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Playing History

Playing History

Over the Top - A First World War Free Online Adventure Game Introduction Over the Top is an interactive adventure game that allows YOU to experience life in the trenches during the First World War. As a young Canadian soldier stationed somewhere along the Western Front in the late Fall of 1916, you will live through some of the excitement, despair, brutality and sheer horror of trench warfare. Over the Top is based on the real-life experiences of Canadians who lived and died in the trenches during the First World War. Part history and part adventure story, Over the Top is divided into sections. Throughout the story, you will come across many words and expressions that were quite common at the time. Your goal in Over the Top is the same as that of thousands of Canadians who served in the trenches during the First World War: merely to survive. So pick up your rifle, put on your helmet and get ready for a truly unique experience! *Flash Player version 6 required Best viewed at 800x600 resolution Low-Graphics Version Virtual Museum of Canada.

Ancient Civilizations To borrow from Dr. Seuss's book title, "Oh the Places You'll Go! Here's a coming attraction of the people, places, ideas, and things coming at you: Your 3.2 million-year-old human ancestor Lucy, mummies, pyramids, Cleopatra, "an eye for an eye", the birth of major religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, the birth of democracy, the first Olympics, Julius Caesar, gladiators, the invention of writing, paper, and the wheel, kingdoms built of stone in Africa, the Great Wall of China, the introduction of such concepts as zero, time, and monotheism (the belief in one god), Samurai, martial arts, palaces of gold, and even the Sphinx. Whew! The study of ancient civilizations and people raises some profound questions. Who are humans? As you explore these civilizations, see if you can make sense of this Sphinxlike statement from author William Faulkner: "The past is never dead. Knowledge of history is empowering. As Seuss promises later in that same book, "Will you succeed?

Ancient Civilizations - Dynamic 2 Moms To be ignorant of the past is to remain a child. (paraphrase from an observation by Cicero ) History is one of our very favorite subjects. I'm sure you can tell by what we upload, that we enjoy it. To help you get the best use of this page as it grows, we want to explain how it is developed. Obviously the continents of Europe, Africa and Asia will hold a majority of the events taking place at this time. Creation Look here on our Bible Page for a layered book for the Days of Creation depending on where you want to start with your study of history. Study of History What is History & What is Archaeology Two Tab book Mesopotamia Cover/Divider Hammurabi of Babylon flip book Sargon of Akkadia flip book (Modern Day Pakistan) Download the Indus Valley Cover here. Dnload Mohenjo-daro trifold with cover C h i n a Ancient China Cover History of Silk Leaf Book Confucius mini book For the leaf book---fill out book and attach cover (shown here) with brad at stem so that the leaf slides up and down to open. Links.

John F. Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Brookline, Massachusetts, 29 de mayo de 1917 – Dallas, Texas, 22 de noviembre de 1963) fue el trigésimo quinto presidente de los Estados Unidos. Fue conocido como John F. Kennedy, Jack Kennedy por sus amigos y popularmente como JFK. Elegido en 1960, Kennedy se convirtió en el segundo presidente más joven de su país, después de Theodore Roosevelt. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, destacó por su liderazgo como comandante de la lancha torpedera PT-109 en el área del Pacífico Sur. El presidente Kennedy murió asesinado el 22 de noviembre de 1963 en Dallas, Texas, [2] Estados Unidos. Muchos han considerado a Kennedy como un icono de las aspiraciones y esperanzas estadounidenses; en algunas encuestas realizadas en su país continúa siendo estimado como uno de los mejores presidentes de los Estados Unidos.[3] Biografía[editar] Infancia y juventud[editar] Durante sus primeros diez años de vida, vivió en Brookline. Servicio militar[editar]

U.S. History: Free streaming history videos & activities Du Moyen Âge aux temps modernes - 3 - Regards sur l'Afrique Le programme de cinquième invite, comme le programme de sixième, à sortir de l'Europe pour étudier des civilisations lointaines, cette fois-ci en Afrique. Au début de l'année, les élèves de cinquième ont étudié le chapitre consacré aux « débuts de l'Islam » : ils ont entraperçu les contacts que la civilisation arabo-musulmane entretient avec l'Europe et aussi avec les peuples d'Afrique. Le chapitre qui s'intitule Regards sur l'Afrique est placé tout à la fin des thématiques sur l'histoire du Moyen-Âge, mais pour le comprendre plus facilement, il faut le lire à la suite du chapitre sur les Débuts de l'Islam. Ce chapitre sur l'histoire de l'Afrique au Moyen-âge s'articule autour de deux études : ⁃ Dans un premier temps, on aborde l'histoire de ce continent dans le «temps long». ⁃ Dans un second temps, on étudie un circuit de trafic des esclaves noirs vers l'Afrique du Nord ou l'Orient (c'est à dire l'Asie). III] Regards sur l'Afrique 1 – L'empire du Ghana du VIIIe au XIIe siècle - vidéo : the Renaissance As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge. We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation

F. Engels (1878): "Carlos Marx". Escrito: A mediados de junio de 1877.Primera edición: En Brunswick, Alemania, en el almanaque Volks-Kalender, 1878. Edición electrónica: Marxists Internet Archive, marzo de 2000. Carlos Marx, el hombre que dio por vez primera una base científica al socialismo, y por tanto a todo el movimiento obrero de nuestros días, nació en Tréveris, en 1818. Marx, que entretanto se había casado con la hermana de von Westphalen, el que más tarde había de ser ministro de la reacción, se trasladó a París, donde editó con A. El estudio de la Economía política y de la historia de la gran Revolución francesa todavía le dejaba a Marx tiempo para atacar de vez en cuando al Gobierno prusiano; éste se vengó, consiguiendo del ministerio Guizot, en la primavera de 1845 -y parece que el mediador fue el señor Alejandro de Humboldt-, que se le expulsase de Francia 4. Como primer fruto de sus largos años de estudios económicos apareció en 1859 la "Contribución a la crítica de la Economía política.

The Civil War In Pictures, Part 1: The Places Last year marked the 150th anniversary of the start of the American Civil War, a milestone commemorated by The Atlantic in a special issue (now available online). Although photography was still in its infancy, war correspondents produced thousands of images, bringing the harsh realities of the frontlines to those on the home front in a new and visceral way. As brother fought brother and the nation's future grew uncertain, the public appetite for information was fed by these images from the trenches, rivers, farms, and cities that became fields of battle. Today's collection is part 1 of 3, covering the places of the Civil War: the battleships, prisons, hospitals, urban centers, and rural pastures where history was made. Tomorrow's installment features some of the people involved in the conflict, and on Friday I'll be sharing some of the amazing three-dimensional stereographs of the war. Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: A March, 1863 photo of the USS Essex.

5 B.S. Renaissance Myths You Learned in History Class #2. Renaissance Rome Was Not a Magnificent Cultural Center Hemera Technologies/ The Myth: Renaissance Rome must have been a spectacular sight indeed. Via Wikimedia#selfie The Reality: Want to see what Renaissance Rome looked like? Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty ImagesOn the plus side, house cleaning was pretty straightforward. At the height of the Renaissance, Rome's population had fallen to its lowest ever: Just 10,000 inhabitants lived in a city that had once been home to as many as a million. #1. Daniel Stockman, via Wikipedia After the archaic superstition of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance was a breath of fresh air -- rational, reasonable air, where before there had been only fire and knives to breathe. The drunken liberal arts college that was Renaissance-era Europe didn't have much room for fields like scientific inquiry -- there was literally no curriculum for what was then called "natural philosophy." You can't really blame the witch hunters, though.

Lesson Plans History American Government High School - Europe’s Top 25 Castles – The Best Castles in Europe There is something about castles that inspires awe and at the same time touches a gentler, more romantic side in each of us. And if you want to visit and tour some of the best castles in the world, then Europe should be your destination as this continent certainly has more than its share. Here are the top 25 castles in Europe, in no particular order. 1. Neuschwanstein Castle For many of those that see this castle for the first time, they get a niggling feeling that Castle Neuschwanstein looks so familiar. 2. Peles Castle Known as one of the most beautiful castles in Europe, Peles Castle can be discovered in the majestic Carpathian Mountains, near the town of Sinaia, Romania. 3. Bojnice Castle Bojnice Castle is located in Bojnice, Slovakia and is one of the most delightful romantic castles in Europe. 4. Castillo de Coca Built in the 15th century by the Archbishop of Seville, the incredible Castle of Coca or Castillo de Coca is considered to be one of the best castles in Spain. 5. 6. 7. 8.
