Music hack of the decade: Panflute Hero!
Jhonny Göransson was part of the team that made what’s simply the daftest and most wonderful music hack we’ve seen so far. The moment he tweeted about it last night, we knew we had to show it to you as soon as we could. It’s called Panflute Hero. Panflute Hero was the result of a weekend at Way Out West Hackathon 2013.
Installing Raspbian on the Raspberry Pi & using SSH and VNC to remotely connect to the Raspberry Pi
UPDATED: July 18th 2013 This blog entry will describe: The installation of the Raspbian Wheezy Linux Distribution on an SD card.Powering up the Raspberry Pi (RPi) board and connecting it to the networkRemotely Accessing the RPi board via SSHInitial Configuration of the Rasbpian OS/ RPi boardRemotely Accessing the RPi’s graphical desktop environment (LXDE) via VNC For starters you’ll need a microUSB terminated AC adapter, an Ethernet cable & an SD card. I highly recommend that you use a 4GB SD card as a minimum. Also this tutorial assumes that you are running a Debian or Ubuntu Based Linux operating system on your PC.
Spring Security,Spring Security Tutorial,Spring Security Authentication,Spring Security Download, Spring Security Example Code, Security Spring example
Spring Security Tutorial, Acegi Implementation 0inShare Acegi is the most used web project security tools in respect of Java web development.
MagPi issue 25 – out now!
For your weekend reading pleasure, here’s issue 25 of the MagPi! Published just yesterday, the latest issue of everyone’s favourite free, monthly, community-produced Raspberry Pi magazine is as full of fantastic stuff as ever. Click to read The MagPi! The cover story is one that’ll definitely get some attention in our house this weekend: it’s a full Python simulation of the Pocket Enigma Cipher Machine, a cleverly devised toy that demonstrates some of the principles of a real Enigma machine like the one many of you will recognise in the cover photo. Used by the German armed forces during World War II to encipher messages, these used rotating disks to achieve a sophisticated substitution cipher; the Pocket machine, and its Python simulation, use two disks to arrive at a fun, if not exactly unbreakable, cipher.
RPi Setting up a static IP in Debian
Using a static IP can be very useful in case you wish to easily access your RPi without need to get its IP address every time it boots or reconnects to the network (i.e. using SSH, (S)FTP services). To achieve this there are a few quick steps to be followed. You only need to modify the file /etc/network/interfaces Before you do, backup the current version of the interfaces file, if there is already one present: pi@raspberry:sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.sav You can edit the file with any text editor such as vi or vim.
Dependency Injection via Constructor in spring
.java.Above Country class contains object of this class.Copy following content into This class contains main function.Create under package org.arpit.javapostsforlearning.Copy following content into Here We have declared two beans with corresponding ids. 1.Class Country with id as "CountryBean" 2.Class Capital with id as "CapitalBean" constructor-arg tag is used for providing argument to bean' s constructor.type is for declaring data types and index defines position in constructor's argument. In above xml,Two arguments are passed. 1. India as string 2.CapitalBean 's reference
MagPi issue 20 – your free Raspberry Pi magazine, out now
Issue 20, February 2014, of the excellent MagPi Magazine was released this week. I’m completely stealing the editorial by Matt from The MagPi team to introduce this issue (as you may have guessed, Liz is away. And I am not as good as Liz at this. There, I said it :)) Anyway, read The MagPi! It’s jam packed with brilliant stuff as ever: — After a massive response, we are pleased to write that the article series ‘Bake your own Pi filling’ is back by popular demand!
Back to RPi Guides. Raspberry Pi Network Attached Storage This project configures your Raspberry Pi to share files with any other computer on your local network. You can add a large hard disk to the RPi and use this to store your important files/photos/videos in a central location. The files on your RPi can be easily accessed from any type of computer which is connected to your network, for example a Windows PC, a Linux PC, A Mac, a smartphone, etc. In a classroom, each student can have access to a private area, and also a public area for sharing files.
Spring 3 Dependency Injection via Constructor and Setter
In this tutorial we are going to demonstrate the Spring Framework implementation of the Inversion of Control (IoC) principle, that is also known as Dependency Injection (DI). Dependency injection (DI) is a process whereby objects define their dependencies, that is, the other objects they work with, only through constructor arguments, arguments to a factory method, or properties that are set on the object instance after it is constructed or returned from a factory method. The container then injects those dependencies when it creates the bean. DI exists in two major variants, Constructor-based dependency injection and Setter-based dependency injection.