TEXT - Teaching problem solving: Let students get ‘stuck’ and ‘unstuck’ (8 mins) In the real world, students encounter problems that are complex, not well defined, and lack a clear solution and approach.
They need to be able to identify and apply different strategies to solve these problems. However, problem solving skills do not necessarily develop naturally; they need to be explicitly taught in a way that can be transferred across multiple settings and contexts. Here’s what Kate Mills, who taught 4th grade for 10 years at Knollwood School in New Jersey and is now a Literacy Interventionist at Red Bank Primary School, has to say about creating a classroom culture of problem solvers: Helping my students grow to be people who will be successful outside of the classroom is equally as important as teaching the curriculum. TEXT - The Critical 21st Century Skills Every Student Needs and Why (12 mins) Preparing a child for the world that doesn’t yet exist is not an easy task for any teacher.
Step back and look at that picture from a broad perspective. What are the critical 21st century skills every student needs to survive and succeed in our world? What abilities and traits will serve them in a time that’s changing and developing so rapidly? No pupil in the history of education is like today’s modern learner. TEXT - The learning myth: Why I'll never tell my son he's smart (6 mins) TEXT-Why Struggle Is Essential for the Brain — and Our Lives (5 mins) As parents and teachers, we do just about everything we can to make sure that children don’t struggle.
It turns out we are making a terrible mistake. Research shows that struggling is absolutely critical to mastery and that the highest achieving people in the world are those who have struggled the most. The more I communicate this message to parents and teachers the more stories I hear of complete personal transformation. TEXT-Integrating How-To Videos to Empower Student Learning (6 mins) As adults, we often rely on people with practical knowledge to model procedures for certain tasks we intend to do on our own.
This is why we sometimes turn to YouTube for guidance whenever we need to change a tire, assemble furniture, or roast a turkey. You may have even used video as a support for some of your professional development initiatives. VIDEO-LearnStorm Growth Mindset: Dave Paunesku on teacher modeling of growth mindset (3 mins 15 secs) VIDEO-Productive Struggle: 5 studies (9 mins 10 secs) TEXT & VIDEO - Making The Shift from Student Engagement to Student Empowerment - John Spencer (22 mins) TEXT & VIDEO - Social Emotional Learning: What to Know (14 mins) Have you heard the term social-emotional learning, or SEL?
Maybe SEL is something your district has decided to make a priority. Or maybe SEL is a skill set that you’ve been hearing a lot about in professional development. Understood - For learning and thinking differences (6 mins) When your child faces challenges, you advocate.
You talk with teachers, family members, and others about your child’s needs. And you help your child get support in and out of school. Self-advocacy is a skill that enables kids to understand their strengths and weaknesses, know what they need to succeed, and communicate that to other people. Self-advocacy can be broken down into a few key elements: Understanding specific needs. TEXT - Embedding SEL in HS Classrooms rev 10 30 17 (60 mins) TEXT - Set Up a Student-Empowered Classroom (Opinion) (5 mins) Stations are set up around the room.
Technology in some places, crafts in others. One corner by the bookshelf is adorned with throw pillows or beanbag chairs and there are tables all over the room instead of rows of desks. TEXT - Learning styles: a holistic approach (15 mins) TEXT - Personal Development (7 mins) VIDEO - Learning Styles Theory VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) (3 mins 6 secs) VIDEO - Learning Styles & Multiple Intelligences: Theory Integration (6 mins 38 secs) VIDEO - What Learning Style Are You? And Why It Doesn't Matter! (6 mins 49 secs) TEXT - A Classroom Full of Risk Takers (9 mins) I asked my other son the same question and got an equally troubling answer. He never had to take a risk because his classes were too easy. That raised a new question: Do I make my classes challenging enough so students have to take risks? TEXT - Encouraging Risk Taking in the Classroom (5 mins) Teaching is a risk-taking activity.
Spending your career shaping the next generation is not a safe proposition. Some students will fail, some will break your heart, and some will be so good you wish they could stay in your class forever. VIDEO - How to Model a Risk Taking Mindset (2 mins 7 secs) VIDEO - Creativity in Education (21st Century Education) (8 mins 28 secs)