Ivan Poupyrev Blog. 【最新】バンダイ「ハコビジョン」プロモーションムービー/世界初!スマホを使って楽しむ驚愕の映像エンターテインメント食玩. 在交互细节上,Android 与 iOS 有哪些区别. 在交互细节上有哪些区别,这问题回答起来估计就有难度了!
事先声明,文长.... 首先从导航模式开始,iOS 应用大多数情况,只提供单一的路径。 图1应用内的导航与系统导航分隔开,iOS应用内一般无「退出」选项,通过实体home按键返回主屏界面及退出应用(手势支持)。 图2 向上按钮被用于基于层级关系的应用程序中的界面切换。 图3Android 4.x后采用将四大天王实体键修改为三个虚拟按键(返回、Home、多任务),意在解决Android设备碎片化的问题,并希望能够解决Android一直以为存在的导航问题,但在实际当中该问题依然存在(魅族的Smart bar同样在尝试解决这个问题,通过有效的设计形成与其它手机的差异化)。 图4在为Android应用进行设计时,请充分考虑导航问题,避免用户在使用过程中迷失,并且在考虑按钮位置及操作方式时注意Android虚拟键的误操作问题。 图5Android操作栏是 Android 应用程序的最重要的结构元素。 图6大多数应用程序的操作栏被划分为四个不同的功能区域 :1.应用程序的图标:图标能够帮助用户对应用进行识别,如果当前显示的不是应用程序的最高层界面,保证在图标左边显示“向上”符号。 图7Ps. 图8在进行设计的时候需要考虑操作栏如何适应不同的屏幕方向和屏幕尺寸,进行动态的调整以达到最优的效果。 图9为iOS 应用进行设计时,请考虑iOS双层状态栏(double-high status bar),显示当前正在进行的任务:通话中、录音中等,应用布局不会因高度的变化而出现问题。
图104. First Principles of Interaction Design. The following principles are fundamental to the design and implementation of effective interfaces, whether for traditional GUI environments, the web, mobile devices, wearables, or Internet-connected smart devices.
Help! This is a huge revision. I expect I have made mistakes. Please leave corrections and suggestions in the Comments at the end. If you have better examples than I’m using, please include them as well, but give me enough information about them, including links or cites, that I can make use of them. This revision features new examples and discussion involving mobile, wearables, and Internet-connected smart devices. What has changed greatly is the level of detail: You will find many new sub-principles within each category, along with far more explanation, case studies, and examples. Previous Version & Its Translations. Introduction Effective interfaces are visually apparent and forgiving, instilling in their users a sense of control. I Love Apple, But It’s Not Perfect Aesthetics Top. Tetris Theme on Laser Harp - Theremin Hero LIVE! Finale - Gamecity 5 Nottingham.
Kickstarter. Malika favre. 相機可以防手震,湯匙為什麼不行?這支湯匙讓帕金森氏症患者不再難以進食. 在美國境內,有超過 1,000 萬人有原發性顫抖的狀況,並有超過 200 萬人患有帕金森氏症。
而 Liftware 就是專為這群人所設計,讓他們在進食時可以更容易,並且不會喪失自尊心。 它是由 lift lab 所研發,是一款特殊的電子湯匙,在手把裡頭裝有像智慧型手機的感應器和馬達。 Lift Lab 的創辦人 Anupam Pathak 在研究所的求學階段裡,曾探討如何降低人類原發性顫抖的症狀,這引發了他想要製作 Liftware 的動機。 不止眼鏡手錶 還有可穿戴式化妝品. Untitled. The Cubli: a cube that can jump up, balance, and 'walk'. Thought Den - digital design agency - Mobile apps, HTML5 games & installations. 相遇時刻 The Moment We Meet. PRO-TEQ: Press Release. Pro-Teq Surfacing UK Ltd, light the way with their innovative re-surfacing methodology demonstrating how STARPATH could help City Councils around the UK recognise the potential savings in local and national government energy bills.
STARPATH could be an alternative to street lighting. Pro-Teq Surfacing UK Ltd have been awarded Global Business Excellence Award for 2013 in the category Outstanding Innovation for their product: STARPATH The Chairman of the Judges from the GBE Awards said: "Pro-Teq Surfacing is literally on track to light up the world with its amazing invention for illuminating paths and roadways. The product known as 'Starpath' can be sprayed on to hard or soft surfaces and at night the chemicals in the treatment interact producing a glow, doing away with for the need for costly lighting.
The beauty of the product is that it is easy to apply and the path or road is ready for use in only four hours. Pencil:出自 Paper 團隊之手,也許是目前最好的電容觸控筆. 有沒有試過在 iPad 上使用過觸控筆?
普通觸控筆產品的工作原理可以說非常簡單,就是純粹將筆頭模擬成人的手指,作業的精密性與靈活度自然無法與真正的筆相提並論。 在介紹多點觸摸技術的時候,賈伯斯曾表示痛恨觸控筆,他認為最好的觸摸筆上帝已經給予我們了,就是我們的手指。 不過由 Fifty Three 設計的 Pencil,可能帶來點不一樣。 How to connect Arduino with Axure. 國際特赦組織廣告︰你看不見,但它正在發生. [讀者投稿]香港郊野 Time Lapse, Our Naturalscapes, Our Hong Kong [重口味]專門收集難看到死的食物照片…… By Nok On ·概念攝影 .
First Principles of Interaction Design. La Redoute的智慧型廣告看板將會增加模特兒的戰鬥力! 如何用最便宜的方法製作互動式影片(Interactive Video) at Lookinfo 看資訊. 互動多媒體是一種很好的多線敘事模式,使用者依照自己的需求與喜好,來觀看自己想要的內容。
但以往要設計、製作互動多媒體總是要很多資源,除非具備設計與程式技能,一般人很難自己生產。 IDEO Shopping Cart Project. Motion & Animation — A New Mobile UX Design Material. Transitional Interfaces — Design/UX. Designers love to sweat the details.
Much time is spent pixel-fucking buttons, form styles, setting type, & getting those icons as sharp as a tack. A+, great job, don't stop you guys. ...but there's little consideration about how it all fits together outside of a static comp. You tap a button and the form just ...appears? You swipe to delete an item and it just vanishes? Oh, ok sweet. How? Folks keep throwing around the word “delight” when referring to animation and cute interactions. Animation leverages an overlooked dimension — time! Animating with Physics. When Facebook launched Home I was very impressed, the interactions were well thought out and the result is stunning.
My eye was drawn especially to the way the menu items get sucked in to the home button. While watching a video[…]HTC First with Facebook Home Hands On by The Verge something Joey Flynn (the designer) said piqued my interest. Here's a transcript: We basically built everything around a new physics engine, so everything feels super fun to play with. Nothing is on a linear animation, nothing is timed. So what's important about this? How it works. Www.media.mit.edu/files/principles.pdf. Interaction Design Foundation.