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How to make a scratch off lottery ticket?
You probably know the scratch off lottery tickets?
Ever wondered how to make them? Well, they are very fun & easy to make.I used to make greeting cards from them but now I'm going to use this technique as a promotional tool.I made 25 scratch off tickets and will include 1 ticket with every order I ship.On one of those tickets, there is a coupon code and a value of 25 dollars to spend in my shop on Etsy. Waaaahhh, exciting! :) Here is what you need:cardboard, a print-out of your lottery ticket, glue stick, sticky back plastic (contact paper), metallic acrylic paint (preferably silver) and washing liquid.I prepared the paper cutting beforehand so I'll skip that part in the tutorial. :) Beforehand you print out a design that you want to be on the scratch off lottery tickets.If your printer can take thick paper you can print it directly on the cardboard and skip this part.
Then you take a piece of sticky back plastic and put it onto the design.
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Pots triar la temàtica que vulguis i obtindrás mots encreuats fàcils o difíciles, mots encreuats per nens o especialitzats en una temàtica concreta. Si tries valors alts (per exemple un nombre màxim de paraules elevat o un tema amb poques paraules) és normal que la web trigui a respondre una mica. Aquesta pàgina està optimitzada perquè en clicar al botó imprimir s'oculti automàticament tot el que no tingui a veure amb el mot encreuat. Només s'imprimirà el mot encreuat, les definicions i la solució, tota la resta (propaganda, aquest text, etc) NO s'imprimirà.
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You can create more or less ciphers depending on the complexity of the message you want to send. Start by measuring the width and height of the space you want to write your message. Transfer these measurements to your cardstock, creating a boundary box for your cipher to fit. Next, label the rectangles with numbers. Next it's time to cut out some rectangles and create the cipher.
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