Devlin's Angle: How today’s pros solve math problems: Part 3 (The Nueva School course)
By Keith DevlinNOTE: This article is the final installment of a four-episode mini-series posted here starting in mid-January. In writing it, I have assumed my readers have read those three earlier pieces. At the end of last month’s post, I left readers with a (seemingly) simple arithmetic problem. I prefaced the problem with the following two instructions: 1. Solve it as quickly as you can, in your head if possible.
Exploring Geometry with 9 Pin Circular Geoboard - Download
Exploring Geometry with 9 Pin Circular Geoboard - Download If you have ever wondered how to introduce your students to the world of geometric reasoning then this new book is for you. From visualising to calculating angles in shapes drawn on a circular 9 pin geoboard, you can take them on a journey through the wonderful rigour of deductive reasoning. With clear diagrams that can be projected or copied and a narrative that opens up the problems for any reader, Geoff Faux has written a book that deserves a place in the collection of every maths teacher. This extended 100+ page PDF download is great value and includes the text of the book as well as the images and questions for use on a classroom whiteboard.
Three Good Tools for Creating Multimedia Books Online
Twice this week I've been asked for alternatives to iBooks Author that students can use to create multimedia books. This is probably a good time to share the three options that I usually recommend. These are listed in the order in which I typically recommend them.
From Topical Search Wiki K-12 Education Main Page Search Engines:Free of Charge/Education/K-12 Family Friendly Search Engines KidsHealth – A health portal for for parents, for kids, for teens, and for educators. Custom Built Search Engines
Polypad – Virtual Manipulatives
These are the keyboard shortcuts supported by Polypad for accessibility: SHIFT: hold while you click on multiple tiles to select all of them at onceALT: hold before clicking and dragging on a tile to move a copyBACKSPACE: delete your current selectionC: duplicate your current selectionCTRL/CMD + X/Y: undo or redo your last changeARROWS: move the currently selected tiles up, down, left or right (hold SHIFT to reduce the shift size, for more precise moving)R: rotate the currently selected tile by 15° (hold SHIFT to rotate by –15°)S: move the focus to the sidebar on the leftT: move the focus to the toolbar at the bottomU: move the focus to the canvas areaESC: clear the current selection and close any open popups and modalsTAB: cycle through all buttons on the page and tiles on the canvas (hold SHIFT to reverse direction) Use CTRL/CMD + X/C/V to cut, copy or paste tiles.
Solve this genius combination lock puzzle! Number lock puzzle – OddMeNot
I always looking for challenging puzzles over internet and here I found this awesome logical puzzle for you. Let’s find out if you can solve this puzzle or not. n this puzzle, a number lock has 3 digit key and you will have to find out the correct combination to open the lock. The hints for this puzzle are given. best of luck! Question: Crack the number lock code. Hints:
Multiplication by Heart – Mathigon
Rote memorization of multiplication facts is often disconnected, boring, and hard. Multiplication by Heart was designed to help you master multiplication facts in a meaningful, connected way. Using the flash cards for five minutes per day will help you understand multiplication and achieve true fluency. We’ve layered meaningful visualizations into the cards, so that you can understand and connect different ways of representing multiplication.
100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers
YouTube has earned a reputation for featuring brain cell-slaughtering fare such as the truly abysmal Fred and playing host to the some of the most depressingly stupid comments this side of Yahoo! News. But for every participant liberally dishing out misspelled racist, sexist and homophobic talking points, there is at least one whose channel genuinely offers something provocative and educational. For teachers hoping to infuse multimedia into their classrooms, YouTube makes for an excellent starting point.
Kids Search Engines
EDITOR'S NOTE: For an updated look at search engines for children, see "Savvy Little Searchers: Kids' Search Engines" The services below are designed primarily to serve the needs of children, either in focus, or by filtering out sites that some parents and teachers might find inappropriate for kids. These usually include sites that deal with explicit sexual matters, porn sites, violence, hate speech, gambling and drug use. Scroll down for listings or jump directly to: Major Children's Guides - Filtering Options Other Children's Search Engines - Filtering and Blocking SoftwareRelated Articles Major Children's Guides & Directories The kid-safe directories below use human beings to filter out sites that might be considered objectionable for viewing by children.
Primes numbers A prime number is a natural number which has no divisors other then 1 and itself. With this mathematical property, these numbers are the basis of modern cryptography and are often used in computer science to make our messages unreadable for outsiders and thus keep confidential all "our little secret" that passes from hand to hand (for example sending the password to our favorite social network or the payment order between the merchant and the bank). But how to find all primes between 1 and N ?
Awesome Crack the Code Puzzle -
Below is a very interesting puzzle, you have to guess the code to unlock the lock 🙂 S1: 682: One number is correct and well placed S2: 614: One number is correct but wrong place S3: 206: Two numbers are correct but wrong places S4: 738: Nothing is correct S5: 870: One number is correct but wrong placed Answer: 042Explanation: From S1 and S2, we can say 6 can not be the correct number as both statement contradicts. Now from S3, 2 and 0 are correct, thus from S1, we can say 2 is correct and should be at third place. And S4 supports this.
Math Games – building a foundation for mathematical reasoning
In 2001, the National Research Council, in their report Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics, sought to address a concern expressed by many Americans: that too few students in our schools are successfully acquiring the mathematical knowledge, skill, and confidence they need to use the mathematics they have learned.Developing Mathematical ProficiencyThe potential of different types of tasks for student learning, 2017 As we start a new school year, I expect many teachers, schools and districts to begin conversations surrounding assessment and wondering how to start learning given students who might be “behind”. I’ve shared my thoughts about how we should NOT start a school year, but I wanted to offer some alternatives in this post surrounding a piece often overlooked — our students’ confidence (including student agency, ownership and identity).
With the free mathematics software tool Geogebra, students can create difficult geometric figures and manipulate the consequences by making slight to drastic changes in the dimensions. They can test conjectures, accurately represent proofs, and solve algebraic problems with visual support. Plus, students can save their work so they can revisit it later to repeat problems or modify as problems become more in depth. Geogebra also allows descriptive labeling. Students can label coordinates, lines, intersections, and angles with words such as “inner circle” and “outer circle,” or “interior angle” and “exterior angle,” rather than using simple variables that require a key. Teachers can use this software to create examples without dimensional limitations and then insert the examples into instructional materials as figures. by libtechchez Jan 6
With the free mathematics software tool Geogebra, students can create difficult geometric figures and manipulate the consequences by making slight to drastic changes in the dimensions. They can test conjectures, accurately represent proofs, and solve algebraic problems with visual support. Plus, students can save their work so they can revisit it later to repeat problems or modify as problems become more in depth. Geogebra also allows descriptive labeling. Students can label coordinates, lines, intersections, and angles with words such as “inner circle” and “outer circle,” or “interior angle” and “exterior angle,” rather than using simple variables that require a key. Teachers can use this software to create examples without dimensional limitations and then insert the examples into instructional materials as figures. by libtechchez Jan 6