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Media advertising strategy

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EURODISNEY KEY FACTS 2013. Classement Best Global Brands – Interbrand. [Infographie] Marketing digital : les indicateurs pour évaluer une campagne. Comment MinuteBuzz, le BuzzFeed français, a doublé son audience et son chiffre d'affaires, par Benoît Raphaël. WeTransfer. Advert design requirements Advertising on WeTransfer works a bit differently from other websites.


Other rules and restrictions apply. Before creating an advert for WeTransfer, we ask you to read the wallpaper guidelines so we can get your advert online on time and so you get the most out of your investment. Wallpaper guidelines.pdf Please keep in mind that we don’t allow more than 140 characters of text in an advert and we only allow one call to action. Global Ad Spend: Latin America and Asian Nations Lead the Charge. Advertising spend continues to rebound globally, though increases slowed in the first quarter of 2013.

Global Ad Spend: Latin America and Asian Nations Lead the Charge

According to Nielsen’s quarterly Global AdView Pulse report, global advertising grew just 1.9 percent from the first quarter of 2012. Trends fluctuated across the regions, as quarterly spending dropped in Europe, marginally increased in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Asian-Pacific, and remained flat in North America. Spending in the Middle East and Africa continued to recover from the spending decline of early 2012, as advertising spend grew 2.9 percent during Q1. Despite the upward progression, the region remains affected by the civil unrest in Egypt, one of the region’s largest markets, where ad spend declined by 20 percent.

Latin America was the star performer for the first quarter with ad spend growth of 11.9 percent. [Mobile] Google, un ogre qui capte plus de la moitié des revenus publicitaires mondiaux. Avec un chiffre d’affaires de 3,45 milliards d’euros et 52,36% de PdM, Google est le leader incontestable de la publicité mobile.

[Mobile] Google, un ogre qui capte plus de la moitié des revenus publicitaires mondiaux

Le CA du géant américain sur le marché publicitaire online atteint 24,54 milliards d’euros en 2012, soit 31,46% des recettes totales du secteur. TF1 Publicité connecte la pub télé et les smartphones. À partir de dimanche soir, la chaîne lance un dispositif permettant de participer à un jeu concours par téléphone, activé par une publicité Kia.

TF1 Publicité connecte la pub télé et les smartphones

Interagir en direct avec le téléspectateur. C'est le nouveau pari que compte bien remporter la régie publicitaire de TF1. À l'occasion du lancement de la nouvelle Kia Cee'd, la marque automobile coréenne proposera, à partir de dimanche soir et jusqu'au 1er juin, aux téléspectateurs de TF1 de gagner un exemplaire de sa dernière-née grâce à leur smartphone ou leur tablette. L'opération pilotée par les agences Havas Media et Innocean Worldwide France se fera via un jeu concours disponible sur l'application MYTF1. 100 Guerilla Marketing Ideas: Grow Sales With Zero Budget. The following post is a joint collaboration between Elish Bul-Godley (@elishbulgodley) and Neil Sisson (@neilsisson).

100 Guerilla Marketing Ideas: Grow Sales With Zero Budget

Not everyone can afford to hire a marketing consultant, so we offer you a spectrum of kick-ass guerrilla weapons to arm your marketing war chest with. A lot of small businesses are facing budgeting setbacks and low cash-flow which can lead to a downward spiral of less advertising, less promotional activity and less sales. The ultimate result? Staring into that dark abyss of zero revenue. Don’t surrender to these cash-strapped times. The revolution starts here…Read on to pick up 100 low cost marketing ideas that include both online and offline activities. Definition of Guerilla Marketing Jay Conrad Levinson’s Guerrilla Marketing site simply puts it as “The achievement of conventional goals (e.g. Here is a great blog outlining the tactical thinking and mindset that can help you win the war.

Guerrilla versus Gorilla – Small Companies Can Win. Public Relations and Publicity 1. Street / Guerilla Marketing. Ambush Marketing Bugaboo Plus qu’une poussette, c’est un véritable objet design pour les nourrissons et les bébés : la Bugaboo.

Street / Guerilla Marketing

C’est dans cette optique que la marque a consulté l’agence hors medias Anolis, spécialisée dans les actions street marketing, pour réaliser des opérations sur le mois de Septembre, véritable temps fort pour l’achat des poussettes. Watch Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd's Teaser for Samsung's Super Bowl Ad. Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd pitch ideas for a Samsung Super Bowl ad in this 60-second teaser for Samsung's upcoming 120-second Super Bowl ad.

Watch Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd's Teaser for Samsung's Super Bowl Ad

In a very meta concept, the two stars pitch Mr. Show's Bob Odenkirk on an idea for "The Next Big Thing. " Odenkirk, however, is hypersensitive about getting sued for using the term "Super Bowl" or naming either team playing in the game (though the "50 minus 1ers" and the "Baltimore Blackbirds" is fine.) Finally, he suggests using the term "el plato supremo" instead of Super Bowl. The full 2-minute ad, and an extended cut version with never-been-seen footage will be released later this week, according to Samsung. "The anticipation of Super Bowl ads creates a unique consumer experience," said Todd Pendleton, CMO of Samsung Mobile, in a statement. The ad will feature the Galaxy family of products including the Galaxy Note II, Galaxy SIII and Galaxy Note 10.1.

What do you think of the teaser? Image courtesy of YouTube, Samsung.