GET WHAT YOU WANT: October 2016
1.Eugene O'Neill National Playwrights ConferenceDeadline: October 14Website: Each year a community of professionals gathers in the serene setting of the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center in order to support playwrights and new works for the theater. The National Playwrights Conference strives to create a supportive environment that empowers playwrights to their own process and to experience the play with a professional company.
Transcript of Scriptnotes, Ep. 112
The original post for this episode can be found here. John August: Hello and welcome. My name is John August. Craig Mazin: My name is Craig Mazin.
Writing a Short Film
<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-10531" src=" alt="writing-a-short-film" width="700" height="477" srcset=" 700w, 300w, 610w, 636w, 320w, 239w" sizes="(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px" />It should be stated right now – a short film isn’t a condensed feature film and writers (and directors) who are reluctant to accept this invariably fail.The key to writing a short film is to keep it simple. It’s just not possible to squeeze a feature film idea or a particularly complex idea into a short format and do it justice. It’s a bit like trying to squeeze a novel into a short story – they’re different animals.Focus on One Core Idea <img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-10537" src=" alt="focus" width="200" height="200" srcset=" 200w, 239w, 55w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 200px) 100vw, 200px" />It is duly noted that there are numerous successful short films that are experimental or metaphorical or anti-structure.
CRAFT: Choosing Movie Genres - The Secret to Your Screenwriting Success
John Truby is Hollywood’s premier screenwriting instructor and story consultant. Over the last 25 years, more than 30,000 writers have attended his sold-out seminars around the world. For more information: Click to tweet this article to your friends and followers!
How to make an ebook (Kindle and epub conversion) DIY Book Design & Formatting Templates
Above is a video explaining the basics of ebook publishing, formatting and conversion. The video below will show you how to convert from Word (.docx) to epub and mobi formats with my free ebook conversion tool. And this video will teach you how to edit your epub file with Sigil That's the simplest process, which I recommend for beginners. But I'll start adding individual videos here for each separate method of making an ebook (From InDesign, through Scrivener or Jutoh, etc); I plan to have about 25 of them.
The action world is full of memorable one-liners. Gangster films have sinister mobsters and ruthless hoodlums. Dramas are all about serious realism while screwball comedies can get away with fart jokes. Adventure films have exotic locales, but if you’re writing a western, you better have dusty towns and six-shooters. Science fiction scores with aliens and futuristic technology.
Places to submit your screenplay
So, you’ve finished your screenplay. You’ve read all the books, checked out all the advice online and drafted, redrafted, started from scratch and drafted again. It’s been in a drawer for two months so you can look upon it with fresh eyes and been drafted yet again. You have slaved away for days, weeks, months, or even years on end and now, your opus, your crowning achievement, is finally finished. So, what do you do next? Well, one option is to simply sit and wait for the world to discover your genius, all the while lamenting that these philistines and ingrates do not appreciate you in your own time.
Screenwriting Tips: How to Approach Genre as You Begin Your Script
A screenplay is a puzzle made up of pieces you cut yourself that you fit together to form a picture you make up as you go. And if a screenplay is a puzzle, think of genre as the box it came in. It has to be accommodating and accurate to the structure and picture of the story, otherwise, you make it hard on your audience.
How to Write a Script Outline
Plot is THE driving force of your screenplay, so it’s essential that you spend time on your plotting skills when you’re writing a script outline. You can create the most interesting character in the world, but without an equally interesting plot, the audience will not want to spend 90-120 minutes with that person. For example, many people find Charlie Sheen’s current 2011 self-destructive spiral interesting to read and gossip about. But would they want to spend an hour and a half of their lives watching him swill alcohol, do drugs, and oogle women? I think not. But give Charlie boy a goal–perhaps to rejoin TWO & A HALF MEN, the successful sitcom he was kicked off of–while he overcomes his addiction to alcohol, drugs, & women…
This page explain more about what a screenplay is and how to write it. This format is used more for fiction. by escuelasdepaz Nov 23