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Photoshop Tutorials - Age Progression

Photoshop Tutorials - Age Progression
Disclaimer: None of the given Photoshop Tutorials are written by me. They are all taken from various sources on the Internet and I compiled some of them for you. Hope you understand. Here’s a little tutorial showing you how I basically go about aging a woman’s face in Photoshop. Preface I've been asked several times by different members to post a tutorial on how I age-progress a person. Men and women age a little bit differently but since I've only aged female celebrities thus far, I'll just focus on women for this tutorial. Step 1: Choosing an Appropriate Photo When deciding to age-progress a celebrity’s face, I try to select a picture that is touched-up as little as possible. I find that candid shots, or any shots that have not been taken in a studio, work best because the resulting harsh lighting reveals more of the skin’s details i.e. slight bags under the eyes and faint wrinkles. Step 2: Collecting Reference Material Reference material is key in my method of aging. Now the fun begins!

25 Helpful Tutorials for Lighting Effects in Photoshop Photoshop allows designers with unlimited possibilities when it comes to creative effects, including lighting effects. There are plenty of different ways to create lighting effects in Photoshop, and there are equally as many different possible uses for them. If you’re interested in learning more about how to create awesome lighting effects in your own work, here are 25 tutorials that can help. Looking for hosting? 20 PSD Tuts That Will Turn You Into A Photoshop Guru :: Reflex Stock Photo Blog - StumbleUpon Many people can use Photoshop, but only a select few can call themselves gurus. Learn all the methods in the 20 tutorials below and you’ll be well on your way to joining this elite. Rather than focus on tuts for beginners, intermediates or advanced users, we’ve simply chosen ones which produce jaw-dropping effects. All of them are easy to follow, although most do require at least some prior knowledge and experience. 1. Follow this tutorial to create dazzling, multi-layered, semi-transparent lettering, with a Perspex-like quality. 2. 3D Pixel Stretch Effect File this tutorial under “simple but effective”. 3. Turn a simple cityscape into a torrentially flooded wasteland. 4. Become the master of light and glow on Photoshop with this brief, easy-to-follow guide. 5. Use masking tools, layers, gradients and lines to turn your favorite piece of 3D text into something more colorful and commercial. 6. Mental waves do not exist, but if they did they’d look rather like this. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Create a Vibrant Colorful Alcohol Product Ad in Photoshop Alcohol is one of the most commonly advertised products on the planet. During major sporting events such as the Superbowl, the World Cup and the Olympics, companies spend millions on TV advertisements, and also product advertisements in banner and billboard format at the sporting venue itself. However, because alcohol is a liquid, it can be very difficult to design around since liquid stock images require significant more attention during isolation and blending in order to appear realistic. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a vibrant, colorful alcoholic product advertisement in Adobe Photoshop, using some easy techniques and quality stock images. As a disclaimer, this tutorial is in no way an endorsement of Kai Vodka, or any other alcoholic beverage brand, and the product is used merely in an illustrative fashion. Tools Used Adobe Photoshop Final Image Preview Next we will be adding in some color to our bottle. Now we can set this layers blending mode to color at 100%.

How To Make Digital Photos Look Like Lomo Photography A Post By: Darren Rowse The following tip on getting digital images to look like Lomo Images was submitted by DPS reader – Frank Lazaro. You can see his photography at his Flickr page and see some of his Lomo shots here NB: most of the shots in this post can be enlarged by clicking them. update: once you’ve read this tutorial and had an experiment with the technique head to our Forum to share some of your results. From the first time I saw a photo that looked like this, I wanted to shoot one of my own. But, for the longest time I couldn’t figure it out how people took photos look like this. Low and behold I went out and bought 2 of these babies. I searched and searched and after trying several different Photoshop methods, I finally came up with my own using a mix of different techniques. Get Free Weekly Digital Camera Tips via Email Here is my step by step on how I take a digital photo and make it Lomoified. Getting Started – Creating a Vignette Now you have a vignette.

WHITEN TEETH TO IMPROVE A SMILE IN PHOTOSHOP CS4 | Tutorialboard Posted on 07. May, 2009 by Olson in Basics, Photo Editing Roll Over Image Open a image and Zoom in to make a selection. Select the Quick Selection Tool. Make sure that the Add to Selection and Auto-Enhanced are selected. Start making your selection. After you are done click on Refine Edge. Play with the setting to get the desired result the most important option here is Feather in our case we enter 1px. To get a live preview of the edge refinements press F cycle through the preview modes. Click OK Now click the Hue and Saturation Button in the adjustment panel. Note: that a new adjustment layers is created and the selection is hidden. In the Hue/Saturation option select Yellows. Click and drag the Saturation slider slowly to the left to remove the yellow, in our case a value of -80 works just fine. Click and drag the Lightness slider slowly to the right to brighten the teeth. Select Master form the menu. Click and drag the Lightness slider slowly to the right to complete the effect.

Give Your Photos a Retro Comic Book Effect How about a fun effect for your incredibly boring photo albums? Creating a old comic book effect for your photos is easy and the results are visually appealing. More fun is achieved when adding captions to your photos using comic book fonts and design elements. This tutorial will show you how to give a comic book look to your photos using a couple of filters and some additional decorations. Click on the image below to see a larger and more clear image of the final results. Original image by Rubén Colorado Old halftone print effect Download and open this photo in Photoshop. In this step we are going to give the photo an illustrated look with some graininess to give the illusion of an old and bad quality paper. Duplicate the layer and name the new layer HALFTONE In this step we are going apply a halftone pattern to the image to give the final old comic book printing effect. Adding comic book elements to the picture The effect looks nice so far. Adding captions using a comic book font

20 awesome examples of street art - StumbleUpon If you still need a proof that art can be found anywhere, those awesome examples of great street art should convince you. Create a Stunning Liquid Text Effect in Photoshop To sort of wrap up our series on using liquid effects for design, today, we will look at how to use liquid photostocks to create a gorgeous and stunning liquid text effect in Photoshop. By using some clever techniques, we can warp liquids into a variety of shapes to meet our needs. In this case, you’ll learn how to create letters from liquids, and then add in some extra effects for a dynamic composition. All you need is Photoshop and some free stock images, so let’s get started! Also, don’t forget to suggest tutorials in the comments! Tools used: Adobe Photoshop Various stock images Final Image Preview: Step 1: Document creation and water stock selection To start off we will need to create a new document. Now we will need a mass selection of stock images to create our text. Step 2: Water stock manipulation Once you have obtained your stock images you will need to begin to mold them into your water letters. My stock images look like the below screen shots: Next I started on the P.

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