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Spanish Proficiency Exercises Spanish Proficiency Exercises is a compilation of brief video clips in which native speakers of Spanish from various locations throughout Latin America and Spain demonstrate various language tasks. The objective of the exercises is to provide students of Spanish with the necessary tools to be able to talk about the same topics in Spanish. In order to do, this Spanish Proficiency Exercises contains five major components. First, there is a simplified video clip.

81 Satirical Illustrations Show Our Addiction To Technology Modern technologies have definitely benefited our lives - from medical care to work efficiency, communication to space exploration, offering solutions to our world problems. And we just couldn't imagine our lives without it any longer. But with great benefits come many disadvantages.

Formative ( is like using Google Forms in some ways. But it offers even more flexibility as there are tons of question types. Your students join your classroom by entering the assigned class code after registering on the Formative website. Once your classroom is established you can begin distributing assignments to students. Assignments can be as simple as one question exit tickets like "what did you learn today?" to complex quizzes that use a combination of multiple choice, short answer, and true/false questions. You can assign point values to questions or leave them as ungraded questions. You can also enable or disable instant feedback for students. When you give an assignment to students through Formative you can watch their responses in realtime. The best feature of Formative is the option to create "show your work" questions. "Show your work" questions enables students to draw responses and or upload pictures as responses to your questions. When you use this question type students will see a blank canvas directly below the question. On that canvas they can draw and or type responses. If you ask multiple-choice questions, it will autograde the responses. by nbrichs2 May 28

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