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JavaScript Kit Advanced JavaScript Tutorials

JavaScript Kit Advanced JavaScript Tutorials
Main > JavaScript Tutorials Latest Tutorials Introduction to Touch events in JavaScript Preloading images and executing code only after all images have loaded Setting CSS3 properties using JavaScript Going beyond cookies- Using DOM sessionStorage and localStorage to persist larger amounts of info Using document.createElement() to test for browser support for an element The onmousewheel event of JavaScript Handling runtime errors in JavaScript using try/catch/finally The try/catch/finally statement of JavaScript lets you dip your toes into error prune territory and "reroute" when a runtime error has occurred. Dynamically loading an external JavaScript or CSS file External JavaScript or CSS files do not always have to be synchronously loaded as part of the page, but dynamically as well. JavaScript and memory leaks If you're not careful, your JavaScript code may leak memory and sometimes even bring the visitor's browser to its knees.

Java script tutorial for the total non-programmer New from Webteacher Software and partners, GoogleMapBuilder.comAn easy interface to turn any spreadsheet into a Google Map Webteacher Software now offers Welcome To JavaScript for the Total Non-Programmer

Online JavaScript Courses & Tutorials Argument A variable that represents a value passed into a function or method. Arithmetic Operator Native HTML5 Drag and Drop Introduction For years, we've been using libraries like JQuery and Dojo to simplify complex UI elements like animations, rounded corners, and drag and drop. There's no doubt, eye-candy is important for making rich, immersive experiences on the web.

Intro Javascript--what the heck is it? Is it a really difficult programming language that casual web designers should be afraid of? What is it used for? Hopefully we'll be able to answer these questions for you and more in this tutorial JavaScript has been around for several years now, in many different flavors. Javascript Tutorial In this lesson, we'll learn about the core functionality of the JavaScript language. Lesson Goals To work with the HTML DOM.To follow JavaScript syntax rules.To write JavaScript inline.To write JavaScript in script blocks.To create and link to external JavaScript files.To work with JavaScript objects, methods, and properties.To reference HTML elements with JavaScript.To use event handlers. In this course, we refer to the language we are learning as JavaScript, which is what it is usually called. However, JavaScript was invented by Netscape Communications and is now owned by Oracle Corporation.

JavaScript Developer Center Yahoo! Language centers have been deprecated. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us in General Discussion at YDN forum. JavaScript Guide - MDC Doc Center The JavaScript Guide shows you how to use JavaScript and gives an overview of the language. If you need exhaustive information about a language feature, have a look at the JavaScript reference. This Guide is divided into the following chapters. Introduction Grammar and types Control flow and error handling

Java script tutorial for the total non-programmer New from Webteacher Software and partners, GoogleMapBuilder.comAn easy interface to turn any spreadsheet into a Google Map Webteacher Software now offers Welcome To JavaScript for the Total Non-Programmer This tutorial will take you step by step through the fundamentals of Javascript.

JavaScript JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as Node.js, Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat. JavaScript is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm, dynamic language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and declarative (e.g. functional programming) styles.

How to Create A Simple Web-based Chat Application In this tutorial we will be creating a simple web-based chat application with PHP and jQuery. This sort of utility would be perfect for a live support system for your website. The chat application we will be building today will be quite simple. It will include a login and logout system, AJAX-style features, and will also offer support for multiple users. We will start this tutorial by creating our first file called index.php. We start our html with the usual DOCTYPE, html, head, and body tags.

Advanced JavaScript Tutorial JavaScript is Netscape's cross-platform, object-based scripting language for client and server applications. It has dominated the world of internet scripting languages for a long time now. Uses of JavaScript JavaScript’s Apply, Call, and Bind Methods are Essential for JavaScript Professionals Prerequisite: — Understand JavaScript’s “this” With Ease, and Master It. — JavaScript Objects — Understand JavaScript Closures (This is an intermediate to advanced topic) Duration: About 40 minutes. Functions are objects in JavaScript, as you should know by now, if you have read any of the prerequisite articles. And as objects, functions have methods, including the powerful Apply, Call, and Bind methods.

Object Oriented JavaScript Class for Developers - sohguanh: Recently, due to the need to learn AJAX coding, I discovered that JavaScript has changed a lot in the last few years--and the different kinds of syntax used to create objects in JavaScript can be mind-boggling! I come from a C, C++, Visual Basic, Java, Perl and PHP background, and have recently moved on to JavaScript. My knowledge of JavaScript is from the late 90's era where it was used for simple scripting purposes. Object Oriented JavaScript: The Questions

The Best Way to Learn JavaScript Learning something new is scary. For me, the biggest issue with picking up a new skill is that I don’t know what I don’t know. Given that, it’s often useful to find a plan for learning whatever you’re interested in. That’s what this post is: your blueprint, your roadmap, your plan of action for learning JavaScript! You don’t have to worry about finding the best resources, sorting out the bad ones, and figuring out what to learn next. It’s all here.
