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Mrdoob/three.js three.js JavaScript 3D library The aim of the project is to create a lightweight 3D library with a very low level of complexity — in other words, for dummies. The library provides <canvas>, <svg>, CSS3D and WebGL renderers. Examples — Documentation — Migrating — Help

13 Chart and Graph plotting javascript plugins There are more and more Javascript chart and graph plotting solutions are being released and available for free online. I work on a complicated graph for a website before, we used highchart as the solution, during that time, there isn't a lot of plugins to choose from, but now, we can easily find many very capable charting libraries. Personally, the rise of this kind of plugins are due to: Flash used to be the best solution, but everyone is moving on from there.Modern browsers and powerful computing make it possible to render live data easily.Maturity of different technologies in drawing vector: VML, SVG and Canvas.

holmes.css - CSS Markup Detective What does it do? The holmes.css file will display either an error (red outline), a warning (yellow outline), or a deprecated style (dark grey outline) for flags such as: Missing required attributes on tags, such as name attributes on inputs (lots of these) Potentially improvable markup, such as links with href="#" Deprecated and Non-W3C Elements - see's article on obselete tags Non-W3C Attributes - as above, just the most important ones since there are MANY Thanks to Anthony Mann, holmes now displays an informative error message when you hover over the element.

Three.js - examples Three.js Examples The goal of this collection is to provide a set of basic and instructive examples that introduce the various features in Three.js. The source code for each page contains detailed comments. HTML5 Presentation In March 1936, an unusual confluence of forces occurred in Santa Clara County. A long cold winter delayed the blossoming of the millions of cherry, apricot, peach, and prune plum trees covering hundreds of square miles of the Valley floor. Then, unlike many years, the rains that followed were light and too early to knock the blossoms from their branches. Instead, by the billions, they all burst open at once.

» The Complete Illustrated One Page Bulletproof Diet (Upgraded Paleo) The Bulletproof Executive The Bulletproof Diet Roadmap is the best place to start if you’re unfamiliar with the diet or if you’re looking for an easy reference to the best foods for your body. This one-page download will help you: Easily navigate all aspects of the Bulletproof Diet on a single page (for free!)

flotr2 Introduction Flotr2 is a library for drawing HTML5 charts and graphs. It is a branch of flotr which removes the Prototype dependency and includes many improvements. Features: mobile support framework independent extensible plugin framework custom chart types FF, Chrome, IE6+, Android, iOS lines bars candles pies bubbles Font sizing with rem Determining a unit of measurement to size our text can be a topic of heated debate, even in this day and age. Unfortunately, there are still various pros and cons that make the various techniques less desirable. It's just a matter of which less-desirable is most desirable. There are two main techniques that are extolled:

(WebGL) Animated selective glow in Three.js - Blog - (BKcore) Thibaut Despoulain This time I'm going to explain a way to make specific parts of your 3D object glow, and how to animate those. For this I'll be using THREE.EffectComposer to render the glow passes. Check out the demo and the code after the break. Demo Using Silk Road Please enable JavaScript for math equation rendering. The cypherpunk movement laid the ideological roots of Bitcoin and the online drug market Silk Road; balancing previous emphasis on cryptography, I emphasize the non-cryptographic market aspects of Silk Road which is rooted in cypherpunk economic reasoning, and give a fully detailed account of how a buyer might use market information to rationally buy, and finish by discussing strengths and weaknesses of Silk Road, and what future developments are predicted by cypherpunk ideas. The website Silk Road (SR), a drug marketplace operating in public, needs little introduction at this point, after Gawker’s 2011 article went viral, drawing fire from the likes of US federal Senators Schumer & Manchin. It was probably the single most famous commercial enterprise using Bitcoins; some speculated that demand from SR patrons single-handedly pushed the exchange rate up by $5 the weekend of the Gawker article. Julian Assange et al 2012 write: No.

progressive <canvas> pie charts Peity (sounds like deity) is a jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a <svg> mini pie 2/5 donut 5,2,3 line 5,3,9,6,5,9,7,3,5,2 or bar chart 5,3,9,6,5,9,7,3,5,2 and is compatible with any browser that supports <svg>: Chrome, Firefox, IE9+, Opera, Safari. Download version 3.2.1 Uncompressed 8.7Kb jquery.peity.js Minified 3.6Kb (+gzipped 1.7Kb) jquery.peity.min.js The internet is our social network. What if social networks were more like email? What if they were all inter-connected, and you could choose which software (and even which provider) to use based purely on what they offered you? Now they are! Friendica is bringing them all together. All of these can be included in your Friendica "social stream" where you may interact with them using a familiar conversational interface - and perhaps arrange them into private conversation groups.

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