Teachers Guide on The Use of ePortfolios in Education
Have you ever thought of teaching your students how to create an ePortfolio ? Well if you have not then it is about time to take the idea seriously. There are actually several reasons why you should encourage students to create their own ePortfolios but before we delve into them let me just briefly define what an ePortfolio is. ePortfolio is an electronic journal where one collects evidence of their learning.
Top 7 Guides on how to Use iPad in your Classroom
iPad is definitely a gadget of huge potential in education. Many schools in the States and Canada are adopting it as a learning tool within their curriculum. Developers have already started creating e-textbooks with enhanced mobile compatibility.
7 Fun Ways to Use QR Codes In Education
QR Codes Quick Response are so fun to integrate in classroom. Quick Response codes are bar codes with information. QR Codes can include contact information, websites, text, SMS, pictures and so much more. My students absolutely love using these in their activities.
7 habits of highly effective teachers Always Prepped Blog
We’ve all heard about Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Some teachers out there may have heard of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers. Below are our 7 habits of highly effective teachers who use technology: 1) They always start with the why. Technology for technology’s sake is dangerous. Highly effective teachers who use technology always have a reason for using new technology tools.
Gmail+1 = Student Email Addresses to Register for Online Services
The Gmail+1"hack" isn't a new trick and I can't remember when I first tried it, but it still works and it still provides a solution to a problem that a lot of teachers run into when they want their students to use a new web tool. Let's say there's a new service that I want my students to use but my students don't have email addresses that they can use to register for that service. In that case I can quickly generate Gmail addresses for my students by using the Gmail+1 hack. Here's how the Gmail+1 hack works: 1. Create a new Gmail account just for your class. Example mrbyrnesclass@gmail.com 2.
Subtitling Tools: Great for eTwinning videos
As web-based video is becoming more and more popular, see how you can use easy online tools to make your eTwinning videos multilingual for everyone to enjoy. Online videos start to rival television in popular usage worldwide. In case you are making, or interested in making, videos with your pupils, it makes perfect sense to try using online subtitling tools to add a whole new language dimension to your videos. In this article we will examine the rationale for subtitling, some of the processes involved and provide you with a review of some of the existing tools available on the Internet today. 1.
18 iPad uses: How classrooms are benefiting from Apple's tablets
Apple's iPads are quickly becoming a popular and powerful educational tool for classrooms. Beyond the immediate benefit of engaging students, iPads can improve education efficiency and standards. However, many teachers are unsure of how to use them effectively. Coupled with concerns over the costs involved, iPad implementation in schools is seen as an unnecessary and expensive risk.
Making assessment meaningful
After spending two hours a day this week watching seventh graders fill in bubbles on our state's standardized test, I am finding myself thinking about assessment. Specifically, I am thinking about the many ways the iPad has enriched and strengthened our daily assessment practices -- and the value I see in authentic, embedded, process-rich assessment that informs and improves instruction. Technology like the iPad offers incredible ways to gather meaningful data that shows student thinking and creates a rich and detailed picture of learning. It can also make assessment more efficient, save teachers time, and open opportunities for more responsive teaching.
15 iPad Skills Every Teacher and Student should Have
Check the learning goals below and share with us your feedback. Enjoy 1- My students should be able to create presentations . Here are the apps to help you achieve this goal :
A Visual Guide To Twitter For Beginners
You may have a Twitter account that you don’t use very often. You may tweet once in blue moon. You may just use it to ‘lurk’ during hashtag chats you enjoy. ( Check out our list of Twitter hashtags for to get started with that!) But you may not be a full-fledged Twitter user … yet. This dense and highly visual approach to understanding Twitter is just great. From the fine folks at Twiends , it lays out all the vocabulary you need, actions you can perform, and even gives a rough idea of what you should expect from Twitter.
MuyBlog – The Empty Backpack
It’s almost time for school to start again, and when the students walk in I know I’m going to see them lugging backpacks loaded with textbooks, notebooks, trappers, worksheets, pens, pencils, and numerous other things in their bags weighing 10, 20, 30 pounds or more. I, however, envision a much different school. A place with empty backpacks, where everything a student needs is on one device, their iPad. Replace the textbooks with an iBook, their notebooks and worksheets with a simple app like Notability, and their pens and pencils with their finger or a stylus. When the first iPad came out a few years ago I was part-time technology coordinator and part-time teacher at the school and we decided to get one to check out.
Why (And How) Teachers Should Start Using iTunes U
Courtesy: maconstate.edu With so many schools adopting the use of iPads I find it strange that we aren’t hearing more about the incredible opportunities available in iTunes U . Well I suppose it isn’t that strange given that schools in the early stages of transitioning to an iPad platform are extremely busy and learning one more thing can seem overwhelming. Trust me, I understand that, but I believe if you were to learn one more thing it should be about the power of iTunes U. The possibilities of this incredible tool are endless.