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Home - Mammoth SpeakUp The top voted solutions and ideas are presented to the decision maker - approve, amend, or deny any post with full transparency. Instantly approve, amend or deny any Solution or Idea in the company feed. Approved posts Amended posts Denied posts Réseau collaboratif - Réseaux sociaux d'entreprise - Oolaop 10 Tips to Run a Successful Ask Me Anything Session #ama Join over 60,000 subscribers that use EventMB to stay on top of How to's, Trends & Event Technology. Editor, Julius Solaris Ask Me Anything sessions or #AMAs are becoming increasingly popular. Learn how it can bring a breath of fresh air to your event and successfully engage attendees. Back in September when my friend Adam Parry proposed an #AMA for my upcoming keynote session at ETL15, I accepted without thinking about it too much. Before you get swallowed by too many acronyms let me give you some background about the concept of Ask Me Anything, why is it so popular and how you can successfully apply it to events. #AMA What? The Atlantic does an excellent job in summing up how the concept of Ask Me Anything started: In 1992, a book debuted called Ask Me Anything: A Sex Therapist Answers the Most Important Questions for the 90's. Long story short, President Obama answered questions on the site and a myriad of other celebrities followed. So... The format is quite simple. OK... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Features | Online Collaboration Project Management Software | Redbooth File and Content management Easily share, find and work on current documents. Comes with free file storage and integrates with: Dropbox, Box, Google Drive ¿Habla Redbooth? Our web client supports English, French, German, Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese. Koala Blue-Mind. La messagerie collaborative open source Blue-Mind est une solution de messagerie collaborative open source qui se pose en alternative crédible a des géants du secteur comme Google Apps, Microsoft, Lotus et autres Zimbra. Blue-Mind est née à Toulouse et après seulement quelques mois d’existence annonce déjà de vrais succès commerciaux et une version 2 de sa plateforme encore plus aboutie. L’éditeur offre donc une solution Open Source de messagerie, d’agenda partagé et de carnets de contacts. La messagerie est accessible via les clients traditionnels Outlook ou Thunderbird ou via un webmail complet moderne et rapide qui affiche 3 panneaux et offre toutes les fonctions indispensables à ce genre d’outil : filtres avancés, aperçu de contenu et surtout dossiers et boîtes partagées. Blue-Mind a également bien réussi ses modules de contacts et d’agenda intégrés. Le logiciel est gratuit. Lien: Blue-Mind

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