The Internet of Things: The Difference Engine: Chattering objects WHATEVER happened to that “internet of things” promised a decade or so ago? Everyday objects—from food, clothing, pills and pets to personal electronics, appliances and cars—were to be tagged with tiny radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips and linked together in an open network of objects that would communicate with one another as well as with their users. Running out of milk, losing the car keys or forgetting to take your medicine would be things of the past. The ability to locate anything, anywhere, at anytime, would cause crime to decrease, stores to remain stocked, healthcare to be improved, road accidents to be reduced, energy to be saved and waste to be eliminated.
Position Statement on the Use of RFID on Consumer Products Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an item-tagging technology with profound societal implications. Used improperly, RFID has the potential to jeopardize consumer privacy, reduce or eliminate purchasing anonymity, and threaten civil liberties. As organizations and individuals committed to the protection of privacy and civil liberties, we have come together to issue this statement on the deployment of RFID in the consumer environment. In the following pages, we describe the technology and its uses, define the risks, and discuss potential public policy approaches to mitigate the problems we raise. RFID tags are tiny computer chips connected to miniature antennae that can be affixed to physical objects.
Why 2013 will be the year of the Internet of Things - The Next Web - Iceweasel This year’s Le Web event in Paris was based around the them of the Internet of Things (IoT); the way in which objects around us will gather data and connect to controls or other machines via the Internet. The term Internet of Things was coined by the British technologist Kevin Ashton in 1999. Today, the huge amounts of data we are producing and the advances in mobile technologies are bringing the idea into our homes and daily lives. There are still issues that need to be bashed out of course, proprietary technologies and closed data systems don’t do much to help things along.
Demain, l'Internet des objets Internet est devenu en quelques années le vecteur principal de diffusion de l’information. Il s’est imposé dans de nombreux domaines comme une infrastructure essentielle pour les individus, les entreprises et les institutions. Toutefois, ses capacités d’extension, au-delà des seuls ordinateurs et terminaux mobiles, sont encore considérables car il devrait permettre l’interaction d’un nombre croissant d’objets entre eux ou avec nous-mêmes. Internet se transforme progressivement en un réseau étendu, appelé « Internet des objets », reliant plusieurs milliards d’êtres humains mais aussi des dizaines de milliards d’objets. Cette évolution soulève de nombreuses questions relatives à la croissance économique et aux mutations sociales qu’elle entraînera, mais aussi aux libertés individuelles et à la souveraineté nationale. Évolution du nombre d'objets connectés, par type (milliards)
Internet of Things - Architecture — IOT-A: Internet of Things Architecture The Architectural Reference Model (ARM), presented in this book by the members of the IoT-A project team makes it possible to connect vertically closed systems, architectures and application areas so as to create open interoperable systems and integrated environments and platforms. It constitutes a foundation from which software companies can capitalize on the benefits of developing consumer-oriented platforms including hardware, software and services. The material is structured in two parts. Part A introduces the general concepts developed for and applied in the ARM.
« Ne dites pas à mes chaussures que je suis humain… elles croient que je suis un smartphone » (L'Internet des Objets expliqué à mes vieux parents) L’Internet des Objets fut la star du Web’12, ou du Consumer Electronics Show 2013 ; dont les portes se sont refermées récemment, à Paris ou à Las Vegas. Il est essentiellement représenté par trois univers relativement cloisonnés. Le premier, orienté grand-public, est issu du monde de l’électronique : Withings, Hapilabs, Bubblino… sont autant de fabricants de dispositifs connectés aux réseaux sociaux ou à des applications sur Smartphones. Des éditeurs de plateformes collaboratives matérielles et logicielles permettent l’interconnexion de ces dispositifs afin d’en combiner les usages : Pachube (Cosm),, Arduino, ThingWorx , etc. forment le deuxième univers. L’idée consistant à appréhender la réalité par l’intermédiaire de capteurs ou de supports d’identifiants d’objets, afin d’agir en retour sur cette réalité, fut déjà théorisée dans les années 80 par divers intervenants (Pr Sakamura de l’université de Tokyo, Mark Weiser du laboratoire Ubicomp, etc.).
MakerSwarm- An Authoring Tool for the Internet of Everything by MAYA Design Inc. We’re obsessed with the Internet of Things—or really, we call it the “Internet of Everything.” We’ve created something revolutionary called MakerSwarm where you can link things together without ever writing one single line of code. All you have to do is use your imagination. MakerSwarm gives the power of X-ray vision to makers, so that they can "see" into any of the smart devices around them, from cell phones to TV sets, from connected thermostats to wearable sensors. It's about giving you visual tools so that you can grab hold of any capability within a device and drag and drop it into a new app that spans across a swarm of your friends' devices in a massive peer-to-peer community. MakerSwarm lowers the bar for building never-before-seen Internet of Everything experiences and unlocks the power of trillions of connected devices so that the best makers can earn rewards in the market of ideas.
2020 Predictions -Model for Future Innovations Filed under applications, consumer behavior, internet behavior, Internet of Things, location, mobile web, Predictions, purchase, Trend Spotting Behavior, trends, Trends Review Based on the concept of “The Internet of Things” TrendsSpotting has developed a working model for NPD. ”The ANA Model” was developed and implemented while working with tech companies, and allows us to predict future products and services. The “ANA Model” identifies the process where data is collected from reported “Actions”, then delivered to predefined monitor systems or professionals by “Notifications”. The outcomes can “Alert” people through a visualized system. Twine : Listen to your world, talk to the Internet by Supermechanical The Kickstarter is over, but if you missed out on backing us, not to worry. You can still join the thousands of other awesome Twine owners by pre-ordering on Supermechanical. It's the next best thing to being an original backer! Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.