Li Chan
Dr Li Chan studied Medicine at Cambridge before undertaking her basic paediatric training at Barts and the London Hospitals. During this time she undertook research studying the insulin-like growth factor-1 and growth hormone receptor gene in small for gestational age infants in Prof. Martin Savage and Prof.
United Nations: Human Rights
A school girl at the Sitara School in Kabul pushes her classmate, a double-leg land-mine amputee in a wheelchair. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted on 13 December 2006. UN Photo/Hassan Zakizada UN Bodies General Assembly Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) Documents, press releases, related links. UN Human Rights Council General Assembly resolution establishing the Council, latest news, meetings, events, membership.
Pete Speller
About Filming Taking on Tarmageddon in Alberta, Canada I am a film maker, journalist, activist and campaigner . I have built up considerable experience in using online and video technology for campaigning and activism, particularly with the group Students for a Free Tibet .
Amazing Pictures, Pollution in China
[QQ] October 14, 2009, the 30th annual awards ceremony of the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund took place at the Asia Society in New York City. Lu Guang (卢广) from People’s Republic of China won the $30,000 W.