Translate.cpp - C++
Welcome to Ohloh Code by Black Duck, the world's largest, most comprehensive code search engine! A free public code search engine for 21,417,232,235 lines of open source code. Check out our FAQ for more info. Other operators: ctor: Constructor definitions edef: Enum definitions ctordec: Constructor declarations fdef: Field definitions dtor: Destructor definitions odef: Object definitions
JNI Functions
JNI Functions Chapter 4 This chapter serves as the reference section for the JNI functions. It provides a complete listing of all the JNI functions.
Welcome to Ohloh Code, the world’s largest, most comprehensive free code search engine! Koders has now merged with Ohloh to become your one-stop resource for both code and analysis. Check out our FAQ for more info. Other operators: ctor: Constructor definitions edef: Enum definitions ctordec: Constructor declarations fdef: Field definitions
ADO OpenSchema in CSharp
ADO OpenSchema in CSharp Sahir Shah 10-January-2006 Download source code Introduction ADO Connection object's OpenSchema method is one way of obtaining information about tables in a database and fields in a table. Most of the examples given in MSDN resources deal with using these methods in Visual Basic and Visual C++ 6.
SQL Data Types for MS Access, MySQL, and SQL Server