BlackBerry: The Most Important Mobile Company of the Future? | Tech Buzz | TechNewsWorld. Cybersecurity | Mobile Tech | IT Management | Cloud ServicesTo compete in today’s business world you need to make the most of the available technologies. ALL EC has the resources you need to help make informed buying decisions. Keep your business moving forward. Visit ALL EC today. If you are like many, when you saw this headline you likely were surprised BlackBerry was still around. As BlackBerry phones left the market, the company fell out of sight. As we move into an era when our smartphones become our key to everything, and when the machines around us are highly connected, mobile, and increasingly have our lives in their hands, the security of these things has become a critical weakness.
Looking at autonomous cars alone, if a hostile agency were able to gain control over a critical mass of them, the potential for loss of life on a national scale could make any other man-made or natural disaster look trivial by comparison. The Critical Nature of Smartphone Security BlackBerry vs. Why I Hate Touch Screens | Sascha Segan. "If Apple does it, it must be right. " That's the refrain of lemming-like mobile companies, all desperately trying to follow the iPhone's touch-screen lead. The touch-screen fad isn't just in mobile, of course; as you read here on often, it seems that everyone is thinking of throwing away their keyboards and mice for big glass panels that go bump in the night. Huge mistake.
The problem isn't touch screens; touch screens have existed for years. It's the pernicious idea that touch-screen-only interfaces will gobble up all other input devices. It's painful to watch folks at Microsoft's mobile division throw away all their non-touch-screen devices and obsessively chase the iPhone, for instance. We experience the world with at least six senses. The missing senses also play a role in why "live meetings" don't feel alive and "teleconferencing" doesn't feel like attending a conference.
And so we get to touch screens. When you press a button on an iPhone, you feel nothing. BALLAST | L’ubérisation de l'auto-stop. Texte inédit pour le site de Ballast L’expression « ubérisation de la société » est dans toute les bouches et le nouveau président va jusqu’à parler de « start-up nation » lorsqu’il évoque la France. Mais sortons des sentiers battus de la francophonie pour nous aventurer, ici, dans les grands espaces américains : l’auto-stop se transforme sous les coups de boutoir de la maximisation du profit et de la recherche des nouveaux marchés. Ubérisation contre culture hippie. Marchandisation contre partage gratuit. ☰ Par Sirius Epron Aux États-Unis, l’auto-stop est criminalisé socio-économiquement et annoncé comme une pratique dépassée, tout en se transformant en un service de transport — afin de fonder de nouveaux marchés sur les ruines d’une culture hippie. Criminalisation et marchandisation de l’auto-stop « L’auto-stop subit une criminalisation institutionnalisée, causée par trois facteurs principaux d’ordre culturel, économique et social. » Dusica Paripovic / Getty Images.
L'élection présidentielle arrivant, il est temps que la fin de la récréation soit sifflée. Jean-Luc Mélenchon a rebattu les cartes du vote populaire | Marianne. « Les médias ne sont plus que très accessoirement des facteurs de l’utilité publique » – un entretien avec Alain Accardo - VICE. L'invisible, vainqueur de la présidentielle. C’est donc un soupir de soulagement. La candidate du Front national n’est pas élue.
Cette défaite annonce des lendemains tumultueux au sein du parti d’extrême-droite. On ne pleurera pas sur son sort, mais gardons l’oeil ouvert, la leader appelle les «patriotes» à joindre «une nouvelle force politique» contre les «mondialistes». Macron, «le banquier», le grand vainqueur. Une victoire écrasante à première vue. À LIRE ÉGALEMENT >>>> Présidentielle, le fil des événements Sur les 20 millions de voix pour Macron, 43% disent avoir voté pour lui en premier lieu pour faire barrage à Marine Le Pen. Au-delà du refus, il y a aussi une volonté croissante de construire, sans compter sur le politique. Il viendra hanter aussi les grands partis, de gauche comme de droite qui auront peine à se reconstruire après la violence des résultats du premier tour.
Refus du système, refus d’un néolibéralisme, refus de l’extrême-droite, refus «de jouer le jeu». Bien malin celui ou celle qui peut prédire la suite. Americans overwhelmingly support Bernie Sanders’ economic policies — so how’d we end up here? During a CNN town hall held by Sen. Bernie Sanders last Monday, the Vermont senator and progressive icon tried to drive home a point that he has frequently made in the past: There is widespread support for most of the economic policies that he ran on, even if they were often portrayed as radical and divisive by the media.
“The overwhelming majority of the American people — including many people who voted for Mr. Trump — support the ideas that we’re talking about,” insisted Sanders. “On many economic issues you would be surprised at how many Americans hold the same views. Very few people believe what the Republican leadership believes now: tax breaks for billionaires and cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.”
Public polling tends to support his claim. A Gallup survey from last May, for example, revealed that a majority of Americans (58 percent) support the idea of replacing the Affordable Care Act with a federally funded health care system (including four in 10 Republicans!) Donald Trump annonce un changement de doctrine face à l'Europe. Le président élu des Etats-Unis Donald Trump s'est longtemps désintéressé de l'Europe. Il commence, à quelques jours de son investiture le 20 janvier, à se pencher sur la question du Vieux continent.
Dans une interview accordée aux quotidiens allemand Bild Zeitung et britannique The Times ce lundi 16 janvier, il a donné quelques éléments de sa vision européenne. Et le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est qu'elle est désormais radicalement nouvelle. Changement radical de doctrine Pendant des décennies, les Etats-Unis ont vu dans l'Union européenne un élément clé de leur politique étrangère. Cette vision s'ancrait dans une autre : celle d'une politique étrangère étasunienne fondée sur des zones d'influence qui pouvaient rencontrer des rivaux. Tout ceci semble donc appartenir au passé. Economisme américanocentré Donald Trump a, comme les Républicains de jadis, une vision purement économique du monde qu'il voit comme un immense champ d'opportunités et de risques. L'opportunisme comme seule ligne. Trump’s Crony Cabinet May Look Strong, but They Are Scared.
Let’s zoom out and recognize what is happening in Washington right now. The people who already possess an absolutely obscene share of the planet’s wealth, and whose share grows greater year after year—at last count, eight men own as much as half the world—are determined to grab still more. The key figures populating Trump’s cabinet are not only ultra-rich—they are individuals who made their money knowingly causing harm to the most vulnerable people on this planet, and to the planet itself. It appears to be some sort of job requirement. There’s junk-banker Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s pick for Treasury secretary, whose lawless “foreclosure machine” kicked tens of thousands of people out of their homes. And from junk mortgages to junk food, there’s Trump’s pick for labor secretary, Andrew Puzder. And moving from junk food to junk science, there is Trump’s pick for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Stolen homes. But the popular backlash was mounting. So what do we do about it?
Why This Is Not Trump's Watergate | by Andrew Cohen. The thirty-one-page federal indictment of the former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates on charges of money-laundering, conspiracy, bank fraud, and false statements tells us that we have reached the end of the beginning of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the Trump team’s ties to Russia. The unsealing of the charges early Monday morning—fifty-one weeks after Donald Trump was elected president and just a few hours after he again tweeted his disgust with the investigation—means we are leaving the ungainly phase where virtually all of the news we get about the investigation comes to us from unnamed sources, all of whom are trying to spin the story this way and that. We are entering instead the phase where we all will be able to read, see, and hear at least some specific, detailed allegations of criminal misconduct. Defense lawyers will emerge as tribunes for their client.
And this fascinating story, whose end is unknowable, will lurch on. "Les Chinois sont désormais les maîtres de l'Arctique" The Canada experiment: is this the world's first 'postnational' country? | Charles Foran | World news. As 2017 begins, Canada may be the last immigrant nation left standing. Our government believes in the value of immigration, as does the majority of the population. We took in an estimated 300,000 newcomers in 2016, including 48,000 refugees, and we want them to become citizens; around 85% of permanent residents eventually do. Recently there have been concerns about bringing in single Arab men, but otherwise Canada welcomes people from all faiths and corners. The greater Toronto area is now the most diverse city on the planet, with half its residents born outside the country; Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa and Montreal aren’t far behind. Annual immigration accounts for roughly 1% of the country’s current population of 36 million.
Canada has been over-praised lately for, in effect, going about our business as usual. Compared to such hard stances, Canada’s almost cheerful commitment to inclusion might at first appear almost naive. To Canadians, in contrast, the remark was unexceptional. Non-white people can be racist. | tomowolade. This is Goldsmiths university’s student union welfare and diversity officer, Bahar Mustafa, explaining why she can’t be racist: I, an ethnic minority woman, cannot be racist or sexist to white men because racism and sexism describe structures of privilege based on race and gender. Therefore, women of colour and minority genders cannot be racist or sexist, since we do not stand to benefit from such a system. For our actions to have been deemed racist or sexist, the current system would have been that enabled only women and people of colour to benefit economically or socially on such a large scale and to the systematic exclusion of white men, who for the past 400 years would have had to be subjected to colonisation.
To be racist is to be powerful. Racism is racial prejudice married with power. This conception of racism is myopic because power is crudely defined as being white; to be white is to be powerful and therefore to be racist is to be white. Like this: Like Loading... 8 Signs Your Yoga Practice Is Culturally Appropriated – And Why It Matters - Everyday Feminism. Who should be the next president of the United States, and why? - Quora. Faut-il absolument fermer Option nationale? À moins d’une surprise, les congressistes d’Option nationale décideront en fin de semaine de dissoudre leur parti, comme le leur suggère Québec solidaire, qui invite les onistes à militer désormais en son sein.
Dans ce qui reste des forces vives d’Option nationale, les gens se sentant interpellés par le nouveau porte-parole solidaire, le talentueux Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, et par le parti réformé qu’il leur fait entrevoir sont plus nombreux que ceux qui leur font face, et ils ont comme alliés des milliers de membres de QS heureux de soutenir une démarche qui, pensent-ils, ne peut que bien servir leur parti. En outre, les hautes instances et la direction d’ON sont favorables à la dissolution, une conférence de presse commune des leaders de QS et d’ON a déjà eu lieu et les règles choisies par Option nationale pour trancher la question favorisent au maximum le noyautage du congrès.
Une culture enracinée.