Animation for kids - Create animation online with FluxTime Studio
Create an animation online with AnimateStar
ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year.
JellyCam - Stop Motion
Automatoon - Create Animations for the Web
Automatoon is a free service for creating simple to complex animations that you can reuse anywhere on the web. There are three basic steps to using Automatoon. First, you draw and color your images. Second, you break apart each element of your drawing. And third, you specify the animation action for each part of your drawing. For example, when I made a simple animation of a face I started by drawing the face then separating the elements and finally specified the sequence in which I wanted the face to be reassembled as an animation.
Serve up Tasty Screen Videos with your iPad Our first experimental app helps you create bite-sized video nuggets everyone can learn from. This recordable whiteboard is just the canvas you need to jot your ideas down and share them – with the world, or just a friend or two. Helpful to anyone, but developed with teachers and students in mind, ScreenChomp records your touchscreen interactions and audio so you can…
The Whiteboard Blog : Stop Motion Filming with JellyCam The Whiteboard Blog
JellyCam is a simple, free piece of software to allow you to make stop motion videos using a webcam. You can download JellyCam for free here. As a complete beginner, I found it very easy to use.
What is ScratchEd? Launched in July 2009, ScratchEd is an online community where Scratch educators share stories, exchange resources, ask questions, and find people. Since its launch, more than 7500 educators from all around the world have joined the community, sharing hundreds of resources and engaging in thousands of discussions. Join the ScratchEd community for free at How can I learn more about what educators are doing with Scratch – and how I might use it? Not sure what might be possible with Scratch?
DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS: Tools and Technologies for Effective Classrooms
Classrooms should be fundamentally thoughtful places, environments where students are taught a wide range of higher order conceptual skills to complement the traditional basics of reading, writing, and computation. ~ Terry Roberts, Director of the National Paideia Center Learning is the Adventure of What Can Be How do you think your students would take to becoming an animation movie producer and director? Can you think of ways in which your students could use the animation creator to focus on their ideas? What kind of “higher order conceptual skills” will the students use to show they understand what you want them to learn?
Storytelling with Scratch
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Capzles – digital storytelling and presentation tool
Capzles is an interesting digital storytelling tool that allows users to tell a story using pictures, video clips, audio tracks and text. Users are given the ability to place this media, called “moments”, together chronologically in a timeline. Creating a “Capzle” is easy via the website. You can upload photographs and videos or blog directly onto the site.
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