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Miss minimalist

Miss minimalist
Two years ago, my family and I moved into a 3-bedroom, 1700-sq-ft house. It was a big change from the 390-sq-ft apartment we’d left behind in England—but just about the smallest home we could find within a short commute of my husband’s office. Several readers have asked me how our larger space has affected our furniture needs. In particular, inquiring minds want to know: do we have more, less, the same, or different stuff than we had before? The answer: a little bit more, but really just different. Our house has an open floor plan—the kitchen, living room, and dining room are all in one big space.

The Minimalist Guide to Saving Money Simplifying starts with tentative baby steps. Your first step is always the hardest. However, after you get started you’ll be off and running in no time. Dominique Loreau - Mot clef - Notre référence : Dominique Loreau a travaillé pendant des années pour aboutir à cette liste. Elle est dure à prendre en défaut et ses qualités apparaissent à l'épreuve du quotidien. Challenge : 30 jours vers le minimalisme, 2ème édition A l’approche d’un déménagement, quoi de mieux qu’un “petit” désencombrement… Une parfaite occasion de relancer mon challenge minimaliste sur 30 jours, du 1er au 30 juillet 2011. Rappel des règles : Que j’achète un vêtement, du maquillage ou autre, je devrai systématiquement me débarrasser de quelque chose (sauf si l’achat en question sert à remplacer un objet). De cette façon, je ne fais pas exploser le nombre de mes possessions, et le risque de me retrouver de nouveau submergée d’objets en tous genres diminue. Plutôt que de me débarrasser d’un tas de choses d’un coup, au risque de me séparer d’objets qui à la réflexion, me sont toujours utiles, je préfère procéder pas à pas. De cette façon, j’ai vraiment le temps de réfléchir à mon acte.

Debt Free & Fabulous If you agree to living a financially savvy life, regardless of past transgressions I invite you to become a Debt Free & Fabulous. Please submit your blog {or name if you’re not a blogger} and be added to our roster and add a badge to your sidebar so the world can know how awesome you are! Please note: Long term debt for medical bills, student loans, mortgages, etc. that are needed for survival or can be assets, don’t count for this pledge- we’re going to focus on eradicating consumer debt, impulse buys and mindless consumerism! Debt Free & Fabulous Ladies:RachelskirtsThrifty & FitShe’s Pretty FrugalI’m Pretty…4 Hats & FrugalRunning For DummiesEarning My Two CentsMy Lovely Little LifeLife After Laundry Leave No Debt Outstanding

The Minimalist Mom I haven’t forgotten my commitment to track how much comes in, and goes out, of my home this year. We have a running tally on our chalkboard (just a sticker chalkboard as we’re renting and I’m loath to put holes in the wall) of the new shoes that come in, old shoes that go out, the [...] Seven portable furniture units for compact urban apartments As space becomes more and more confined in modern times, it becomes necessary to make do with less crowding in for creating the required space. Portable storage units are ideal for home, office or business establishments without the added burden of bulky transportation. These portable units are becoming the rage as people are trying to cut down the clutter in their homes and office for greater space mobility. These portable units come in varying sizes ranging from a small table to semi trailers size. Depending on the space and need of an individual these have become essential commodities at varying price range.

getting started Welcome to Project 333. This page will tell you everything you need to know to get started. After living with only 33 items every 3 months for more than 3 years, I can say that with confidence. Want more evidence that living with less is easier than you think? Ask them! about Be more with less is about simplifying your life and really living. Here, you can learn how to create a life with more savings and less no debt, more health and less stress, more time and less stuff, and more joy with less obligation You will find tips and ideas to simplify your life and learn to live with less to enjoy more and be more. You can read this for more details about the topics I’ll write about and visit this page to see interviews with me, guest posts and other media coverage. You might be wondering why I am the right person to cover this subject. The #1 reason is that I have made all the mistakes.

My Minimalist Clothing List by Matthew - March 10th, 2010.Filed under: Minimalist Experiment, Personal. Hello fellow adventurer, glad to have you stop by! You may want to subscribe to my RSS feed so you can follow along. Thanks for visiting! Get Rid of Half of Your Stuff I had to double, and then triple, check this, but apparently I've never written a post on minimalism before. Then again, I live in an RV smaller than your walk-in closet, so I don't suppose this post will come as a surprise to anyone. Still, it's probably worth writing a few paragraphs about it for anyone who is considering paring down, but has some lingering objections to it.