Detention Action
Detention Action is working with people in detention, and those recently released, to share their experiences of detention, and to tell the story of why they were detained. Abdul is a Rohingya from Burma. He is stateless, so cannot return to Burma or Bangladesh. Despite this, when he claimed asylum he was placed on the Detained Fast Track. I was detained from August 2010 until the beginning of November 2012 and have only just been granted bail. I’m now staying at a designated address far away from my family in London; I have a curfew and other restrictions that make travel to see them impossible.
Life at Google - Google Jobs
Whether it’s creating self-driving cars or translating the web into 64 languages, we love big bets. Our company culture encourages experimentation and the free flow of ideas. This perspective is not limited to our engineering teams and technical roles, but extends to all Googlers who share a desire to challenge what’s possible. In an interview with Wired magazine, Larry Page discusses the company’s pursuit of innovation. Since it’s founding, Google has encouraged people to think big and aim for breakthroughs instead of incremental improvements. Larry also stresses his desire to do things that have never been done like self-driving cars and Google Glass—both of which are becoming reality, thanks to Google [x], our laboratory for moonshots.
Alternative Radio — The Threat of Democracy
Program #CHON218. Recorded in Istanbul, Turkey on January 18, 2013. The U.S. is the self-proclaimed global champion of democracy. But the term is used selectively. Take Hillary Clinton who was widely praised as an outstanding Secretary of State. At the height of the Tahrir Square uprising in Egypt protesting Mubarak’s 30-year dictatorship, she said, No country has done more for democracy in Egypt than the U.S.
'Honour'-based violence
Heshu Yunes ‘Honour’-based violence and ‘honour’ killings are a form of violence against women which currently occur predominantly amongst populations from the Middle East and South Asia, although they may occur in other areas, and historically have been recorded in Southern Europe. ‘Honour’ works to restrict women’s autonomy, particularly sexual autonomy within male-dominated societies which place a high value on women’s chastity. Within ‘honour’ crimes, families may collaborate to commit violence against a relative who is thought to have violated the restrictions around female behaviour. Such violations might include dress or make-up which is not approved by the family, resisting an arranged marriage, seeking divorce, reporting domestic violence, although some so-called offences may appear trivial.
Humanity Healing International is a humanitarian, nondenominational, nonpolitical organization promoting Spiritual Activism as a means to foster Healing for communities with little or no Hope.
Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. ~Cesar Chavez Women are the most marginalized, oppressed and downtrodden group in Pakistani society.
Internship Research
Job - May 1, 2013 The Research Unit at Greenpeace International is offering a 6 month internship position. Research internships are based in Amsterdam, Netherlands as full-time positions (40 hours per week) for a fixed term of 6 months. This internship option is ongoing. Monitor, capture, filter and organize information and market intelligence into databases for briefs and reports to ensure strategic information is available for Greenpeace’s campaigns and projects. This role is very detail orientated, involves multiple concurrent daily deadlines and administrative tasks within the research unit.
Patents on Life
Dolly sheep protest against patents on life at office for European patents. Patents are government guarantees that provide an inventor with exclusive rights to use, sell or manufacture an invention for a set period of time. A patent is usually granted for 20 years. Patents should be granted only to human inventions, not discoveries. Existing living organisms - plants and animals as well as their genes - are no-one's invention and should therefore never be patented and put under private control.
Land-mines: A deadly inheritance
Land-mines: A deadly inheritance Naturally curious, children are likely to pick up strange objects, such as the infamous toy-like 'butterfly' mines that Soviet forces spread by the millions in Afghanistan. Land-mines represent "an insidious and persistent danger" to children affected by war, says a new United Nations report on the impact of armed conflict on children, by Graça Machel, the UN Secretary-General's Expert on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children. Children are particularly vulnerable to land-mines in a number of ways.