29 Incredibly Useful Websites You Wish You Knew Earlier There are so many wonderful websites around, and it is difficult to know each and every one of them. The below list provides some of those websites that I find particularly helpful, even though they are not as famous or as prevalent as some of the big names out there. 1. 3 Excellent Tools to Create Interactive Posters and Visuals for Your Class February 1, 2014 Interactive visuals are great learning and teaching materials to use with your students in the classroom. From explaining difficult processes to visual brainstorming, interactive graphics are a good way to consolidate students learning and promote their comprehension.
Google URL Shortener Posted by Michael Hermanto, Software Engineer, Firebase We launched the Google URL Shortener back in 2009 as a way to help people more easily share links and measure traffic online. Since then, many popular URL shortening services have emerged and the ways people find content on the Internet have also changed dramatically, from primarily desktop webpages to apps, mobile devices, home assistants, and more. To refocus our efforts, we're turning down support for goo.gl over the coming weeks and replacing it with Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL). FDLs are smart URLs that allow you to send existing and potential users to any location within an iOS, Android or web app.
8 Must Have Classroom Posters for Technology Best Practices September 28, 2014 Integrating technology in classroom teaching is not only about finding the best educational web tools to enhance students learning but a decent part of it is also related to the ethics behind such use. Students need to understand that using any sort of technology in class is governed by a set of rules and guidelines that have to be respected and enacted. These guidelines do not only organize their interaction with this technology but, most importantly, makes this interaction pedagogically sound. For instance, when embedding images from the web into their classroom projects, students need to be aware of the copyright rules and citation guidelines that underlie this practice. In other words, they have to act in accordance with what is generally accepted to be the case when integrating web content.Also, even the use of the hardware in class should be monitored and be regulated with strict and clear body of guidelines.
How to flip your class with quizzes in 5 steps Measuring a student’s knowledge state is the typical purpose of quizzes in education. Can these short tests do more? Quizzes have long been used as a “stick” in education. Good Web Tools to Create Classroom Posters Are you looking for tools to create classroom posters ? The collection below has probably what you are looking for. This is a list of some popular web tools that teachers can use with their students to create visually attractive graphics that can embed a wide range of media forms including: image, text, graphs, and drawings. I personally find myself using Google Drawing more often than anything else. I find it much more practical as it is already integrated with Google Drive and so everything I create on it is automatically saved to my Drive account. Google Drawing also has a simple and easy to use set of drawing tools which I am pretty sure your students will enjoy working with.
Unleashing Creativity: Greg Kulowiec App Smashing - from Beth Holland Greg Kulowiec begins his session by asking, “Why limit our students to one tool at one time?” With App Smashing, students can create content with a variety of apps and then publish it to the web – don’t let content “die on your iPad.” The general concept between App Smashing is merging content from a variety of apps. Greg likes the word App Smash, but Lisa Johnson (@techchef4u) calls it App Synergy. Toolkit for App Smashing – keep it simple!
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 7 Awesome Posters for Language Teachers January 23, 2015 Today I brought you a collection of some interesting infographics and posters particularly useful for English language teachers. I curated this collection from Larry Ferlazzo’s Pinterest board titled ”Useful Classroom Images”. This board contains over 5000 pins spanning multifarious topics and themes. I spent sometime last night going through Larry’s pins and selected for you the titles below. I am hoping that language teachers would find these resources handy. You can use these materials with students in class to enhance their language learning and improve their oral and written skills. 11 Quick and Amazing ways to use PowToon in your Classroom by PowToon! I recently read a study on creativity that blew my mind: “A major factor in creativity is education: not whether you had a “good” or “expensive” or “public” education, but whether you were encouraged to develop your creativity starting at an early age and continuing throughout your school years.” – Adobe.Inc We saw this first-hand, when Edson Tellez, a volunteer teacher in rural Mexico, wrote to us about how PowToon changed the way his students viewed the world, “they’re getting more creative, more receptive, and more dynamic in each class.” The mind blowing fact is that developing creativity is the number one determining factor in the overall success of your students! Even if you teach in the most affluent school, with the most high end gadgets - your students are still only as good as the instructions given to them. They are only as good as the lesson you present and the creativity you encourage.
The Best 8 Tools to Create Posters for your Classroom Today, we are sharing with you some great web tools that you can use to create your own posters and customize them the way you want. Check out the list below and share with us what you think of them. Enjoy 1- Poster My Wall This is one of the most popular web tools out there. It allows you to create awesome posters using either your own images or from the selection provided there.