Kevin & Kell by Bill Holbrook Books that will induce a mindfuck Here is the list of books that will officially induce mindfucks, sorted alphabetically by author. Those authors in bold have been recommended by one or more people as being generally mindfucking - any books listed under their names are particularly odd. You're welcome to /msg me to make an addition to this list. And finally, although he's way down at the bottom, my personal recommendation is definitely Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, as it turns the ultimate mindfuck: inverting the world-view of our entire culture, and it is non-fiction.
Did You Know That…? Feedbox ♥ Este poema lo escribió Edu, una persona generosa y altruista, y aunque no lo conozca en persona no me transmite EN ABSOLUTO lo contrario. Bravo por ti Edu. einfach nähen! In einer sehr lebendigen Ecke von Berlin-Kreuzberg hat Lara Eichwede vor knapp 1 1/2 Jahren ihren Laden 1000stoff eröffnet. Ich habe nicht nachgezählt, aber bei Lara bekommt Ihr tatsächlich Stoffe in Hülle und Fülle, in diversen Qualitäten, Farben und Mustern. Daneben könnt Ihr Nähkurse buchen, Kindernähgeburtstage feiern und Lara steht Euch immer mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Von Anfang gab und gibt es bei 1000stoff auch schnittchen Schnittmuster und ich habe nun die Gelegenheit beim Schopfe gepackt und auch Lara ein paar Fragen zu ihrem Laden gestellt. Wie heißt Dein Laden und wo findet man ihn? - Watch A Bunch Of Dogs Experience Sunlight And Grass For The First Time Ever wonder what an animal whose whole life has been dedicated to pharmaceutical research looks like when and if it is ever let out of a cage? Reports HuffPo: Forty male beagles raised inside a lab in Spain arrived in Los Angeles last week where they will be put up for adoption after being freed from captivity by the Beagle Freedom Project.The rescue mission is the largest yet for the group Animal Rescue Media Education (ARME). A total of 72 dogs were rescued in the effort, 32 of them having already been adopted in Europe, according to NBC Los Angeles.ARME’s Beagle Freedom Project spokesman Gary Smith said the beagles, all between ages 4 and 7, had lived in cages their entire lives.
Inspired by true events Coming Soon - Stay tuned for a BIG announcement about an awesome project Jorge is working on! PHD Store - Our store was down for a while, but now it is back! Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2! - Watch this free clip from the movie that Nature called "Astute, funny"! Watch the new movie! - The PHD Movie 2 screenings are in full swing! I Like Your Flaws & Thought Catalog I like how you mispronounce words sometimes, how you fumble and stammer and stutter looking for the right ones to say and the right ways to say them. I appreciate that you find language challenging, because it is, because everything manmade is challenging. Including man, including you.
Drawing Nothing All I want to do is play and talk about video games. Someone pay me to play video games. Yeaaaaah Last year I posted this in a set of other winter drawings but this one alone I’ve seen circulating the internet on random blogs and even facebook. Go figure, everyone loves butts.
The Egg The Egg By: Andy Weir You were on your way home when you died. Salt on a White Picket Fence Dean cooking something in the kitchen, hands covered in flour - he’s trying for a pie again - but he doesn’t mind the white, dusty handprints he leaves everywhere. He opens the fridge to pull out the next ingredient and swears. They’re out. No filler, just funny. 24 Funny Snapchats Worth Saving Snapchats are supposed to be deleted. Good thing all of these were saved… shimmering and white So my dad asked me “Who’s that guy from Flaming Arrows, Pippy Tuna or whatever” "Dad, do you mean Peeta Mellark? From the Hunger Games?" "Oh, well, I knew it had food in it" I made another tote bag, and it’s for sale! You can find it, along with some comics, in my etsy