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Vegan Recipes by Angela Liddon

Vegan Recipes by Angela Liddon
I’m popping in today with a round-up of some of my favourite Easter recipes. If you are a last-minute planner like myself, I hope some of these recipes below will inspire your own menu. 1. Creamy Avocado Potato Salad (p. 107 from The Oh She Glows Cookbook) 2. The Best Shredded Kale Salad

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Baked Polenta Fries with Garlic Tomato Sauce Recipe There are days when you want to spend time putting together a meal. Spending an hour chopping vegetables, stirring a pot on the stove, carefully garnishing the finished dish, that’s all fine on those kinds of days. And then there are days when you’re tired and you want to throw something in the oven and forget about it until the timer goes off. For those days, I present to you: Baked Polenta Fries. If you haven’t had them before, they’re polenta cut into steak fries and baked until crispy on the outside. Magic happens when you bake polenta. How to grow herbs indoors to spice up your cooking CORVALLIS – Cooking and gardening have taken the country by storm and easy-to-grow herbs act as a bridge between the two, adding flavor to our food and confidence to our gardening. Growing them inside gives everyone the opportunity to spice up their homegrown food, said Brooke Edmunds, horticulturist for Oregon State University Extension Service. “People are entertaining themselves during the pandemic by trying out new recipes and finding things to learn to cook,” she said. “We’re being creative and herbs can help a lot with that.” There are other reasons to grow herbs, including the simple joy of growing your own and knowing where your food comes from.

Low Carb, Keto , Paleo Diet Recipes may be available for purchase. Inquire today! Inquiry Form Inquire with your Facebook or LinkedIn profile, or complete this form to receive a free quote. contact Feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or anything else you have to say. I am also open to sponsorship and product reviews. Let's chat!

Roasted Carrots with Sweet Tahini Drizzle It’s the first week of November so I can officially (with no guilt) dive into making recipes for Thanksgiving… YEY! Roasted Carrots with Sweet Tahini Drizzle is a perfect vegetarian friendly side dish to be shared and enjoyed with everyone in the family. I’ll be posting more of my favorite Thanksgiving side dishes, entrees, and desserts this whole month so stay tuned! For now, let’s talk about these gorgeous carrots though, I mean seriously, how beautiful is this dish! It’s a beautifully rustic yet sophisticated looking dish that will make any Thanksgiving or holiday table look that much more inviting. I love Thanksgiving, not for the cliche food coma that typically ensues, or the relaxing time with friends and family, but actually giving thanks.

Disney+ Kills Off Its Free Trial — Is it a Sign of Things to Come? Remember when Netflix introduced something called “Netflix Instant” where users could stream films right to their computer instead of waiting to get their DVDs in the mail? What a quaint time it was, as now every media brand on the face of the earth has decided to stop letting Netflix eat their lunch and, instead, build their own platforms in hopes of selling their services to consumers. Of course, with the list of streamers growing, Americans are starting to wise-up to the mounting costs that come with subscribing to two, three, four, or five different options. To entice these skeptical viewers, most services offer some version of a free trial — be it one week, two weeks, or a month. However, in a surprising move, today Disney+ dropped its seven-day free trial, meaning that new users will need to either pay up or stay out. As someone who had a three-year subscription to Disney+ before the service even launched, this particular move doesn’t really affect me.

edible perspective - About Welcome friends! However you happened upon my blog I am thrilled to have you. This is my little space. My nook. My spot. Where I create things. Avocado Mac and Cheese Recipe My avocado obsession continues, this time with Stovetop Avocado Mac and Cheese! If you like our Creamy Avocado Pasta, you will love this decadent macaroni and cheese. It is basically the same delicious pasta, but kicked up a notch. Josh thought I was a little looney when I told him what we were having for dinner, but after one bite, he was in mac and cheese heaven.

How Are You Fighting Quarantine Cooking Fatigue? When my city first started to close up back in March, I went to the restaurant supply store and loaded up on pasta, canned tomatoes, eggs, onions, several non-perishable staples and lots of hot sauce. I thought we were looking at a month or so of staying inside and I fully planned to avoid the grocery store the entire time. Obviously, that is not how things worked out. I wear my mask to go to the store about once a week, and shop fairly “normally,” buying fresh, perishable food to cook at home.

Cook Your Dream There's nothing better than real home prepared food. Even the simplest dish, when prepared with good quality fresh local and seasonal ingredients, can taste like a dream. That being said, all food taste best when enjoyed in the company of friends and family. The Bitten Word: About The Bitten Word Hi there! Thanks for stopping by! We're Zach and Clay, and we cook recipes from monthly food magazines. Ten Things You Should Know About This Site

hot southern greens with sautéed sweet potatoes Aaaaaahhhhhh! So exciting!!! But this also means that Miikka is gone, which is a fact that I haven’t fully processed yet. When it finally does hit me, I’ll be crying like a baby. 5 Online Personal Finance Communities to Help You with Money In moments of financial volatility, like the current economic downturn, it's natural to start thinking more carefully about how you manage your money. Where once you may have felt financially secure, now you could be having second thoughts about how you're planning for the future and saving money for unexpected events. Whether you're just learning how to budget, starting to save for an emergency fund or trying to make a plan to pay down your debt, sometimes it's helpful to get support so you can meet your goals. Luckily, there are free online platforms and communities designed for people in every kind of financial situation. These groups and pages can be easily found, followed and/or joined via social media platforms and on the web. To help you get started, CNBC Select rounded up five free online communities where you can connect with others who are facing similar challenges and/or goals.

| Recipes from a Young Lawyer Blondie Layer Cake with White Chocolate Icing Caitlin celebrated her birthday last week. And in preparation of the big day, I scanned my collection of recipes and cookbooks, searching for the perfect layer cake. Last year I made her the pumpkin crepe cake.

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