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Digitalt, kollegialt lärande i världsklass!

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Engage Now - Student Interactions - teacher heath Do you hear your students say things like: "No! That's Wrong!" It’s only natural. After all, they are trying to talk in a language they are still working on learning. Still, silence can be deadly in the ESL classroom for your students and you. When you want to get your students to speak up, try one of these fun and simple games to get them talking in class.

ESL Speaking Murder Mystery Game Learn English with a Murder Mystery This is a 15 to 20 minute group work fluency exercise. Each person is one character. There are 12 characters in the game. If you have a large class, consider splitting the class into smaller groups. Derek Sivers: Weird or just different? (Teens) “There’s a flip side to everything,” the saying goes, and in 2 minutes, Derek Sivers shows this is true in a few ways you might not expect. Through his new project, MuckWork, Derek Sivers wants to lessen the burdens (and boredom) of creative people. What is unique to your country or culture? How do you think your country is different to others?Is it a good thing for countries and cultures to be different? How can we use this difference?

For Teachers Treacher-Collins Syndrome In Wonder, Auggie refers to his condition as Mandibulofacial Dysostosis, which is also known as Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS). This is an inherited developmental disorder with a prevalence estimated to range between 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 70,000 of live births. TCS is a condition in which the cheek-bones and jawbones are underdeveloped. Children with this condition have very small or partially absent cheek bones and notches in or stretching of the lower eyelids. The ears are frequently abnormal and part of the outer ear is usually absent. A few discussion activities for English language students What discussion activities work in class? Tekhnologic, winner of the British Council’s Teaching English blog award for a post on setting discussion goals, shares a few ideas. A discussion can bring out your students’ interests and motivate them; it’s a chance for them to talk about the things they really care about.

5 of My Favorite English Games for ESL Students I saved the best for last. My students requested this game more often than any other game we ever played. It's based on the old drinking game "Ring of Fire," modified for the classroom. Materials needed:A standard deck of playing cards, a whiteboard, 20-30 small slips of blank paper, and a bowl. The setup:Almost none! What Makes a Good Presentation? – The Canswedian English Teacher So, you have told your class that they are going to do a presentation on something-or-other. You show them what should be included, how their Powerpoint should look, you even talk about how important it is to have proper grammar… But do we ever really teach them what it means to give a good presentation? I finally clued in to this last year.

Tips on how to make a video news report Do you want to make a TV news report but have no idea where to start? Watch this video to see how a group of students, with help from the BBC's Sophie Long, go about it and read the advice below. How to make a video news report
