Tables 17.1 Introduction to tables This chapter defines the processing model for tables in CSS. Part of this processing model is the layout. For the layout, this chapter introduces two algorithms; the first, the fixed table layout algorithm, is well-defined, but the second, the automatic table layout algorithm, is not fully defined by this specification. For the automatic table layout algorithm, some widely deployed implementations have achieved relatively close interoperability. Table layout can be used to represent tabular relationships between data. In a visual medium, CSS tables can also be used to achieve specific layouts. Authors may specify the visual formatting of a table as a rectangular grid of cells. Example(s): Here is a simple three-row, three-column table described in HTML 4: <TABLE><CAPTION>This is a simple 3x3 table</CAPTION><TR id="row1"><TH>Header 1 <TD>Cell 1 <TD>Cell 2 <TR id="row2"><TH>Header 2 <TD>Cell 3 <TD>Cell 4 <TR id="row3"><TH>Header 3 <TD>Cell 5 <TD>Cell 6 </TABLE> top
Web Education Community Group Thomas Park JavaScript Éloquent : Une introduction moderne à la programmation - Tutoriels, exemples et démos HTML5 et CSS3 Trouver son code couleur HTML ! Les couleurs avec du CSS sont les mêmes que celles avec un code HTML. Pour faire référence à d'autres couleurs, vous devrez utiliser le code hexadécimal. Vous pouvez choisir votre couleur en cliquant ici : <-- Cliquer ici Il existe des couleurs nommées normalisées : Les 16 couleurs de fondamentales ont un nom parlant (en anglais) normalisé : elles sont reconnus par tous les navigateurs : Il est possible d'avoir l'ensemble des couleurs de l'arc en ciel :) avec une sa valeur hexadecimal : Couleur HTML et CSS En CSS, est bien pratique de mettre en forme un contenu et le définir une seule fois dans sa feuille de style. color: Gestion de la couleur du texte letter-spacing: Espace entre les lettres text-align: Alignement d'un texte text-decoration: Habiblement d'un texte A savoir : Dans ce chapitre, la notion d'héritage est appliquée. Couleur d'un texte ou une phrase en CSS Espace entre les lettres Alignement d'un texte Ce texte est aligner à gauche.
CSS Font-Size: em vs. px vs. pt vs. percent | Kyle Schaeffer One of the most confusing aspects of CSS styling is the application of the font-size attribute for text scaling. In CSS, you’re given four different units by which you can measure the size of text as it’s displayed in the web browser. Which of these four units is best suited for the web? It’s a question that’s spawned a diverse variety of debate and criticism. Meet the Units “Ems” (em): The “em” is a scalable unit that is used in web document media. So, What’s the Difference? It’s easy to understand the difference between font-size units when you see them in action. As you can see, both the em and percent units get larger as the base font-size increases, but pixels and points do not. Em vs. We’ve decided that point and pixel units are not necessarily best suited for web documents, which leaves us with the em and percent units. When the client’s browser text size is set to “medium,” there is no difference between ems and percent. The Verdict The winner: percent (%). Addendum (January 2011)
DreamweaverExtension - zen-coding - Zen Coding extension for Adobe Dreamweaver - Set of plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding Zen Coding is an editor plugin for high-speed HTML, XML, XSL (or any other structured code format) coding and editing. The core of this plugin is a powerful abbreviation engine which allows you to expand expressions—similar to CSS selectors—into HTML code. You can find more information on project main page. To install it you need to download zip-package of the extension, unpack “Zen Coding v.0.7.5.mxp”. Note: if you just double click on file, there could be bugs if you have different languages of OS and editor. Source code is also included to package. After installing you need to restart Adobe Dreamweaver (or reload extensions) if it running. This extension contains all Zen Coding features which can be done using editor extension engine. But the good news is that since version 0.7 you can expand abbreviations with Tab button! Except Tab key you can expand abbreviations with “Ctrl+,” as before. As for other shortcuts I tried to assign non-used ones. CSS:@md @-moz-document url-prefix() {}
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