Organizers Forms, Templates, Documents
The Organizers sub-category contains forms that can be useful when planning daily schedules or organizing personal information. These forms include Event Mailing Organizer, Address Book, and a Weekly Planner. Teacher’s Attendance and Roll BookThe Teacher’s Attendance and Roll Book is designed for keeping classroom attendance records on a monthly basis. Next Page »
If your family is anything like mine, your kids miss their daddy like CRAZY when he travels. My husband is on the road much more than he's home, so when he leaves for long trips... it helps the kids (and me) to count down and visualize how long we have left to go. Plus, it helps my kids stop asking me the redundant, "How many more days until daddy gets home" question. This printable is super easy... just download from the link below and print.
Home lists - Templates
<div class="cdOLblEmRed cdSearchResultsMargin">Warning: This site requires the use of scripts, which your browser does not currently allow. <a href=" how to enable scripts.</a><br/></div> All Products
Real Life Disney Princesses
It’s the childhood dream of many girls to become a Disney princess… and now photographer Ryan Astamendi is giving a few grown women the chance. His series of surprisingly accurate photographs puts models into pitch perfect costume, makeup and hair to create what looks like the movie screen come to life. As you will see in the photographs below, the models vary in their real-life likeness to the characters, proving that Astamendi is skillful at creating the look he desires.
Print-your-own game score sheets, recipes, how-to instructions, kids coloring pages & craft project patterns, stationery, calendars and schedules, board games, bookmarks, family tree & genealogy charts, sheet music and more! Get "Exclusive" Freebies that you won't find on this page ~ Get our free newsletter and get the newest freebies twice a week! (Before they get listed here ~ and Before they expire!) Many freebies expire, or the vendor simply runs out, very quickly. They don't even last long enough to get listed on this site... But you can get them anyway simply by signing up for our Free Daily Newsletter...
Organization labels your file folders, coupons, binders and more!
Organize your stuff with file folder labels, labels for coupons, binders and more. Downloads are free. Labels are in fillable editable PDF templates which you can print on your laser and inkjet printers. These organization labels are designed by Erin Rippy from InktreePress.
Ikea Science Fiction
by Susana Polo | 11:53 am, May 9th, 2011 I could make some joke here about how Ikea directions always make me feel like I’m expected to build something that’s bigger on the inside, but I actually have never had that much trouble following Ikea directions THERE I SAID IT. Seriously, if you’ve ever put together some Lego sets, you already have all the experience you need. No, the problem I always seem to have is with the furniture where you have to pick up extra parts that aren’t expressly mentioned all over the boxes of the parts you already have, and I find that I’ve left a vital element of a bed, like the bits that hold up the mattress, at the warehouse. And then I sleep on the couch.
Printable Box Template
Print out this free box template and make your own blocks or gift boxes. In most instances, you can right click on the image below and choose to save it or print it! Print it onto a full sheet of heavy paper, cut it out on the black lines, fold on the dotted lines, and then glue the flaps to the inside of the box so no one can see them. Do not glue the top flap if you want the box to be able to open and close. For best results, follow directions in this article for saving and printing this page.
Free printable labels
I've made up some free mailing labels featuring our friends the squirrels. (You might remember them from this ribbon.) To get the labels, click this link to the PDF file.
Barcode Yourself by Scott Blake
Barcode Yourself is a complete, interactive experience in the series of barcode art, created using the personalized data of participants. Enter an individual's gender, weight, height, age and location, and the barcode is formed using real-world data. The individualized barcode can then be printed, mapped, scanned, even depicted on a t-shirt or coffee mug. Uber-geeks can even test out their barcodes on their next grocery run.
My ParenTime's Printable Checklists Home & Household Checklists and Charts
Below you'll find all the checklists related to Home and Household. To make things easier, we have created separate pages for each of the categories below. This section contains both free and premium checklists. If you would like, you can also search for a checklist. Home & Household Checklist Categories
Honey We're Home: My Favorite Free Fonts
As you know, I have a thing for fonts and I don't like paying for them:) All the fonts I use on my blog I downloaded from the internet for FREE! Below are a list of my favorite fonts, and below that, where to find them. Go to the websites listed below, and search for the font you want to download.
How to negotiate better than 99% of people
In college, I had the opportunity to teach a “Student-Initiated Course,” or basically a course on whatever I wanted. So I got together with two of my friends and we put together a course on religious studies. Now, Stanford gave us incredible flexibility to teach essentially whatever we wanted…but the student instructors never got letter grades — it was always Pass/No Pass (everybody always passed), issued by the sponsoring professor.