Hot Potatoes - Logiciel pour créer des évaluations et activités

News - 2020-04-16 A minor update to Hot Potatoes (version has been released. This removes references to the HTML non-breaking-space entity which is no longer defined in HTML5. Agnès Simonet has released new versions of her excellent Hot Potatoes add-ons, along with those originally written by Michael Rottmeier, for version 7 of Hot Potatoes. You can find them at Potatoes 7 was first released in 2019. You should be able to install and use it alongside version 6.3 if you would like to keep using both versions. What is Hot Potatoes? The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Downloads Download Hot Potatoes for Windows from here: Hot Potatoes 7.0 installer (Hot Potatoes version for Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 as well as Linux under Wine). The older version is also available for download.
Related: Gamification et (inter)activités
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Kahoot! Alternatives and Similar Games
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Get ready to fill the world around you with GIFs & stickers in glorious AR powered 3D! GIPHY World is an augmented reality app that lets you communicate in AR. Just add a few GIFs around you and share. You can record a video of your creation to post on the web or even better, share a link to your scene for your friends to explore!