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#Education : comment impliquer et former les jeunes grâce à l’innovation ? Bien que priorité gouvernementale, le décrochage scolaire est encore prégnant dans l’Hexagone. La faute à des orientations approximatives, à une surcharge de travail ou encore à un ennui que l’on peut naturellement ressentir face à des cours parfois trop académiques. En effet, selon la dernière note du ministère de l’éducation nationale, 31 % des étudiants inscrits en L1 renoncent à leurs études dès cette première année et 80 000 d’entre eux quittent l’école sans diplôme. Mais, comment sortir de cette impasse ? Il existe moultes solutions pour relancer le système éducatif, et l’innovation d’un point de vue technologique est un levier de taille, tant pour dépoussiérer les méthodes d’enseignement que pour former les nouvelles générations aux métiers de demain.

Encourager l’interaction et la créativité en classe « Il faut échouer pour réussir ». Accompagner les nouvelles générations sur un marché du travail de plus en plus exigeant. 10 Bizarre Schools From Around The Country. 20 Most Useful Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys That You Would Actually Use. “I saw a bank that said ’24 Hour Banking’, but I don’t have that much time”. – Steven Wright (comedian) Being a part-time writer and a full-time dad, I am very concerned with my productivity.

I want to get my writing assignments done well and fast so I can enjoy more time with my wife and daughter. Now I’m sure that not all of you reading this have families to raise and all, but I’m guessing two things: 1. All of you want to improve your productivity and efficiency at work (otherwise you won’t be reading this blog). 2. Most of you use Microsoft Word pretty frequently in your day-to-day work.

So, assuming those assumptions are correct, I’d like to help you improve your productivity by sharing 20 of the most useful Microsoft Word shortcut keys. What’s the relation between productivity and shortcut keys you say? A lot! 20 Things Educators Need To Know About Digital Literacy Skills. Widely understood to be essential to success in the workplace and modern life, digital literacy is beginning to emerge as a necessary component of curricula across the globe. As current undergraduates have never known a life without the internet, it’s only natural that universities should nurture their familiarity with technology, encouraging its use in teaching and learning. Instructors should also be prepared to offer guidance on what students aren’t as familiar with–turning their technical skills into skills for lifelong learning and employability. But where does one begin? Teaching digital literacy is about more than just integrating technology into lesson plans; it’s about using technology to understand and enhance modern communication, to locate oneself in digital space, to manage knowledge and experience in the Age of Information.

Digital literacy isn’t about knowing computers inside and out; it’s about using technology to change the way you think. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2012 Apprendre avec les technologies numériques : quels effets identifiés chez les adultes ? Notes Il s’agit notamment de méta-analyses récentes qui montrent que l’avantage du e-learning est indécidable (Fenouillet & Dero, 2006), ou que, s’il existe, il n’est pas dû aux outils eux-mêmes, mais à l’ensemble du dispositif (Means et al., 2009). Le site recense 200 articles faisant état d’études comparatives menées par des chercheurs depuis 1928 entre dispositifs utilisant/n’utilisant pas des technologies depuis le cours par correspondance jusqu’à internet, en passant par la radio, la télévision, etc. 138 d’entre eux font état d’absence de différence significative.

Marcel Lebrun (2011) tire de ce constat la conclusion que les raisons des différences constatées, lorsqu’il y en a, sont systémiques, et ne peuvent être attribuées à la technologie seule. Terme que j’adopte à la suite d’André Giordan (1998) pour désigner le processus, parce qu’il me paraît moins ambigu que le terme « apprentissage », celui-ci ayant aujourd’hui des sens multiples.

2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning. 24 Best Ways To Improve Your Small Business Productivity - Solopreneur Diaries. 44 Ways to Become an Authority in Your Niche | WHSR. Want to become an authority in your blog’s niche? Becoming an authority not only establishes your reputation and expertise, but it is a surefire way to earn a living and monetize your blog.

How? The Benefits of Being an Authority There is no better way to build your reputation as an influencer than becoming an authority. Reason # 1: Trust Consumers purchase from bloggers they trust, even if they don’t know them. Reason # 2: Authority Authority figures are invited to podcasts and online TV shows. Reason # 3: Earn an Advance Bloggers and ebook writers are offered publishing house contracts. Reason # 4: Get Free TV Time Local TV shows invite experts in various topics to speak. Reason # 5: Speaking Fees Bloggers with authority can easily pitch to speak at a conference, especially if you have connections. 44 Ways to Become an Authority in Your Niche How do you become an authority? Be everywhere. Use these 44 ways to build authority in your niche and you can become a more profitable blogger. 44 Ways to Become an Authority in Your Niche | WHSR. 5 Best Social Media Scheduling Tools to Save Time - Creativisocial.

5 Best Social Media Scheduling Tools to Save Time - Creativisocial. 5 Best Social Media Scheduling Tools to Save Time - Creativisocial. 5 Best Social Media Scheduling Tools to Save Time - Creativisocial. 5. Enjeux du numérique — Enseigner avec le numérique. «L'être et l'écran» «Le philosophe Dominique Lecourt analyse les bouleversements apportés par la révolution du numérique dans notre rapport à l’apprentissage et dans nos relations aux autres. » La Croix, le 24/09/2013 Apprend-on mieux sur un support papier ou sur un écran ? « Différentes études seraient plutôt en faveur du papier, mais la différence est faible [...]

Un chercheur français (André Tricot, université de Toulouse) affirme, lui, que la lecture sur un écran est plus complexe car il faut en permanence réfléchir à une action : cliquer ou non sur un lien, déclencher le déroulement du texte ou passer à la page suivante. Cela affecterait la mémorisation. » Futura Sciences, le 22/03/2013 Les enseignants plébiscitent le manuel numérique 90% des enseignants interrogés dans le cadre d’un sondage de Savoir livre estiment que le manuel numérique leur permet de mobiliser l’attention de toute la classe. Livre hebdo, 27 mai 2010. Café pédagogique, 18 avril 2010 Fourgous, Jean-Michel. 75 Must Know Productivity Tips - Best Infographics.

9 fiches pratiques pour développer des activités pédagogiques avec smartphones et tablettes. 9 fiches pratiques pour exploiter les équipements mobiles dans des dispositifs pédagogiques d’apprentissage, c’est ce que propose le portail Eduscol du Ministère de l’Education Nationale. Les enseignants, animateurs multimédia en EPN pourront y trouver des conseils et sources d’inspiration pour mettre en place des activités spécifiques avec des smartphones et des tablettes à destination de jeunes de 8 à 15 ans. Fiches pratiques usages mobile : Mode d’emploi Ces 9 fiches usages s’appuient sur des projets réalisés dans des établissements scolaires. Elles sont accompagnées d’une vidéo explicative, d’un fichier PDF téléchargeable et d’éléments point par point sur : Les apports pédagogiques,Les références aux programmes,Les compétences numériques en jeu,Les conditions de mise en oeuvre,Les transpositions dans d’autres disciplines ou d’autres domaines.

Connaissances et compétences explorées par les fiches usages Les fiches sont organisées à partir des entrées suivantes : 9 Ways to Supercharge Your Email Click-Through Rates. You already know by now that high email open rates are useless if click-through rates (CTRs) are low. You need people to click the links in your email to end up on your website. Click-through rates are a much better indicator of email engagement and success than only open rates for that reason. But the average email CTR is 4.19% — across all industries. Which means around 4 recipients click your links for every 100 opened emails. Image Source Always test these on your own and analyze the results, because tactics tend to be situational.

Click-through Rate Strategy #1: Increase The Number of Links In each of your own emails, exactly how many links should you be using? To answer that question, Elizabeth Yin of Launch Bit once ran a test on 2 email types: 1- and 2-link emails. From her findings, 2-link emails generate almost twice as many clicks than 1-link emails: And get this: most of the recipients of her 2-link emails clicked link #2. Image Source This, however, isn’t a one size fits all rule. A Child is Forced to Test: Where is Mainstream “Liberal” Media?

A Child is Forced to Test: Where is Mainstream “Liberal” Media? Posted on April 18, 2012 by admin At United Opt Out National, we encourage opting out of high stakes testing because we support public schools. We support real learning and real teaching and a whole and equitable education for all children. High stakes testing is not just any test – it is a test used to punish students, teachers, schools and communities. It is a test that profits billionaires and neglects children – denying students real learning. It is a test that is being used to privatize public education. We wonder – where is mainstream “liberal” media? And answer this question regarding educational neglect. From: Christine Dougherty [] Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2012 10:38 AM To: Thomas M. Please be advised that my son Joseph Dougherty will not be taking the New York State assessments on April 17-19 and April 25-27. I am requesting that Joseph be given an alternative real learning opportunity option.

Accompagnement personnalisé. Ressources pour l'accompagnement personnalisé Pour accompagner la mise en oeuvre de l'accompagnement personnalisé, éduscol propose dans ce dossier un ensemble de ressources (fiches, modules, vidéos...) produites par le ministère ou les académies. Une réponse diversifiée aux besoins des élèves L'accompagnement personnalisé est intégré à l'horaire des élèves. Il se déroule sur 72 heures annuelles, soit 2 heures par semaine en moyenne. C'est un temps d'enseignement distinct des heures de cours traditionnelles. Les équipes pédagogiques proposent ses modalités d'organisation au conseil pédagogique, puis le chef d'établissement les soumet à l'approbation du conseil d'administration. Il inclut plusieurs activités : un soutien aux élèves qui rencontrent des difficultés ;un approfondissement des connaissances ou une autre approche des disciplines étudiées ;une aide à l'orientation, qui s'appuie sur le parcours de découverte des métiers et des formations.

L'accompagnement personnalisé à chaque niveau. Accompagnement personnalisé - Interviews sur l'accompagnement personnalisé. Accompagnement personnalisé - Présentation du dispositif accompagnement personnalisé. Accueil du portail - Cahier de textes numérique, une obligation à la rentrée 2011. La généralisation du cahier de textes numérique Le cahier de textes numérique s'est généralisé dans tous les établissements à la rentrée 2011. "L'utilisation du cahier de textes numérique au lieu du cahier de textes papier devra être effective à la rentrée 2011 dans tous les établissements" a rappelé par la circulaire de préparation de la rentrée 2011. La circulaire n° 2010-136, publiée au bulletin officiel du 9 septembre 2010 et remplaçant celle de 1961, précise les conditions d'utilisation du cahier de textes numérique.

Le dossier "témoignages d'usages" propose de nombreux exemples qui montrent que cet outil améliore facilement les relations entre un enseignant et ses élèves. Deux FAQ (Foire Aux Questions) sont également proposées dont l'une est plus particulièrement destinée aux enseignants. Les établissements ont-il la possibilité de déployer un cahier de textes numérique ? Le cahier de textes numérique, les chefs d’établissements et les corps d’inspection Circulaire de mai 1961 (R.M. Achievement First Endeavor Middle School. With a little paint and some bold typography, a school designed to change the life of its students has undergone a transformation of its own. For the Achievement First Endeavor Middle School, a charter school for grades 5 through 8 in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, Paula Scher has created a program of environmental graphics that help the school interiors become a vibrant space for learning.

The project was completed in collaboration with Rogers Marvel Architects, who designed the school as a refurbishment and expansion of an existing building. Achievement First is a network of public charter schools in Brooklyn and Connecticut. With the support of the Robin Hood Foundation, Achievement First seeks to provide students in urban areas with an education that will put them on the path to college. The graphics can be seen through windows in the school facade. Graphics in one of the school hallways. The environmental graphics were inspired by Achievement First stickers of motivational slogans.

Addressing Poverty in Schools. Cantor is a psychiatrist who specializes in childhood trauma. After 9/11, her organization, the Children’s Mental Health Alliance, was asked by New York City’s Department of Education to assess the impact of the attack on the city’s public school children. What she found were plenty of traumatized children — but less because of the terrorist attack than because of the simple fact that so many of them were growing up in poverty.

“If children are under stress, the ways they respond are remarkably similar,” she says. “They get sad, distracted, aggressive, and tune out.” That is what she saw in the high-poverty schools she visited. Chaos reigned. The traditional therapist’s response, of course, is to recommend therapy for traumatized children. Part of the reason this work strikes me as so important is the obvious: there are an immense number of children growing up in poverty — one out of three in New York City alone. I have space to give only the barest outline of how it works. AI and Creativity – O’Reilly. The release of GPT-3 has reinvigorated a discussion of creativity and artificial intelligence.

That’s a good discussion to have, primarily because it forces us to think carefully about what we mean when we use words like “creativity” and “art.” As I’ve argued in the past, each time we have this discussion, we end up raising the bar. Each time an AI system does something that looks “intelligent” or creative, we end up deciding that’s not what intelligence really is. And that’s a good thing. AI is likely to teach us more about what intelligence and creativity are not than about what they are. I’m not terribly interested in whether AI can imitate human creativity. What’s really important is the transition between different forms of creativity. Great artists (and yes, I’m presuming a lot with the word “great”) frequently work by defining themselves against what came before.

For AI-generated art–where does that sense of “different” come from? Alternative Education Resource Organization | AERO | Learner-Centered Education. Amelia Marzec: Education and Activism in Alternative Schools. In an Occupy-saturated New York, there's a push for education by the people for the people that calls for new structures of collaboration and new uses of resources. But two organizations, The Public School and Trade School, were in play well before the first tent ever popped up in Liberty Square. Designed by artists and organized without curriculums, classes range from philosophy and time travel to mushroom hunting and stilt walking. They won't be churning out bridge-building engineers, but illustrate a dream of collective education.

Both schools have similar structures. My first class was "The Technology of Dissent" at The Public School New York. I had prepared some research, but was told that I'd have to be ready to have the class taken out of my hands by enthusiastic participants or organizers. Which brings us to the point of The Public School: anyone can teach, or be on the committee. Little did I know I should have set the bar lower. Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Online. Apprendre à apprendre avec Franck Ramus, conférence en direct sur EduSpot. Are You Living in a Computer Simulation? Article Les Echos Soutien scolaire numérique. Athene's Theory of Everything. BIB 33859. Brain Study | Learning about the brain, body and how it all connects.

Brest - Saint-Pierre - Fontaine-Margot. Le député au collège. Cahier de liaison wallon 2012 2013. Cahier de texte. Carnet de liaison. Ces étudiants révisent leur cours d'histoire sur TikTok. Charities & Trusts. Charles Leadbeater: Education innovation in the slums. Chicago's teachers could strike a blow for organised labour globally | Richard Seymour. CITE Journal Article. College Degree, No Class Time Required. Collège - introduction. Collège - La certification des compétences numériques. Comprendre le cerveau (Rapport OCDE 2007) Comprendre le cerveau des lycéens - Mathieu Cassotti.

Comprendre le cerveau des lycéens - Mathieu Cassotti. Comprendre vraiment ce que les neurosciences ont à dire. Continuité pédagogique et enseignement professionnel : état des lieux. Corriger des copies numériques. Creating forms that convert: Six common mistakes to avoid. De la continuité pédagogique à la continuité des apprentissages. Deborah Meier Homepage. Decision theory. Deschooling. Deux outils pour scénariser son enseignement – CIEL. Diane Ravitch Website. Différenciation et numérique. E-learning, les 5 alertes de Meirieu. Education - Education,online degree, distance education, distance learning, degree online, online education. Education - Education,online degree, distance education, distance learning, degree online, online education. Education could be awesome.

Education et numérique : quels enjeux pour demain. Education reform. Education Revolution | Alternative Education Resource Organization. Education: Keep it in the family. Elizabeth Weil’s case against emotional regulation: Schools are making kids conformist and boring. En résumé. Enseignement à distance : quelques conseils. Enseignement à distance : quelques points de vigilance. Enseigner à distance, ça ne s'improvise pas ! Enstitute, an Alternative to College for a Digital Elite.

EVALuENT 2016 : Une évaluation des usages des ENT dans le second degré. Every Teenager a Michelangelo: Can Studio Schools Prepare and Engage Adolescent Minds? | Exempt Organizations Forms and Instructions. Explorations of the Mind: Intuition. Fiches pédagogiques : exemples d'usages dans les disciplines du second degré. Form 990 Resources and Tools for Exempt Organizations. Franck Lepage - [ Inculture 2 ] - Comprendre le dysfonctionnement de " l'Éducation nationale ". FREE Unique Article Creator Online. Fédération des Délégués Départementaux de l'Education Nationale. Gary Stager. Gary Stager - Power of Robotics in Education. Guider les élèves dans les ressources numériques : pas de compétences innées. Hole-in-the-Wall.

Hotmail - societyofthedivine - Windows Live. How I Would Unschool My Kids Altucher Confidential. How New Orleans Did Not Get Turned Around. How the world's best performing school systems come out on top | Social Sector Office. How to Repurpose Videos Into Many Forms of Valuable Content : Social Media Examiner. How to Repurpose Videos Into Many Forms of Valuable Content : Social Media Examiner.

How Your Brain Works". HyperPhysics. HyperPhysics Concepts. HyperPhysics Search Utility. Impact des TICE en EPS. Impacts du numérique sur l'apprentissage.