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AllofMe Featured Customers is a world-leading family social nework. Its 50 million users create family trees, share family photos and organize their genealogical information online. has cooperated with AllofMe to leverage the AllofMe platform for helping users view and compare their family photos and events in a super-cool, fun-to-use, chronological timeline. Wibiya enables blogs to integrate the most exciting services, applications and widgets of their choice into their blog through customized web-based toolbars. Wibiya has cooperated with AllofMe to leverage the AllofMe platform for helping bloggers view thier blog archive over a timeline. Ynet, Israel's largest news portal, is using AllofMe's Timelines across its site, in the sports, encyclopedia, and news sections. Additionally, AllofMe developed for ynet a back-end system which enable instant timeline creation of any given topic, by searching their 10-years archive and filter out keywords or tags.

Beautiful web-based timeline software World Public Library Time Explorer Welcome to the Time Explorer, an application designed for analyzing how news changes over time. Time Explorer extends upon current time-based systems in many important ways. First, Time Explorer is designed to help users discover how entities such as people and locations associated with a query change over time. Second, by searching on time expressions extracted automatically from text, the application allows the user to explore not only how topics evolved the past, but also how they will continue to evolve in the future. Finally, Time Explorer is designed around an intuitive interface that allows users to interact with time and entities in a powerful way. The application is a showcase for the functionality of the LivingKnowledge project. Time Explorer currently works best on Firefox.

SoftSchools Teacher Resources The Harvard Classics: Download All 51 Volumes as Free eBooks Every revolutionary age produces its own kind of nostalgia. Faced with the enormous social and economic upheavals at the nineteenth century’s end, learned Victorians like Walter Pater, John Ruskin, and Matthew Arnold looked to High Church models and played the bishops of Western culture, with a monkish devotion to preserving and transmitting old texts and traditions and turning back to simpler ways of life. It was in 1909, the nadir of this milieu, before the advent of modernism and world war, that The Harvard Classics took shape. Compiled by Harvard’s president Charles W. Eliot and called at first Dr. What does the massive collection preserve? In its expert synergy of moral uplift and marketing, The Harvard Classics (find links to download them as free ebooks below) belong as much to Mark Twain’s bourgeois gilded age as to the pseudo-aristocratic age of Victoria—two sides of the same ocean, one might say. Looking for free, professionally-read audio books from W.H.

Google Adds Photos To Some Location-Based Search Results Google has announced a minor change to its search results page for some geographic-based queries. To fill in the white space that used to appear next to the small map, Google is now pulling in user-contributed photos from its Panoramio photo-sharing site. (Marketers: This is another reason to start using Panoramio if you’re not already.) It’s a bit unclear what kinds of searches will trigger the photos. It works for searches like seattle and paris, and yellowstone national park, but doesn’t show for searches like mount rushmore national park, grand canyon national park, or death valley national park. Related Topics: Channel: Local | Google: Maps & Local | Top News Time Graphics 13 Google Search Tricks That Make Life A Whole Lot Easier You think you know how to Google? You don’t know how to Google. Even the most seasoned Googler might not know every tip and trick available with just a few extra keystrokes in the search bar. Consider this your instructions manual for the world’s most popular search engine. The Scenario: You’re playing Scrabble and some dumb-dumb says, “Hey, ‘panacea’ isn’t a word!” The Solution: Just type “define:” followed by the word you want and Google will take you straight to the definition. The Scenario: You want to find out the origin of a quote, but Google keeps giving results that are nowhere close. The Solution: Put your search phrase inside quotation marks. The Scenario: You want bread recipes that don’t list “yeast” as an ingredient. The Solution: After you enter your desired search terms, add a minus sign (-) followed by the words you want excluded. The Scenario: You want to research digital cameras that fall within a certain price range. The Solution: First type in your term.

Explore Twitter's Evolution: 2006 to Present Fresh off celebrating its 5th birthday in March, Twitter isn't slowing down any time soon. In fact, April turned out to be just as eventful as any for the social media powerhouse. In April, Twitter introduced a new version of its homepage with a sleeker design and revamped pitch to potential users; expanded its Local Trends feature to 70 more cities and countries; and updated its search tool to make it easier to find new people to follow. Meanwhile, talks about Twitter's future intensified as CNN reported UberMedia — the company behind UberSocial, Echofon and Twidroyd — is "outlining plans" to develop a Twitter-like competitor. But Twitter users, have no fear — Mashable's Chris Taylor says Twitter "is a lot more robust — and unrepeatable — than it may seem." This month has gotten off to a fast start as Twitter was abuzz on May 1 with speculation and subsequent confirmation of terrorist Osama bin Laden's death. Busy two month so far, eh? Twitter's Abridged Timeline

Selon une étude, il est possible de tomber amoureux en répondant à ces 36 questions Deux inconnus, 36 questions, 45 minutes... Et vous avez la recette pour tomber amoureux en un rien de temps. C'est du moins ce qu'une étude a voulu démontrer. Il parait que le coup de foudre existe, que lorsque l'on est amoureux on le sait tout de suite... Prenez deux inconnus, placez-les face à face dans une salle, demandez leur de répondre à 36 questions en l'espace de 45 minutes puis laissez-les se regarder dans le blanc des yeux pendant quatre minutes et le tour est joué, c'est le big love. Une professeur sceptique tente l'expérience Alors, légende urbaine ou exactitude scientifique ? Si la personne qu'elle a choisi n'était pas un parfait inconnu, que le laboratoire s'est transformé en bar et que les deux tourtereaux ont dépassé le temps indiqué, ils ont néanmoins suivi le protocole. Une série de questions qui semble suivre une suite logique, avec des questions de plus en plus personnelles. Vous vous demandez certainement si lui et moi sommes tombés amoureux. Première série : 1. 13.

Une astuce pour changer de tonalité sans prendre de risque Un petit truc tout bête que j'utilise régulièrement pour changer de tonalité, c'est de conserver une note du dernier accord de la tonalité 1, et faire en sorte qu'on retrouve cette note dans le premier accord de la tonalité 2. Par exemple, je termine une phrase sur un accord de SOL majeur (notes sol-si-ré), je peux embrayer sur un accord de SIB majeur (notes sib-ré-fa) pour démarrer une autre phrase musicale. C'est la note ré qui est en commun. D'ailleurs, je me suis livré à un petit exercice : je joue du piano dans une tonalité de LA mineur et j'arrive sur un accord de Sol majeur (qui est très commun dans la tonalité de LA mineur). J'ai donc les doigts qui enfoncent les notes sol-si-ré... Et là je me dis comme ça : "tiens, aujourd'hui je suis de bonne humeur, je tenterais bien un changement de tonalité (soyons fou !)". Donc, en partant de l'accord de SOL majeur (notes sol-si-ré) :

Quelques exemples de répétition dans la musique de film. Je crois que c'est mon paternel qui m'a dit un jour :"Fiston, dans une musique les gens retiennent surtout l'intro, la fin et les répétitions" La répétition d'une phrase mélodique ou d'un rythme se fait de manière naturelle et spontanée dans le domaine de la chanson, mais je pense qu'elle est aussi largement employée dans la musique de film, de manière plus subtile (plus cachée, je dirais). Il arrive que les compositeurs dupliquent un petit passage de sorte qu'on puisse l'entendre 2 fois de suite. ça ne fait pas de mal à la structure du morceau et ça permet à l'auditeur de s'imprégner du thème. Alan Silvestri, champion du monde de la répétition par changement de tonalité par intervalle de 3 demis-tons vers le bas ou vers le haut ;-)
