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Top 13 Sites For Independent Filmmakers In recent years, the content of the internet has transformed itself from a controlled and manufactured environment to a vast expanse of user generated content. Internet users can log on and create their own subjects, themes, and arguments to the sites they frequent. This idea gave birth to sites like Facebook, and Twitter; as well as creating tools like wikis, forums, and blogs. This new type of social media forged specific online communities where people with similar interests could share and collaborate freely on ideas. Independent filmmakers have an ever-growing presence on social media sites such as twitter, facebook, youtube, and various blogs. This presence has resulted in a wealth of shared knowledge for filmmakers worldwide. Here’s a list of thirteen sites that are excellent resources for independent filmmakers in no particular order. Filmmaker Filmmakers on a tight budget know perfectly well how difficult it is to stay on that budget. View Filmmaker Film Riot Go Into The Story

Pre-Production Planning:Three Easy Approaches to Creating a Video Treatment that Works for You Even if you are the producer, the shooter, the editor, the distributor and marketing director, taking the time to generate a video treatment will help you present a clearer idea to others and help you stay on track when the time comes to make your production happen. Focus! Focus! That ring on the camera isn't the only tool important for generating a sharp image. Step One: A Sticky Approach I have two personal favorites when it comes to generating video treatments and one of them is the Post-It note. They only look haphazardly placed. I can get by with one square but my average is six if I take this approach to getting my video treatment down dirty and to the point. As simple as it sounds, a video treatment has just been created. Step Two: Shuffle the Cards The advantage to using a dozen or so index cards is that you can not only more clearly define your vision and plan for accomplishing it on video, but you can shift the resulting cards around as one element takes priority over another.

Free Cinematic Scores Stock Music “Pulsing Intensity” | Free Stock Music “Pulsing Intensity” offers a steadily building epic score whose four note theme creates a driving rhythm. Its swelling orchestral score is uniquely combined with some electronic elements, and the two sounds blend perfectly together to increase the intensity and suspense. The unique style of this track gives it the ability to adapt equally well to an epic battle scene or a daring heist. Pulsing Intensity Production Music Full Song Preview Track Details Duration: 3:08 Quality: Full uncompressed CD quality, 16 bit/48.000 kHz (1,411.2 kbit/s) License: 100% royalty free license that allows you to use the music in all types of productions, for worldwide distribution, forever. There are never any licensing fees. Download Pulsing Intensity for Free This song is available in WAV, AIFF, and MP3 formats. Confused about which format you need? Free Cinematic Scores Stock Music "Pulsing Intensity" , 5.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

TV Latina - Home 10 Films That Can Teach You Everything You Need To Know About Film Editing Editing is a selection process. Sometimes hundreds of hours of footage are captured, and we only end up seeing around two hours of it. It’s also a language that has rules. When done badly it can cause boredom or, even worse, confusion. The importance of editing cannot be underestimated. According to acclaimed film writers David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson, the typical Hollywood film has between 1000 and 2000 shots that have been cut together. This article has been written in the hope of inspiring you to return to some of your own favorite scenes, in your own favorite films, so that you can deconstruct and analyze how the film’s editing has helped to engineer a perfect cinematic moment. 1. The Odessa steps sequence in Battleship Potemkin has been paid homage to by both Terry Gilliam (in Brazil) and Brian De Palma (in The Untouchables). In Battleship Potemkin, Eisenstein is trying to foster the idea of an evil Tsarist government. 2. 3. Effective editing can be very powerful. 4. 5.

The Perfect Plan: Storyboard and Shot List Creation Script creation is a task that requires lots of time, work and planning. In fact, planning is probably the heart and soul of the production. The proper planning and legwork must be accomplished or even the best script will fall flat on its face. There are many aspects to pre-production planning, but we're just going to focus on two of them here: the storyboard and the shot list. If you're working on a small production, then you might get to do everything yourself! In Living Color Your first planning tool, the storyboard, is essentially a comic book of your production. Why is this so important? There are many options available for storyboard creation. Sketchin' Away Before you begin the storyboard, study your shooting locations in detail. To create a storyboard on paper, put two rows of boxes on the page with ample space above and below each row for making notes. Previsualization software takes your planning to the next level. Writing It Out The Art of Practice

Bootstrap Themes Prensario Internacional - Noticias TV - Tecnología All about the practice of sat kriya, tips, tricks, how to and more | KUNDALINI Yoga Boot Camp, Los Angeles I’ve been doing Sat Kriya daily for several years now and it’s amazing how you intuitively learn little things from the meditation and the changes that you go through. When I first started, my right arm would fall asleep and I’d sweat like hell. When I got up to 31 minutes my legs would fall asleep pretty bad, even with a big pillow between my legs, but eventually the legs got stronger and even if they fell asleep a little it wasn’t so bad. Here are some tips and pointers from my experience… **Always Tune In with the Adi Mantra 3 times before beginning any Kundalini Yoga Kriya or Meditation. How To Do It: Finishing: At the end, inhale completely and hold, squeezing the root lock and the muscles of the back and shoulders for as long as you can. Time: 3 minutes up to 62 minutes. *One option is to practice for 3 minutes, rest for two minutes and repeat two more times for a 15 minute exercise, which will build stamina and a foundation for longer practice. Some Finer Points of The Sat Kriya:
