Méditation & Leadership - Prendre conscience, donner du sens Friends of Matapouri Inc Society :: Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology Personality Test Resource Center Nowadays, personality tests have become quite common place as people want to discover more about themselves. By taking these tests, people can find out some important facets of their personality. Often these tests not only describe a personality but allow testers to learn the advantages and disadvantages of their personality type. These tests help people to understand themselves and others better and can even lead to self improvement. Personality tests have become a staple in many industries as they help in aiding communication and understanding amongst people of different personalities. Many personality tests determine if a person is passive, dynamic, assertive, or aggressive. Personality tests help people understand why they react to certain situations in the way they do, which can come in handy when it comes to anger management or assessing relationships. About Personality Tests Personality Test Use: The various uses of personality tests. Personality Type Tests Career
Martin Seligman: The new era of positive psychology When I was president of the American Psychological Association,they tried to media-train me,and an encounter I had with CNNsummarizes what I'm going to be talking about today,which is the eleventh reason to be optimistic.The editor of Discover told us 10 of them,I'm going to give you the eleventh. So they came to me -- CNN -- and they said, "Professor Seligman,would you tell us about the state of psychology today?We'd like to interview you about that." (Laughter) And cameras rolled, and she said, "Professor Seligman,what is the state of psychology today?"" "Cut. "Look, Doctor Seligman,we can see you're really not comfortable in this medium.We'd better give you a real sound bite.This time you can have three words.Professor Seligman, what is the state of psychology today?"" So, why was psychology good? And the conclusion of that is that psychology and psychiatry, over the last 60 years,can actually claim that we can make miserable people less miserable.And I think that's terrific.
Color Insight : A tool using the Régnier Abacus principle Astronomy Picture of the Day Work Environments / RCC Programs Select a Work Environment / Work Personality:Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional For more information about the list of occupations,visit www.onetonline.org/explore/interests and www.bls.gov/ooh. Building Brain Literacy in Elementary Students Practice Makes Perfect For many students, the brain isn't a hot topic of conversation. This is especially true for younger students who are still trying to understand the world around them, and are still far from developing physiological self-awareness of the very thing that gives them that self-awareness. But helping students develop "brain literacy" doesn't have to be a matter of dry science pumped full of confusing jargon. Understanding the brain can be empowering for students as they recognize their ability to strengthen it each time they use it. To reduce anxiety about new "stuff" in the classroom -- whether related to Common Core State Standards, struggles with reading, or something else entirely -- you can find opportunities to emphasize students' ability to literally build the brains they want. Much of this kind of thinking starts with an awareness of the brain itself, and how it functions. Helping Students Understand Their Brains Building Student "Brain Literacy"
Les 4 piliers du management collaboratif, les « 4C » par F boyer | NextStart Face à ces transformations, les entreprises prennent progressivement conscience de l’inadaptation de certains modes de management, autrefois sources de performance. Se posent alors de nouvelles questions. Comment : – S’adapter à un environnement imprévisible et en permanente mutation ? – Faire face à de nouveaux concurrents, venus de toute part et de plus en plus « agressifs » ? – Répondre aux besoins de clients de plus en plus impatients, exigeants et individualistes ? – Rester serein dans un contexte de crise financière ? Parce que plus de la même chose produit les mêmes effets… En réaction, bon nombre de dirigeants appliquent ce qu’ils ont appris, à savoir : – Réduire les coûts pour être plus attractif – Limiter au maximum les risques pour éviter de se mettre en danger – Renforcer le reporting et les contrôles pour se rassurer – Augmenter et diversifier les projets pour accroître la performance Et même si les organigrammes sont plus plats, le système bureaucratique demeure. 2d pilier : le CHOIX