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GIS Cloud - Map 'Galicia'

GIS Cloud - Map 'Galicia'
A platform that knows location. Our optimized vector-based map engine is based on the latest HTML5 technology, and is the fastest map display engine available. But we also provide the most comprehensive geo location, analytics and data integration capabilities that will let you leverage legacy geo and location data. GIS Cloud supports all popular geospatial vector and raster formats, and even allows you to import spreadsheets and text data to create your cloud-based geo information repository.And because we provide the ability to project your legacy data ‘on the fly’, you don’t need to concern yourself with map projections or other geo database complexities.We then make your legacy geo information accessible through Javascript and REST APIs so that no matter what your solution requires, you can access it from all of your applications on all of your enterprise devices.

Visualizing Databases I’ve become quite the fan of Gephi, lately, and received a good-natured challenge by one of my colleagues, which went something like, “Why is a everything a network with you, now?” Obviously, in the case of social network-like phenomena, such as mapping collaboration in the Digital Humanities with the DH@Stanford graph–network theory and network language (whether visual or theoretical) make sense. Network analytical tools like Gephi are also only a short step away from spatial analytical tools, like ArcGIS, many of which are used to ask questions about geographic networks and not about the kind of continuous data found in topography. Tooling Up for Digital Histories as part of the DH@Stanford graph, which describes collaboration as temporally-aware instances of interconnected social networks at Stanford University. The IUCN Red List spatial data for reptiles.

SpatialEcology.Com Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Spatial Ecology LLC Before proceeding with the installation and/or use of this software please read the following terms and conditions of this license agreement. The license agreement applies to both the GME interface and the installation program. By installing or using this software you indicate your acceptance of this agreement. If you do not accept or agree with these terms, you may not download, install or use it. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") subject to the terms of this EULA.

AfricaMap Powered by WorldMap AfricaMap Sign in | Create Map | View Map | Help Protovis Protovis composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots. Unlike low-level graphics libraries that quickly become tedious for visualization, Protovis defines marks through dynamic properties that encode data, allowing inheritance, scales and layouts to simplify construction. Protovis is free and open-source, provided under the BSD License. It uses JavaScript and SVG for web-native visualizations; no plugin required (though you will need a modern web browser)! Although programming experience is helpful, Protovis is mostly declarative and designed to be learned by example. Protovis is no longer under active development.The final release of Protovis was v3.3.1 (4.7 MB).

ArcGIS for AutoCAD Overview ArcGIS for AutoCAD is a free, downloadable plug-in application for AutoCAD that provides interoperability between AutoCAD and ArcGIS. Within the AutoCAD environment, you gain easy access to GIS maps in the form of map services, image services, and feature services hosted by ArcGIS Enterprise, or maps, imagery and feature sources you discover on ArcGIS Online. Additionally, ArcGIS for AutoCAD allows you to edit ArcGIS data created locally within the AutoCAD drawing or exported from ArcGIS Desktop. Use ArcGIS for AutoCAD to Mapping Chicago’s shooting victims This week we launched Chicago shooting victims, which tracks where and when people are shot in Chicago, a city that’s seen more than 1,000 people shot in the first six months of 2013. This project coincided with a detailed story that ran in the Chicago Tribune written by the very reporters gathering the data. First, let me explain what the data represent and where these numbers come from. In Chicago, if six people are shot at one time, the police record the data as just one shooting. For instance, if six people are shot during a drive-by shooting, then it counts as one shooting, even if it has six victims.

Esri Mapping Platform Secured for Federal Agency's Use June 25, 2014 Redlands, California—The Esri ArcGIS Online platform is now authorized and accredited by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a secure platform for delivering cloud-based geospatial services. Following a rigorous assessment, the agency has granted ArcGIS Online a Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) low Authority to Operate (ATO). Esri, the GIS industry leader, now provides secure online GIS services to the USDA, giving the agency assurance that its data and applications are protected. ArcGIS Online empowers users to create interactive web maps to share with whomever they choose, whether it is a specific group, an organization, or the public. The US government will use ArcGIS Online to host scalable tile services for broad public dissemination while leveraging its own agency accredited infrastructure feature services for hosting more sensitive information.

Live map of London Underground trains Loading... Powered by Leaflet — Map tiles © Thunderforest, data © OpenStreetMap contributors. Live London Underground map By Matthew Somerville. jQuery Mapael jQuery Mapael - Build dynamic vector maps #Overview jQuery Mapael is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you to display dynamic vector maps. For example, with Mapael, you can display a map of the world with clickable countries. Weave Data Tutorial Weave Data TutorialTutorial for Weave Magazine 03.10 about visualizing network data Client: Weave Magazine / Page publisher We all use twitter, write emails, skype and blog all day long. There isn’t a single day we are not going to visit websites like google, youtube, the website of our favorite newspaper or social network and browse through the web.

Interview with Suzanne Blier on WorldMap, Easy-to-Use GIS Suzanne Blier is Allen Whitehill Clowes Professor of Fine Arts and of African and African American Studies at Harvard University. She is an historian of African art and architecture in both the History of Art and Architecture and African and African American Studies Departments. She also is a member of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science. She is Co-Chair of an Electronic Geo-Spatial Database AfricaMap, a site that expanded into WorldMap. logTool: Revealing the Hidden Patterns of Online Surfing Behavior logTool [] is a data visualization tool that displays your online activity, based on data from the powerful network packet sniffing tool Carnivore. By analyzing the different IP addresses and ports, the visualization is able to determine and represent what kind of application or service sends or receives the packets. Developed for the magazine Weave, logTool was used to digest the surfing behavior of several interaction designers, artists and developers. The time period of a whole day was split into 288 timeslots, 5 minutes each, represented by a radial bar graph.
