Etapes de la voie de vézelay
La via Lemovicensis (ou voie limousine ou voie de Vézelay) est le nom latin d'un des quatre chemins de France du pèlerinage de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. Elle passe par Limoges, d'où son nom, mais son lieu de rassemblement et de départ est l'abbaye de la Madeleine à Vézelay. Elle traverse le pays d'étape en étape jusqu'au village basque d'Ostabat, où elle fusionne avec la via Turonensis. Le chemin passe, dans sa première section, par Bourges et Châteauroux. Il existe cependant une variante plus au sud qui passe par Nevers. Vous trouverez aussi les coordonnées (longitude et latitude) de chaque hameau travervé ... avec un GPS ... plus besoin de cartes encombrantes ...
Coastal Route - Camino Portuguese
This week's post bag brought 6 enquiries from pilgrims thinking about walking the coastal route from Oporto to Redondela - and then onwards to Santiago on the "usual" interior route. The route along the coast is very beautiful and I am committed to writing a guide to it. I hope to return for two or three separate weeks this spring and summer. In the meantime I'll publish here the notes I walked with. If anyone has further information particularly about accommodation and route finding I will post that too. Overall Map of the route:
To the page for Spain of the Trento Bike Pages. Voyage aux îles Canaries Hélène et Dominique Farcy
Sentiers à VTT en midi-pyrénées et languedoc-roussillon
Sentiers à VTT en midi-pyrénées et languedoc-roussillon Produits ou Services LPIVTT - Sentiers VTT en Midi-Pyrénées et Languedoc-Roussillon.
Radio Buen Camino van start bij RadioVisie [ /actueel ]
Radio Buen Camino van start bij RadioVisie vrijdag 6 april 2012 'Jouw radiotoestel herbeleeft' is een programma dat kan worden beluisterd op lokale radio's, stadsradio's en webradio's. De betere en de leukere muziek uit de jaren 70, 80 en 90 is er te horen.
Véloroutes et voies vertes d'Aquitaine - Union touristique Les Amis de la nature - activité véloroutes et voies vertes
L’Aquitaine offre de longs itinéraires cyclables, notamment la voie verte du littoral et le canal latéral à la Garonne. Une carte est disponible sur En Gironde 600 km de pistes cyclables. Les plus longues :
Website access is subject to Terms and Conditions, as listed below. The individual accessing the site ("User") is in agreement with these Terms and Conditions, and this is true regardless of whether you have read them in their entirety. This website, provided to you by KINGPLAY CORPORATION, located at 16192 Coastal Highway, , Lewes, DE19958, is at liberty to modify Terms and Conditions at any time. These changes to the Terms and Conditions will be posted to the site and immediately become effective. A return visit to the website after the changes have been posted indicates the user's agreement to the new Terms and Conditions.
20 things to see and do in Santiago de Compostela
Visits in Santiago Take your credencial as many places with an entrance fee offer reductions for pilgrims.Please check the websites of each location as opening hours may vary with the seasons. The great Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela dominates the medieval city. As other buildings were constructed over time none were allowed to be higher than the towers of the cathedral.
Walking the Camino: About the Camino de Santiago
The Camino de Santiago is named for Santo Iago, or Saint James – one of the 12 Apostles and rumored brother of Jesus Christ. According to legend, his body was found in a boat that washed ashore in Northern Spain thousands of years ago. His remains were transported inland and were buried under what is now the grand Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, which marks the end of the Camino. His bones were rediscovered in the 9th century, when a hermit saw a field of stars that led him to the ancient, forgotten tomb. In the millennium following its re-discovery, millions from all over Europe have walked thousands of miles to visit the remains of the disciple. At the height of its popularity in the 11th and 12th centuries, anywhere from 250,000 – 1,000,000 people a year are said to have made the pilgrimage.
with a list of accomodations for pilgrims avec une liste d'hébergements pour pélerins by mebae Nov 1