The Neo-Generalist. An Anglo-Danish co-production.
Cooler Than A Cubicle: The Clipper, a Cockpit Style Worstation. ShedworkingAlex at Shedworking reminds us of the Clipper CS1, a sort of office shed for CAD workers of the early nineties.
The normal office environment didn't work very well for CAD monitors because of all the reflections in the screens, so Canadian designer Douglas Ball and Jeff Sokalski developed the CS1. I wanted one. It was designed to resemble an airplane cockpit with everything in reach of the user, Sokalski says: The seat, back and foot rests all adjust to allow for an exact custom fit to a wide range of body sizes. There is a break incorporated into the seat that allows the user to position themselves perfectly in relation to the computer monitor. Ahead of the curve: The future of performance management. What happens after companies jettison traditional year-end evaluations?
The worst-kept secret in companies has long been the fact that the yearly ritual of evaluating (and sometimes rating and ranking) the performance of employees epitomizes the absurdities of corporate life. Managers and staff alike too often view performance management as time consuming, excessively subjective, demotivating, and ultimately unhelpful. Preparing our Workforce for an Uncertain Future.
Les pratiques managériales les plus innovantes du monde. Audace, inventivité, souplesse, authenticité...
Tout le monde s'accorde à dire que nos entreprises doivent se réinventer pour se différencier. Les pratiques managériales les plus innovantes du monde. The Right Way to Hold People Accountable. John* was doing his best to be calm, but his frustration was palpable.
Jeanine was explaining that there was little chance her group was going to make the numbers for this quarter. “Honestly?” She said. “The numbers weren’t realistic to begin with. WEF & BCG: Students lack skills needed in 21st century. Today’s students lack much-needed 21st century skills, research by BCG and WEF shows.
Students not only need to possess foundational skills, including languages and math, they are also expected to be adept at certain competencies, such as problem solving, and character skills, such as leadership. According to the researchers, education technologies can help close the skills gap. To deliver on the potential of these technologies, collaborations between stakeholders will prove essential. 489: Disrupt Your Career, and Yourself by HBR IdeaCast.
Steve Jobs speaks out - On his management style (7) - FORTUNE. Présentation Expérience. 18 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence. Written by: Travis Bradberry, Author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 “Emotional intelligence is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible.
It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions to achieve positive results.” When emotional intelligence (EQ) first appeared to the masses, it served as the missing link in a peculiar finding: people with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70 per cent of the time.
This anomaly threw a massive wrench into the broadly held assumption that IQ was the sole source of success. Stop Using Employee Friendships to Measure Engagement. Here’s a question that has been touted by human resources consultants and practitioners for the better part of two decades as an important way to measure employee engagement: “Do you have a best friend at work?”
While a principal of the polling organization Gallup, I prominently defended and helped popularize the concept. But, over the past half-decade, I’ve grown increasingly skeptical about the utility of “best friend” metrics. Le Bonheur au travail. Explicit cookie consent. THE predictions sounded like promises: in the future, working hours would be short and vacations long.
Les pratiques managériales les plus innovantes du Monde. .
Developing talent for large IT projects. Large IT-driven transformation programs are important for creating business value in all industries. However, our research, conducted in collaboration with the University of Oxford, shows that 71 percent of large IT projects face cost overruns, and 33 percent of projects are around 50 percent over budget. On average, large IT projects deliver 56 percent less value than predicted. Boosting the capabilities of IT leaders is critical for improving the outcome of these efforts. In a 2013 McKinsey global survey, executives were asked about levers for improving IT performance. Thirty-five percent of respondents said improving the overall level of talent and capabilities of IT staff was one of the most important initiatives, and 20 percent identified replacing IT management as another key lever.
The responses reflect the challenge of attracting, developing, and retaining the right IT talent at a time when building a digital enterprise has become a priority for most companies. Exhibit. Le gadget du vendredi : le punching ball de bureau. Why I Tell My Employees to Bring Their Kids to Work - Sabrina Parsons. La zone de confort expliquée en stop motion. Dominer son hamster.
Certains ont un hamster plus gros que d'autres. D'autres arrivent à le maîtriser plus ou moins. Mais peu importe sa taille, il finit toujours sinon par nous gâcher la vie, du moins par nous irriter drôlement, soir et matin. Recruteurs, 9 changements pour 2014. Changer simplement La guerre des talents serait déclarée.
RH 2.0 : Le digital au service du capital humain - Evenements RH. Le web et les médias sociaux ont profondément transformé la fonction RH. Au-delà d'une simple présence sur les nouveaux canaux de recrutement, les employeurs ont dû adapter leur approche et leur discours aux pratiques du web social. Mais ces nouveaux canaux constituent autant d'opportunités de valoriser les métiers et de renouveler le dialogue avec les futures recrues. Ils incitent également les managers à intégrer les pratiques collaboratives et repenser la gestion des talents pour développer le capital humain au sein de l'entreprise.
Lean Leader et Manager. Les leçons du Leader et Manager Lean Pourquoi le leadership est-il un sujet si important lors du déploiement du Lean? Le Lean n’est pas quelque chose qui s’invente.Le Lean change notre façon de penser, parler, voir, agir et réagir.Le changement est une véritable combat pour les collaborateurs, et tout combat a besoin de Leader. Les 5 Comportements Type du Leader Lean Il y a 5 comportements qu’un leader doit montrer lors d’un déploiement de projet Lean : Situational leadership theory. The situational leadership theory,is a leadership theory developed by Paul Hersey, professor and author of the book Situational Leader, and Ken Blanchard, leadership guru and author of The One Minute Manager, while working on the first edition of Management of Organizational Behavior (now in its 10th edition).[1] The theory was first introduced as "Life Cycle Theory of Leadership".[2] During the mid-1970s, "Life Cycle Theory of Leadership" was renamed "Situational Leadership theory".[3] In the late 1970s/early 1980s, the authors both developed their own models using the situational leadership theory; Hersey - Situational Leadership Model and Blanchard et al.
Situational Leadership II Model.[4] Entreprendre 2.0 et RH 2.0 - Stratégie, Management général et Développement international.