Open Atrium
Open Atrium is an intranet in a box that has group spaces to allow different teams to have their own conversations and collaboration. Open Atrium 2.x for Drupal 7 A new architecture for Drupal 7 that is built upon Panopoly and intended as an extensible collaboration framework.
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TAKTIK: Premium Protection System for the iPhone by Scott Wilson + MINIMAL
Thanks for stopping by! If you have missed our TAKTIK project on Kickstarter, please come visit us at LUNATIK, where you can pre-order TAKTIK. We hope you will continue to follow our progress!
Have more questions about BroadVision Clearvale? Contact Us BroadVision Clearvale Success Story "Finally, the platform would need to enable us to easily navigate across a network of both public and private groups..." Read more... Where Real Work Gets Done
Social Media Links
Look at the logos on the left. Chances are you recognize them all instantly? What I wanted to do was have a look at where the next big social media services are coming from and which ones are being embraced by the early adopters. If you read any of the big tech blogs or listen to what people are saying on Twitter it might feel like there is a new service or app launching every single hour of the day. The rewards to building a succesful social media service or app these days are so high and the barriers to entry so low that people all over the world are trying it on a daily basis. What I wanted to do with this post was really cut through the noise and pick 5 apps or services that have some serious traction and are being embraced by the early adopters.
Build a Social Intranet eXo Platform is an out-of-the-box social intranet solution. Rich collaboration features such as wikis, forums, calendars and documents are smartly integrated around activity streams, social networking and workspaces. It is carefully designed to instantly engage users. It runs within the trusted security of an enterprise platform and is highly customizable to adapt when your needs evolve. Learn More
4 Ways to Discover More About Your Audience With Social Media
Your audience is the lifeblood of your business, and knowing who they are and what they want is a key to success. What you might not know is that there’s a treasure trove of knowledge about your ideal audience hidden in the sea of followers and fans you’ve already attracted. Here are four ways you can learn more about your audience by looking at their social media life. #1: How Do They Describe Themselves? Look at their bios on their social networks.
The Buffer blog: productivity, life hacks, writing, user experience, customer happiness and business.
375 Flares 375 Flares × “Everything has been figured out, except how to live.” – Jean-Paul Sartre In the few years I’ve lived, there were countless mistakes I’ve made.
Welcome on the obm website OBM is a free messaging and collaboration software : email, shared agenda, contacts and more, on your desktop, smartphones and web browsers. After 10 years of development, it has evolved in its design into an extremely stable and modular architecture, using proven, stable and scalable open source technologies.