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Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management. The role of web content management in an exploding marketing technology landscape. Scott Brinker recently published the third version of his incredibly useful Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic plotting 947 vendors in 43 categories across six classes in a single infographic (pictured below).

The role of web content management in an exploding marketing technology landscape

Scott, who blogs at, has been an influential thinker (if not the influential thinker) and writer on the rise of technology in marketing. Beyond what has to be one of the most tedious copy and paste jobs ever completed, Scott has organized an invaluable resource for anyone responsible for making heads or tails of this fast moving space. While there are many takeaways, I’d like to focus on observations most relevant to the role of web content management. Web content management as a marketing backbone It’s easy to get distracted by the gaggle of logos, but in my opinion the structure of the model is the most meaningful part.

Notably, the role of web content management is included as a “marketing backbone platform” which I love as a distinct category. IDC analyst sizes up the content management applications market. The content management applications market is having trouble growing up.

IDC analyst sizes up the content management applications market

On one side, it’s made up of large, mature software vendors with highly robust offerings that account for nearly half of the market’s total revenue. But the other half consists of hundreds of scrappy, smaller and less mature vendors that offer highly specialized services. Adding to the confusion is the reality that the seemingly endless varieties of content management applications often lead to major interoperability problems between systems. got on the phone recently with Melissa Webster – the program vice president for content and digital media technologies at International Data Corp., a Framingham, Mass.

Webster talked about how the content management software market has changed over the years; the integration challenges facing many content management software users today; and the emergence of applications that combine content management with business process management (BPM). Global Web Content Management Systems Market Size and Share 2012-2016: Industry Analysis, Growth, Trends and Forecast Research Report Available Online. Albany, NY (PRWEB) September 26, 2013 Researchmoz presents this most up-to-date research on Global Web Content Management Systems Market 2012-2016.

Global Web Content Management Systems Market Size and Share 2012-2016: Industry Analysis, Growth, Trends and Forecast Research Report Available Online

The report focuses primarily on quantitative market metrics in order to characterize the growth and evolution of the Web Content Management Systems Market. Global Web Content Management Systems market 2012-2016 to grow at a CAGR of 12.87 percent over the period 2012-2016. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the increasing demand from small and medium-sized enterprises.

The market has also been witnessing the emergence of SaaS-based web content management systems. Browse full report with TOC @ WordPress - Chiffres et statistiques du CMS WordPress résumés en infographie. Polynet > E-business > [Infographie] L’emprise de WordPress sur le marché mondial des CMS [Infographie] L’emprise de WordPress sur le marché mondial des CMS Née entre 2003 et 2004 aux Etats-Unis, la solution Open Source WordPress n’a pas tardé à séduire les éditeurs de contenus en ligne grâce à ses fonctionnalités à la fois intuitives et puissantes.

WordPress - Chiffres et statistiques du CMS WordPress résumés en infographie

Initialement conçue par Matthew Mullenweg pour satisfaire les besoins des bloggueurs, elle est aujourd’hui utilisée non plus seulement pour l’administration des blogs mais plus globalement pour la création et la gestion de tout type de sites. Légère, stable, fonctionnelle et nativement “SEO-friendly”, elle a su convaincre les développeurs qui en ont fait un CMS incontournable. A tel point que Joomla! Plus populaire que jamais, WordPress a officialisé il y a peu sa version 3.4. Structures de normalisation. Thématique Assurer l’interface entre les travaux français et internationaux de normalisation dans le domaine de l'information et de la documentation et constituer une force de proposition pour l’ISO TC 46 dont la France assure la Présidence depuis 2001, notamment dans le domaine du code RDA (Resource Description and Access) et du Records Management Secteur d’application Bibliothèques, centres de documentation et d'information, services d'indexation et d'analyse, archives, monde de l'édition, organismes culturels tels que les musées, et les entreprises dans leur gestion des documents d'activité Aspect couverts La commission de normalisation CN 46, miroir du comité international TC 46, est en charge des travaux généraux du domaine Information et documentation, et pilote les commissions de normalisation suivantes : CN 46-2 : ......Codes pays CN 46-4 : ......Interopérabilité technique.

Structures de normalisation