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613 | The official site for James Anderson’s benefit year 2012. GuideGuide: Free Plugin For Dealing With Grids In Photoshop Advertisement This article is the fourth in our new series that introduces the latest, useful and freely available tools and techniques, developed and released by active members of the Web design community. The first article covered PrefixFree; the second introduced Foundation, a responsive framework; the third presented Sisyphus.js, a library for Gmail-like client-side drafts. Today we are happy to present Cameron McEfee’s Photoshop extension GuideGuide which provides a tool to create pixel accurate columns, rows, midpoints and baselines. Take a moment and think about creating a multi-column grid in a Photoshop comp. (siteWidth - (gutterWidth × (numberOfColumns - 1) ) ÷ numberOfColumns = columnWidth I was sitting at my desk one day doing this exact equation when I thought, “Man, this looks just like code. Enter: GuideGuide I created GuideGuide for the sole purpose of making one of the most time consuming parts of Photoshop based design as easy as possible. Columns and Rows Midpoints (il)

Speed Up Your Photoshop CS5 Workflow by Making Your Own Custom Panels Speed up your workflow with the power of custom panels in Photoshop. In today’s tutorial, we will turn multi-stepped commands and tasks into one-click solutions. No programming skills needed. Step 1 First go to the Adobe Configurator download page and under the section Configurator 2.0 Installer click the link Download Configurator 2.0. Step 2 To start, click the big Create Panel button on the Welcome page or choose File > New Panel from the menu on the upper left corner. Step 3 In the Object palette on the left side click Containers to expand it and drag and drop Accordion container onto the panel. Step 4 Go to Widgets and add Simple Text to the panel. Step 5 Click on Tools to expand it and add the following tools: Rectangular Marquee Tool, Elliptical Marquee Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Quick Selection Tool, Path Selection Tool and Direct Selection Tool. Step 6 Go to Commands > Main > Select and add the following menu items: Color Range, Refine Edge, Grow, Similar and Transform Selection. Step 7

Chartist - Simple responsive charts You may think that this is just yet an other charting library. But Chartist.js is the product of a community that was disappointed about the abilities provided by other charting libraries. Of course there are hundreds of other great charting libraries but after using them there were always tweaks you would have wished for that were not included. Highly customizable responsive charts Facts about Chartist The following facts should give you an overview why to choose Chartists as your front-end chart generator: Simple handling while using convention over configurationGreat flexibility while using clear separation of concerns (Style with CSS & control with JS)Usage of SVG (Yes! These projects and wrapper libraries are known to me right now that either use Chartist.js or wrap them into a library for usage in a framework. Cross-browser support Note that CSS3 animations on SVG CSS attributes are not supported on all browsers and the appearance may vary.

Color Combinations | Color Schemes | Color Palettes Glifo - Create icon Web fonts with Photoshop Home - Pencil Project Photoshop Panels | Tools , Plugins, Extensions, Panels and Scripts Layrs Control 2 - free PS extension updated Layer name editor Allows you to rename layers and folderwith great control and functionality Credits: Paul Riggott & Evgeny Trefilov Remove Unused effects Allows you to remove unused effectson all selected layers Credits: Paul Riggott Flatten all layers effects Allows you to flatten all layers effectsin selected layers Credits: Jeffrey Tranberry & Evgeny Trefilov delete empty layers Allows you to delete all empty layersin photoshop file Credits: Paul Riggott rasterize smart objects Allows you to rasterise each and everyselected smart object in to individual layer new find similar files & folders Allows you to find files and folders withsimilar names Convert to smart object Allows you to convert every selectedlayers into individual smart objects
