Most popular VMWare Virtual Appliances for IT Administrators
Updated on September 23, 2009: Please review the updated list of virtual appliances. You may also be interested in reviewing virtual appliances for Security. The original post has been retained as a historical reference. The download links for most of the appliances in the following table no longer work since VMware has revamped the Appliance Marketplace. Thanks
Operación Cóndor en el Archivo del Terror
, – On the fifteenth anniversary of the discovery of the Archive of Terror in , the National Security Archive posted Spanish-language documents that reveal new details of how the Southern Cone military regimes collaborated in hunting down, interrogating, and disappearing hundreds of Latin Americans during the 1970s and 1980s. The collaboration, which became officially known as “Operation Condor,” drew on cross-border kidnapping, secret detention centers, torture, and disappearance of prisoners—rendition, interrogation and detention techniques that some human rights advocates are comparing to those used today in the Bush administration’s counterterrorism campaign. 9. Dora Marta Landi Gil, March 29, 1977 (Color PDF) (previously released) After the Department of Investigations in Asunción, Paraguay, captured an Argentine named Dora Marta Landi in March 1977, this police record was created.
The Use of Pastebin
Pastebin is a popular website for storing and sharing text. Though it’s mostly used for distributing legitimate data, it seems to be frequently used as a public repository of stolen information, such as network configuration details and authentication records. Various hacker groups and individuals seem to be using Pastebin to distribute their loot; the highest-profile publisher in the recent weeks was LulzSec. What’s Popular on Pastebin
[ English | German ] Protection of Privacy on the Internet JAP (called JonDo in the scope of the commercial JonDonym anonymous proxy servers - AN.ON remains free of charge) makes it possible to surf the internet anonymously and unobservably. Without Anonymization, every computer in the internet communicates using a traceable Address.
70 Things Every Computer Geek Should Know.
The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field.
IT Career Paths - A Guide to Credentials and Certifications
If you love technology, then the IT field can offer a number of opportunities and areas to specialize in. As you hone in on your skills, you can validate your knowledge by advancing up the certification ladder to achieve new career heights. Whatever path you choose, we'll help you figure out the right steps to take. The certification guides listed below illustrate the different certification paths from tech companies and organizations in core technical areas including storage, networking and security as well as project management, big data, mobility, and a lot more. From entry-level to architect credentials, each certification guide will walk you through the offerings from the sponsoring organization, whether it's a company, like Microsoft, or a vendor-neutral organization, like CompTIA. We also include information on certification requirements, training options, and advice on which credentials go well with others.
Plan Condor
Some history on Plan Condor (aka Operation Condor) can be found in articles in CounterPunch, Scoop, andDissidentVoice. The United States' determination to destroy opposition to its domination in Latin America stemmed from its defeat in Vietnam. The 1972 team in Paris helping Henry Kissinger negotiate with the Vietnamese included current US ambassador to the UN John Negroponte and Vernon Walters, later a key adviser to Ronald Reagan, then Army Attache at the U.S. Embassy in Paris. In those days George Bush Sr. was ambassador to the UN. 4.The same team helped set up in 1975 the Committee on the Present Danger, in which Paul Dundes Wolfowitz was a leading figure.
HBGary leaked emails
Type: Other > Other Files: Size: 4.71 GiB (5053424159 Bytes)
Crack/Keygen Sites That Are Safe To Use
Blindly searching the web for cracks & keygens is about as smart as using Limewire to search for antivirus software - something not well-advised. Undoubtedly and unfortunately, the number of crack sites with overtones of a malicious agenda heavily outweigh sites that just want to serve up the honest goods. Having said that, there actually are quite a few creditable ‘crack’ sites that won’t try to bombard you with full-screen popup ads, or commandeer your computer into a spam-loving Kraken or Srizbi Botnet army. We’ve done the hard work for you, and present a list of “clean” crack sites for all the latest warez.
25 Best SSH Commands / Tricks - StumbleUpon
OpenSSH is a FREE version of the SSH connectivity tools that technical users of the Internet rely on. Users of telnet, rlogin, and ftp may not realize that their password is transmitted across the Internet unencrypted, but it is. OpenSSH encrypts all traffic (including passwords) to effectively eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks.
Documents on cryptology, dual-use technologies, and national security and intelligence. Includes archives. by agnesdelmotte Mar 8