Planè : Toute la domotique au meilleur prix...
19 Vintage Advertisements That Wouldn’t Make Today’s Cut
They say time heals all wounds, which is obviously apparent when you take a gander at some of these doozies from the past. Before anybody knew what a lawsuit was, these types of custom print advertisements were a part of many major company marketing platforms. Just be sure you don’t add them to your next brochure printing order. Can I also get you a foot-rub honey? Or maybe you would like me to pay off your credit cards, sports car and golfing membership for the next 20 years … Oh, please can I? Nothing like some words of encouragement…from a 2-year-old. This one is wrong on so many levels. You can’t buy this type of pride for 15 cents anymore. If vitamins did this, we’d all be walking around with Brad Pitts and Megan Foxes under our arm. 30 days? It wasn’t enough that movie actors and children had to get in on the fun of filtered cigarettes. Ah, stereotypes. What exactly were they going for with this expression anyway? …but obviously not the guy who forgot to bring his Cary Grant costume.
FastTrack Schedule 2013 - TopTenREVIEWS
FastTrack Schedule is project management software designed specifically to run on the Mac operating system. However, AEC Software also offers PC versions that are compatible with the Mac version. Recently, the company released a network version as well. The latest version has an improved interface that is designed to be familiar to Mac OS X users. Project Management Tools: Compare Clarizen Genius Project AtTask Project Insight Project Manager Daptiv Tenrox Celoxis LiquidPlanner EPM Live Click to Enlarge This Mac project management software supports formal project management methodologies as well as proprietary processes. Resource Management: FastTrack includes everything managers need to schedule resources, such as capacity planners, time-tracking tools, resource filters, scheduling tools and the ability to manage generic resources. Collaboration: FastTrack does not provide team-collaboration tools like many other Mac project management services do. Ease of Use: Integration & Professional Services:
Apple teste la domotique avec des ampoules connectées
Encore réservé à une certaine élite, mais de plus en plus accessible grâce aux technologies sans fil, la domotique est le nouveau secteur porteur sur lequel est en train de déplacer toute l'industrie électronique. Il ne manque qu'une étincelle pour que le marché devienne réellement grand public, et que domotiser sa maison devienne aussi tendance que de s'équiper d'un écran plat. A cet égard, Apple est très attendu. Ce n'est donc pas anecdotique d'apprendre dans Mashable qu'Apple va commercialiser dans ses Apple Store des ampoules connectées, réalisées par Philips. En l'espèce, il s'agit d'ampoules Hue, qui communiquent entre elles à l'aide d'un protocole sans-fil P2P ouvert, ZigBee, jusqu'à un routeur spécifique, lui-même connecté au routeur Wifi de la maison. Le kit de démarrage, comprenant 3 ampoules, est vendu 199 dollars.
Revue archéologique de l'Ouest
82 Clever and Creative Fred & Friends Products
I'm sure you've come across Fred & Friend products before at your local indie store and might not have even known it. Last weekend I was cruising around town and stopped at an indie store only to find one whole corner of the place dedicated to Fred & Friend products. It was heavenly. I stood there for probably more than a half hour laughing and checking out all their cool stuff. A lot of creativity goes into the making of these products, and I think part of that cleverness is shown in the name of the product and the slogan. It's really a hoot flipping through their catalog and I often find myself posing the question: "How in heavens name did they think of that?". Which one's your favorite? Disclaimer: the images you're about to view may not be suitable for all audiences. the OH! conversational paperclips the hot buttered desk accessory! there’s no esc for flies! bigger, better, louder, cooler who says dusting can’t be fun? we ALL need a foot in the door rude, chewed refrigerator magnets
iPad Pro: Wacom Shows Off New 24-Inch Multi Touch Cintiq Tablet
Like a giant iPad. Imagine you had a 24-inch iPad which could be propped up to any angle. Imagine further that this iPad can be hooked up to your Mac and used as an external display, and that the color gamut of that display shows 97% of the Adobe RGB space. Now add in a pressure-sensitive pen along with the multi-touch goodness. This is Wacom’s new 24HD. The 24HD is a new, giant multi touch version of the Cintiq. This will of course come at a price. One curious math fact: I couldn’t find a diagonal screen measurement on the site, just the horizontal and vertical dimensions (20.4 x 12.8 inches). √((20.4 ^2) x (12.8^2)) = 26.112 Any idea why? Source Wacom scribol
Fours à bois (céramique)
Four dragon (Japon). Un four à bois est un four utilisant, comme combustible, le bois et dans lequel les cendres végétales peuvent également, dans certains cas, être utilisées à des fins de glaçure. Les fours à bois ont été les premiers fours utilisés pour la cuisson des céramiques. C'est à eux que l'on doit la production en Chine et au Japon des très beaux céladons et autres céramiques de valeur. Bien qu'ils puissent atteindre des températures suffisantes pour produire de la porcelaine, ils exigent cependant une grande maîtrise dans le choix du bois de chauffe, la préparation, la conduite et la surveillance de la cuisson. Les types de fours Four à céramique de Sèvres. Il existe plusieurs types de fours à bois pour la céramique. Les modes de cuisson Les fours à bois peuvent être : La forme des fours Les fours les plus primitifs sont de type four semi-enterré avec un foyer et une chambre de cuisson séparés par une sole portée par un pilier central. Les principaux modèles Le four Anagama.
100 (Really) Creative Business Cards
Whichever business you’re in, and especially for anyone in the field of design, such as web designers, a business card can be as important as your website identity. A business card creates a physical connection and bond between you or your business and your customers. Just like in a website, business cards can become great interactive elements, but with the added ability to have real textures, different materials and shapes. In this article, we’ll take a look at 100 truly outstanding business card designs which show that there are truly no limits to the design of a business card. Which ones are your favorites?