Themepark - UEN
communication Nothing is more basic to the human experience than the need to communicate. From the earliest times, human beings have communicated in an effort to convey information and express feelings. Whether driven by practical reality or psychological necessity, communication gets at the fundamental human need of connecting with others. Indeed, the very word "communicate" means "share."
Graphic Life Map
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Think you can lift your leg?
Science made Simple’s Zoe gives it a go Human beings have a centre of balance around the belly button. You can usually stay balanced as long as the imaginary vertical line down from your belly button falls between the area that you are balancing on – usually your feet! When you lift your leg, the top half of your body needs to lean slightly the other way so that this line falls onto the one foot that is balancing you.
Tips for Teaching Wikis: How I explain it to students
I just sent this out to the Digiteen group and thought some of you working with wikis might like a few tips. (My students do call me the "wikinator" ;-)) Just a tip -- To get started, I always break it down for the kids. I explain it like this. Students, when we have a wiki, there are two phases: content creation and content editing and refinement.
World Famous from The Teacher's Corner
You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features. Not convinced?
The Henry Ford is a Legendary Place Huge and inspiring, it's filled with an unparalleled collection of over 26 million artifacts cataloging the human stories that make up American History. It's a place where students can come face-to-face with the tales of the inventors, scientists and social visionaries who steered and are steering America into a place of global pre-eminence.
Planting A Pineapple — Tickled Red - StumbleUpon
Did y’all know that you can take this and turn it into… This? And that this will eventually produce…
Using Technology to Improve Student Achievement
Critical Issue: Using Technology to Improve Student Achievement Contents Issue Context
Your Lungs & Respiratory System
Listen Time for Talk Your lungs are important for breathing . . . and also for talking!
A Classroom Management Strategy For The First Days Of School
At the start of a new school year, it’s common for teachers to send home a packet of information for parents. This packet typically consists of school policies and procedures, daily schedules, papers to be signed, and hopefully a classroom management plan. This is all fine and good.
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