job — because all jobs involve dealing with people, and people with higher EQ are more rewarding to deal with. Most coaching interventions try to enhance some aspect of EQ, usually under the name of social, interpersonal, or soft skills training.
What To Do About Amy Cuddy?
Oh dear, it seems we have a bit of a science mess. Unfortunately a frequent side-effect of scientific exploration means false starts, confusing findings and ambiguous take-aways. At the Science of People we try to cut through the BS. So, let’s do some slicing and dicing. I wanted to write a quick post for those of you who are body language junkies like me on our perspective.
How to turn small talk into smart conversation
Imagine almost any situation where two or more people are gathered—a wedding reception, a job interview, two off-duty cops hanging out in a Jacuzzi. What do these situations have in common? Almost all of them involve people trying to talk with each other.
Are We Being Ruled by Our Toddler Brains?
wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock Did you ever wonder why smart people make the same mistakes over and over? Or why you see so many stressed-out people acting like toddlers? Or why we seem to take target practice to get better at shooting ourselves in the foot?
Communication, Coordination and Cooperation Games
source: | 2000 Games, Ideas and more for Youth Workonly for private using What kind of communication occurs in a group? How do the group members coordinate and cooperate with each other? Who coordinates and who lets themselves be coordinated? How can good communication lead to a quicker goal? These games encourage working together, teach social skills and strengthen team spirit.
Richard Branson on Self-Awareness for Leadership Growth
Editor's Note: Entrepreneur Richard Branson regularly shares his business experience and advice with readers. Ask him a question and your query might be the inspiration for a future column. Q: What are the key personal characteristics that go hand-in-hand with business success? -- Titto Mbuvi All sorts of people find success as entrepreneurs, in every profession and area of life. What many have in common is that they're ready to try and fail while they are figuring out which of their ideas will work, and so perseverance and courage are an entrepreneur's best assets, as I've mentioned in previous columns.
Body Language Hacks: Be Confident and Reduce Stress in 2 Minutes
There is a simple strategy that you can use to reduce anxiety, improve your ability to deal with stress, and boost your confidence. The best part? It works immediately and only takes two minutes to do. Here’s the deal… Your Hormones and Your Confidence Recent research coming out of Harvard University, The University of Oregon, The University of Texas and many other places is revealing that powerful and effective leaders not only share similar mindsets, but also similar hormone levels.
20 Best Inspirational Speeches from the Movies
When inspiration does not come, I go for a walk, go to the movies, talk to a friend, let go… The muse is bound to return again, especially if I turn my back! ~Judy Collins People watch movies for a lot of different reasons. Some watch for escapism—to leave their everyday lives and experience the exotic, exciting lands that are in the movies they watch. Some watch movies to be thrilled or even scared, They watch action movies and horror movies to get the blood pumping.
8 Things Everybody Ought to Know About Concentrating
“Music helps me concentrate,” Mike said to me glancing briefly over his shoulder. Mike was in his room writing a paper for his U.S. History class.
Shaping Questions for Powerful Check-in and Check-out Processes
Check-in and check-out processes are not just frivolous time wasters in our meetings. If they feel that way, something is probably missing. Wicked questions help shape powerful processes. The shaping of questions in a thoughtful, purposeful and intentional manner increases the likelihood of them being powerful. This is the second post on powerful questions, the first one contained general thoughts about shaping powerful questions.
How to Use Eye Contact to Improve Your Business and Love Life
In our first post in this two-part series on eye contact, we discussed the importance of eye contact and some of the reasons we don’t always feel comfortable looking someone in the eye. But just because eye contact is a great thing and a vital tool for improving the quality of all your face-to-face interactions with others, doesn’t mean that more eye contact is always better or that all eye contact is created equal. You have to do it right—at the right time and in the right way.