Where Should I Search? It Depends!
Short Description: The Value of Free and Deep Web Resources (aka Google vs. Databases) Additional Instructor Resources (e.g. in-class activities, worksheets, scaffolding applications, supplemental modules, further readings, etc
The New School Library
Without question, the Internet has changed the way we think and learn, and will continue to do so as our technology evolves. In particular, the ability to access enormous amounts of information at any time from almost any place is forcing schools to redefine the idea of a classroom and the way we approach teaching. It is also reshaping the notion of school library services — what libraries look like and how they and librarians best serve schools. Increasingly, we hear the questions: “Are libraries necessary today? Isn’t everything on the Internet?
A proposito delle Licenze
Our public copyright licenses incorporate a unique and innovative “three-layer” design. Each license begins as a traditional legal tool, in the kind of language and text formats that most lawyers know and love. We call this the Legal Code layer of each license.
*Google: On knowing where to start
We all search Google. But I am not sure if we’re always sure of the most effective place to begin our Google searches. The basic and familiar search box may not be the only one and it may not be the smartest place to begin. Among the Google options are Books, Images, News, Newspapers and Scholar. Most all of Google’s search types have their own similarly useful post-search filters, as well as their very own contextually difference Advanced Search Screens. Google Books: IMHO, Google Books is overlooked by far too many researchers, far too many educators, and far too many students.
Supporting inquiry learning in kura kaupapa Māori
Āria matua — key concept An āria matua / key concept connects the ākonga to why the topic is important to learn about. For example: 'Mena kāhore tātou e ako ana ki te hangarua ka kīkī haere ngā wāhi rāpihi.' Mahi whakarite — pre-teaching In order for ākonga to engage and ask questions about a kaupapa, they first need some basic knowledge about it.
Choose a License
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons LICENSE_NAME License. To view a copy of this license, visit LICENSE_URL. We are currently testing a new version of the License Chooser. Please consider using the Chooser beta, and leave us feedback on how we can improve. Creative Commons is a non-profit organization.
How Google autocomplete works in Search
Why inappropriate predictions happen We have systems in place designed to automatically catch inappropriate predictions and not show them. However, we process billions of searches per day, which in turn means we show many billions of predictions each day. Our systems aren’t perfect, and inappropriate predictions can get through.
Understanding inquiry learning
A student-centred approach is a key feature of inquiry-based learning. Using an inquiry approach, students learn how to learn. They can often transfer or apply the essential inquiry learning skills, dispositions, and attitudes to new situations. Metacognitive processes can be an important part of inquiry learning. This might include strategies for developing students' thinking skills and understanding how they learn.
*Google algorithm updates 2011 to 2018
Google makes changes to its ranking algorithm almost every day. Sometimes we know about them, sometimes we don’t. Some of them remain unnoticed, others turn the SERPs upside down. So, this cheat sheet contains the most important algorithm updates of the recent years alongside battle-proven advice on how to optimize for these updates.
Google Alerts alternative. The best and free alerts service with Twitter results
Alerts FAQ What is Talkwalker Alerts? Talkwalker is an online monitoring service that helps users get notified about new mentions on the web, newspaper articles, forums, blogs, and twitter. Users can set up alerts for their brand name, tagline, competitors, events, and industry keywords. Powered by our advanced social media analytics technology, Talkwalker Alerts allows users to receive the important online conversations and tweets in their inbox.
Inquiry learning / Effective pedagogy / Media gallery / Curriculum resources / Kia ora - NZ Curriculum Online
Vic Hygate, Windsor School, Christchurch The biggest difference for me as a teacher with ‘inquiry’ is it’s that shifting your students from knowing about their world to understanding their world - and understanding is so much more than knowledge! If I think about my own life, I studied French at high school and I passed French exams. But recently I've been to France and I've actually had to use French and that's actually given me a whole different understanding of the French language - and how much I knew and how much I didn't. Whereas, when I did it in an exam it was a little bit different. So inquiry for me is the way I get my children to move from knowing into understanding.
What's New in 4.0
Creative Commons worked for more than two years to develop the next generation of CC licenses — the version 4.0 CC license suite. The new licenses are more user-friendly and more internationally robust than ever before. We made dozens of improvements to the licenses.
An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!
25 August 2017 Sundar PichaiChief Executive OfficerGoogle, Inc. Lawrence PageChief Executive Officer/DirectorAlphabet, Inc. Sergey BrinPresident/DirectorAlphabet, Inc.